On 30 October 2021, nasirat from the north of the United Kingdom were given the opportunity to meet with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa in a virtual meeting.
Huzooraa conveyed his salaam and the mulaqat commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran by Fatiha Sahiba, followed by its English translation. Atiya Amini Sahiba recited an Urdu poem.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa then turned to Mateen Bhatti Sahiba, Secretary Nasirat UK, and asked what the programme was. She replied that the nasirat had some questions they wished to ask Huzooraa.
The first to ask a question was Areesha from Glasgow. She said that depression and anxiety were becoming common these days and requested Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa for guidance in this regard and his views on mental health.
Huzooraa said:
“It is because we [as a society] are involved in materialistic things. The preference order of our [society’s] desires and wishes has changed. Instead of seeking Allah’s love and Allah’s closeness, we are running after worldly things. This is the main cause of it. And when your desires are not fulfilled, or you cannot get what you want, then you become frustrated, and then that frustration leads to anxiety. So, this is why Allah Almighty has said, in the Holy Quran:
اَلَا بِذِكۡرِ اللّٰهِ تَطۡمَئِنُّ الۡقُلُوۡبُ
[“Aye! It is in the remembrance of Allah that hearts can find comfort.” (Surah al-Ra‘d Ch.13: V.29)]
“That is, the remembrance of Allah is the best way for the satisfaction of your heart. So, if you remember Allah whenever you have any problem – you bow before Allah, you offer your five daily prayers fervently, sincerely – then Allah will give comfort and satisfy your heart. And resultantly you will feel comfortable and better. Most of the patients, nowadays, who are having anxiety problems are suffering because they are too much inclined towards worldly things. So, if you try to get closer to Allah Almighty, then at least 80% of your anxiety will finish”.
Inarah from Sheffield said that non-Ahmadi Muslims in her school had told her that listening to songs was haram in Islam. She asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa what his view on this issue was and if there were any verses of the Holy Quran or any ahadith regarding this topic.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa replied:
“It is not haram; it is just a wastage of time. As far as some musical instruments are concerned, and drumming is concerned, and some other instruments, they used to be used during the time of the Holy Prophetsa. And even on one occasion, the Holy Prophetsa asked Hazrat Aishara, when she was sitting with her friends – or I think it was on an occasion when a girl’s marriage was to be celebrated – and the Holy Prophetsa asked, when the marriage was going to be performed, to use some musical instruments because that girl was from that tribe where these things were very common. So, this is why, in honouring the sentiments of that girl, the Holy Prophetsa asked Hazrat Aishara even to ask some girls to use those musical instruments. But there are some instruments which are prohibited, or even it is prohibited because nowadays, we [as a society] are using musical instruments at a time when it incites one to dance at the same time, and that is prohibited. Dancing is prohibited. So, using drums and some other instruments of that sort are not prohibited, but at the same time you should also remember that it is a wastage of time”.
Huzooraa said that instead of wasting one’s time on music, it was better to read a book and seek knowledge or involve oneself in something that was beneficial for human beings.
With regard to music, Huzooraa further said, “Listening to the voice of na-mehram [a person whom a Muslim is allowed to marry] is prohibited, and when you are listening to songs – and those songs which incite you emotionally – they are [prohibited], especially for men. Men have been asked to not listen to the voice of women when they are singing and that can take one to the wrong path or one feels something wrong about those women or girls who are singing. That is prohibited. That is the logic behind it, otherwise only [listening to] music is not [prohibited]”.
Maimoona Asifa from Bradford North asked Huzooraa if it was permissible to offer Salat with painted nails.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa answered:
“Yes, what is the harm in it? […] When you use nail polish, it seals your nail. And when you perform wudhu [ablution], it is to clean yourself. And when your nails are painted with nail polish, then there is no space [between the nail and the applied polish] in it and no dirt or any filth can go inside […] the only thing which the Holy Prophetsa has said is that you should cut your nails”.
