On 24 January 2021, the national amila of Lajna Imaillah Ghana met with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa in an inspirational meeting wherein Huzooraa outlined his expectations of Ghanaian Lajna.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa initiated the meeting with dua.

Huzooraa asked Nabila Naima Wahab Sahiba, General Secretary about the number of majalis in Ghana, to which she reported that there were 162 majalis. Huzooraa said to ensure every majlis sent their report and emphasised for all the majalis to remain active.
Muavina Sadr and Secretary Wasiyyat, Maryam Bentu Sahiba presented her report next. Huzooraa asked Maryam Sahiba various questions about the department and what the total tajnid of Lajna Imaillah Ghana was.
Huzooraa was told the total number of Ahmadi Muslim women in Ghana was 30,000.
In response, Huzooraa said:
“Then your musiyat [members of the Wasiyyat] should not be less than 15,000.”
Maryam Sahiba reported that by the grace of Allah, many members had applied and are waiting for approval.
Zainab Abdus-Salam Sahiba, Headmistress of the TI Ahmadiyya High School in Ghana and honourary member of the amila of Lajna Imaillah Ghana reported next.
Huzooraa enquired of Zainab Sahiba about the school and the total number of students.
Zainab Sahiba reported that 2,434 students currently studied at the Ahmadiyya Senior High School.
Hearing this, Huzooraa remarked, “Masha-Allah, very flourishing”.
Speaking with Secretary Tabligh, Fadila Muhammad Sahiba, Huzooraa noted that her assignment was “very important” and said, “You should try to fix some target [for yourselves] which is challenging, not an easy target … Make a comprehensive and detailed programme to see how can we achieve this target.”

Huzooraa then asked how many Lajna members were participating in tabligh activities and said that at least 3,000 Lajna members – out of the 30,000 – “should be active da‘i ilallah [callers towards God] – those who are doing tabligh actively.”
Secretary Tarbiyat for new converts, Haja Farooq Sahiba reported to Huzooraa next.
Regarding the new converts department, Huzooraa emphasised that all the records of new converts in the last three years should be properly logged and secretary tarbiyat for new converts should personally endeavour to contact every single convert or at least respective local secretaries of new converts should be in contact with them.
Secretary Ziafat, Maryam Segu Sahiba was asked by Huzooraa if any food had been prepared for the amila members that day. During this light-hearted conversation, Huzooraa also began listing various Ghanaian cuisines. Huzooraa was pleased to hear that jollof rice and soup had been prepared for the amila members.
Secretary Umur-e-Talibat, Rahmat Ayub Sahiba reported next to Huzooraa and upon being asked, reported that there were 208 university-going Ahmadi women students, but this number was due to change as records were still being received and verified.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked secretary sehat-e-jismani if she took part in any sports and in a light-hearted comment, said that preparing cuisines like fufu, kenkey and banku were also a form of good exercise which Lajna members take part in. The Lajna members enjoyed this observation of Huzooraa and confirmed this was certainly the case.
Secretary sehat-e-jismani also reported on various initiatives in place to promote exercise amongst Ghanaian Ahmadi Muslim women.
Later, Huzooraa advised naib secretary sehat-e-jismani that she should regularly participate in sports herself so that she could be an example for others.
Advising Secretary Nasirat, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“Try to complete your tajnid from the grass-root level. Ask your respective secretary Nasirat to go door-to-door in their majalis and complete their Nasirat list. I think you will find more Nasirat than you have at present on your list.”
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked Sara Saeed Sahiba, Secretary Talim to present a summary of her annual plan.
Sara Sahiba said that they had planned a syllabus and were aiming to increase participation of Lajna in talim classes.
Huzooraa asked if the department had suggested any book for Lajna to study during the year and how many members were reading it.
Sara Sahiba reported the recommended book was Noah’s Ark and 1,547 members were currently reading it.
Huzooraa then asked secretary ishaat about any Lajna magazines that were being published. She reported that the 38th annual Khadija magazine was now published and the department was currently compiling the first Nasirat magazine.
Huzooraa asked her to send him a copy of the Khadija magazine.
Addressing Katura Ibrahim Sahiba, Secretary Tahrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa commended the efforts of Lajna Imaillah Ghana towards these funds and after hearing the contribution of Lajna in the last year, Huzooraa said, “Masha-Allah. This is why, because of Lajna, Ghana has come in the list of the top 10 contributors”.

Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked secretary tarbiyat for her annual plan. She reported that they had designed a syllabus and aimed for 90% of Lajna members to be able to read the Arabic text of the Holy Quran, its translation and read the Quran daily.
She also reported that there were daily flyers sent to Jamaat members and door-to-door meet-and-greets to enable the tarbiyat of members. Secretary tarbiyat said efforts were being made to ensure all Lajna members improved their purdah.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa appreciated these efforts and added, “And also make sure that 100% of your Lajna members are offering the five daily prayers.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa then asked various questions to sadr Lajna Imaillah Ghana, including how she carried out the reporting system and whether she goes through the reports personally.
Sadr Sahiba said that each majlis sends their report and she, along with her amila members, goes through the reports and sends constructive feedback to improve their performance.
Huzooraa then opened the floor to questions.
The first question asked was what Huzoor’s expectations were for Lajna Imaillah Ghana regarding their contribution towards Ahmadiyyat.
In response, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said:
“My expectations are that 100% of your Lajna members should be regular in offering five daily prayers. My expectation from you is that 100% of your Lajna members recite the Holy Quran daily. My expectation is that at least 50% of your Lajna members involve themselves in preaching and tabligh activities. My expectation is that 100% of your Lajna members study some book of the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him.
“My expectation is that all the Lajna members who are married should train and bring up their children in a way that they become good Ahmadis. My expectation is that all the Nasirat members are as regular in offering prayers as Lajna and recite the Holy Quran and try to learn religious, Islamic knowledge and also try to learn what the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, expected from us – and that is to increase our level of piety and righteousness.
“My expectation is that all the Lajna members should follow the motto of ‘Modesty is part of your faith’ … These are some of the expectations.
“If you achieve this, then you will be one of the best Lajnas of the world. And I hope that Ghana Lajna, if they try, are among one of the best Lajnas of the world.”
A question was asked how the Jamaat should pray for the third world war to be averted and to be protected from the ill effects of the coronavirus.
Huzooraa said:
“First, reform yourself and try to follow the teachings given to us and the commandments given to us in the Holy Quran and try to be a good Muslim. And if we are following the teachings of Islam and then, at the same time, praying in our five daily prayers, while in prostration, we should pray fervently to Allah the Almighty that Allah saves us from the torment of the world war and also saves us from the ill effects of this coronavirus and also saves us from all bad things, so that the world becomes a place of peace for us.
“But it cannot be achieved until we try to reform ourselves; we try to change ourselves; we try to follow all the commandments of the Holy Quran given to us by Allah the Almighty. So, in this way, if we reform ourselves, insha-Allah, Allah the Almighty will remove all the difficulties and will make this world a peaceful place to live, like a heaven. Allah the Almighty even says in the Holy Quran that you can develop and create Paradise on this earth and that can only be achieved when you are following Allah the Almighty’s commandments.”
Another Lajna member reported to Huzooraa about an MTA programme she participates in and said the response from non-Ahmadis was very positive.
Huzooraa asked the member what the feedback was on the new MTA Ghana channel and whether positive feedback was received?
She reported that lots of non-Ahmadis tune in and make a lot of phone calls to enquire about more and overall, the feedback was very positive with lots of people engaging with the new channel.
A question was asked regarding the literacy of Lajna members and how the umur-e-talibat secretary could improve literacy. Huzooraa responded by saying:
“The nasirat secretary should make it a point that all their nasirat members at least complete their middle school … And when they enter Lajna Imaillah, then secretary umur-e-talibat should make it a point to try and find out the talent. If your students are talented, then they should be given the opportunity to have a better and higher education to go to university. And if, because of some financial restraints and some other problems, they cannot do it, then the Jamaat should be informed of it and we should not waste such talent.
“Apart from that, you should also make it a point to reflect on how, according to your condition, you can improve the literacy rate? You know your situation better than me. So, make a plan and whatever plan you make, send it to me for approval. And then, if there is any financial help needed in this plan, then I can ask your sadr Lajna or even the Jamaat to help you. But the plan should be very much practical and try to improve the level of education of your members.”
Sadr Lajna took the opportunity to thank Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa for granting them the meeting and for his kind letters sent to Lajna Imaillah Ghana full of prayers and valuable guidance.
Sadr Sahiba said she shared the contents of those letters with other amila members who were then motivated even more.
At the end of the meeting, Huzooraa said:
“I am happy I have seen you. May Allah the Almighty bless you and let you achieve all those expectations which I have explained just now. Allah bless you all.”
Huzooraa then conveyed salaam to everyone and the meeting ended.
MashaAllah. May Allah enable us all in africa to emulate lajna imaillah Ghana and follow the guidelines given by our beloved Huzoor. Ameen.
Long live our Belived Huzoor and lajna Ghana zindabaad