Next, Fatima Sahiba had the opportunity to ask a question. She said that religion stopped one from doing bad and encouraged one to do good, but one could also do good deeds and stop oneself from doing bad things without religion. She asked Huzooraa what the need for religion was.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa answered:
“You see, as far as morals are concerned, an atheist can have good morals. He can have the quality of speaking the truth all the time, whereas some believers or the followers of religion do not speak the truth. They are sometimes liars. So, in that way, that atheist is better than those believers. But at the same time, these atheists believe that all good morals came to this world, or were introduced to humanity, through messengers of God, through the Prophets. So, they admit that good morals were given to us by prophets. So, that shows that it is religion that has brought good morals in this world before human beings.
“Now, the question is, if a non-believer or an atheist who does not believe in Allah Almighty has good morals and does good deeds, why should we believe in religion? Allah Almighty says that this life, this worldly life, is not the only life. There is life after death. And that is what all the Prophets told us that after this life, there is an eternal life. Allah Almighty says when you do good deeds in this world, you are performing your duties, discharging your duties you owe to your Creator, Allah Almighty, and you are discharging your duties you owe to your fellow human beings, then Allah Almighty will reward you in the Hereafter. This is why we say that not only good morals, but a true believer – a follower of the religion – should also discharge his duties towards Allah Almighty”.
Huzooraa explained that religion was there to benefit mankind. Huzooraa added that an atheist received their reward in this world; however, a believer “gets his reward here, and in the Hereafter. That is the benefit of following religion.”
Romana from Edinburgh Jamaat said that she was covering terrorism in her social studies class and said that a lot of the time, terrorism was associated with Islam. She asked Huzooraa how one could explain that terrorism did not originate from religion, but mostly from political agendas.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa answered:
“If you read the book of my addresses, [World Crisis and the] Pathway to Peace, it will give you the answer. It has covered all the answers. And you can give that book to your teachers, and keep that book in your school library, and ask your fellow students to read it. And if you read it yourself, you will also get the answer.
“You see, Islamic teachings have nothing to do with terrorism. Allah Almighty says very clearly, categorically, in the Holy Quran that the killing of a person is akin to killing the whole of mankind; and saving a life of one person is as if you have saved the life of the whole of mankind. Then, the Holy Quran says that killing a person, without reason, will take you to Hell. The Holy Quran says killing a believer will lead you to Hell”.
Madiha from Sheffield asked Huzooraa which field Ahmadi girls should go into to best serve the Jamaat and humanity.
Speaking with her, Huzooraa asked, “What is your opinion?”, to which she responded by saying medicine. Huzooraa then said, “Then the first preference should be in medicine; second, teaching; third, human rights law; fourth, engineering. Then, with regard to this present-day problem, global warming. So, you can study this subject as well. Any field which is beneficial for human beings, Ahmadi girls should follow that field. So, for Waqf-e-Nau girls, the first preference should be medicine, teaching. That is what I prefer. Otherwise, there are so many fields which are beneficial for human beings that can be taken up by Ahmadi girls as well.”
Sabah from Bradford North asked how girls could become more like Syed Taalay Ahmed Shaheed.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“You [should] work hard for the cause of the Jamaat, spread the message of Allah Almighty, show your example as a good believer and good Ahmadi Muslim girl so that people see you and say that these are the girls who are a true portrayal of the Islamic teaching. So, as far as shahadat is concerned, Allah knows better whom He is going to give this status to. But at least we should perform our duty by practising the Islamic teaching and portraying ourselves as good believers and good Muslims.”
Mahnoor of Bolton said that the Holy Quran had stated that Allah spoke and connected with Prophets and holy people through means of dialogue, visions and angels. She asked Huzooraa how he connected with Allah.
Huzooraa smiled and said:
“You have already explained it. Sometimes, some vision; sometimes in a dream, I can see how Allah Almighty wants me to do something, and some signs are there. There are not always clear-cut dreams. Sometimes, when I am praying, during the prayer, something comes into my mind about some issue, some problem; and then, when I do according to that, the solution also comes at the same time, and I know that this is from Allah Almighty. Then, whenever I act according to that, then the work is beautifully done, and satisfactory results come. So, this is how Allah guides; sometimes through dreams and sometimes during prayers, some strong feeling comes to my mind and that ‘this is the solution, and this should be solved in this way.’”
Meerab from Glasgow asked Huzooraa what the Jews believed regarding the ascension of Prophet Jesusas, as believed by Christians and non-Ahmadi Muslims.
Huzooraa said:
“They do not believe what the Christians believe […] They say that Elia [Elijah] was to come before Jesus Christ, and it is also the Jewish belief that Elia ascended to Heaven, and he will return. And after he comes from Heaven, then they will believe that Jesus has come. But now they say since that prophet [Elijah] has not come, they do not believe that Jesus is the right person”.
Huzooraa explained that this was similar to how the Muslims were today who awaited the physical descent of Prophet Jesusas and mocked and ridiculed Hazrat Ahmadas.
Zoya asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa when Allah would connect human life to extraterrestrial species and how the world would react to this meeting.
Huzooraa said when and if it happened, the religion, even at that time, would be Islam, as long as this Earth is in the universe.
Atiya Amini was next to ask a question. Seeing her, Huzooraa asked if she was the daughter of Nadeem Amini Sahib; to which she replied in the affirmative. She asked how one could tell the difference between a dream from Allah and a normal dream.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa explained:
“Every person sees a dream during the night; if you have sound sleep, at least four or five dreams […] If the dream is from Allah, it has its own majesty. Then, you feel in your heart that it is from Allah, and it has some meaning”.
Maheen from Manchester West asked how many battles took place between the Muslims and the non-Muslims during the time of the Holy Prophetsa.

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa answered:
“There are quite a number of battles – Battle of Badr, Battle of Uhud, Battle of Ahzab and the Battle of Hunain. Even I have explained in my khutbahs [sermons] there were quite a number of battles. Although, there were some battles where Muslims had to bear great loss, ultimately they were victorious because it was the promise of Allah Almighty that ‘whenever you are fighting in the cause of Allah, you will win’”.
Shamama from Huddersfield North asked which career paths Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa did not recommend for women to take.
Huzoor replied:
“Music, sports, police, army […] otherwise all other careers are good for women. Girls should choose those careers – even boys – which are useful for human beings, for humanity”.
Muneeba from Bradford North asked Huzooraa why one who was under the age of 15 should not fast during Ramadan.
Huzooraa explained:
“This age is the age of your nourishment, your growth. So, this is why it is said it is not obligatory on you to keep fasts regularly for 30 days; but off and on, you can keep fasts”.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa explained that it was not obligatory for a person of 15 years of age to fast; however, when one reached the age of maturity and was well grown and strong enough, fasting becomes obligatory.
Next, Hiba from Bolton asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa what a member of Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya should do if one of her parents was taking her away from the teachings of Islam Ahmadiyyat.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said that the person would have to decide whether she wanted to follow her religion or the order of her parents.
“If you believe in Allah Almighty and have firm faith in Allah, then He says that you can tell your parents that ‘I will follow the teaching of my religion and whatever Allah Almighty says to me’”.
Sabeekah from Glasgow Jamaat asked Huzooraa how one could create a balance between need and want.
Huzooraa explained:
“You don’t know your preferences? What do you truly need? You truly need some clothing to cover yourself. If your parents are well-off, you can ask them to get you good clothing. If they are well-off, they can get you good food […] there should be contentment in your heart”.
Huzooraa further explained that if one “demands something which is beyond the capacity of the parents, then that is wrong.”
Aliya from Sheffield asked that when reciting Durood Sharif upon passing by the grave of a Muslim, where other non-Muslims were buried, did non-Muslims also benefit from the durood recited?
Huzooraa said:
“If it does not benefit them, at least it will benefit you. Allah Almighty will return that Durood Sharif to you for your benefit”.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa further said that “reciting Durood Sharif is always beneficial.”
In the end, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said, “It seems the girls today were very much prepared. They are from Manchester, right? They are always like this.”
After this, Huzooraa conveyed his salaam and the meeting drew to a close.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)