As we step into Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar, it is a poignant moment for reflection, not just for Ahmadis but for all Muslims. While globally, many greet the Gregorian New Year with extravagant celebrations, it is profoundly unfortunate that the Islamic New Year is often overshadowed by discord within the ummah. Both scenarios starkly contrast with the principles our Faith upholds. The divergence from the core values of peace and unity, so central to Islam, raises a fundamental question: Why do adherents of a Faith so deeply rooted in peace commence their year with unrest?
The historical schisms that have led to centuries of discord among Muslims have only served to weaken our unity. Hence, this month should serve as a reminder that we must strive for unity. As Ahmadis, our observance of Muharram is not marked by mourning processions but is a period for deep contemplation on the consequences of division and the critical need for unity.
Reflecting on the teachings of our master, the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, the Chosen One, we recall his prophecy of a period of spiritual darkness following the early period of Islam. But importantly, he also foretold the re-establishment of Khilafat on the precepts of prophethood – a beacon of hope for unity.
The ongoing fulfilment of these prophecies, as seen in the signs described in the Holy Quran and Hadith, mandates Muslims to seek the True Servant of the Holy Prophetsa, who was to guide us towards reconciliation and peace. In the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, we recognise that Imam in Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian, who was commissioned by Allah the Almighty to revive Islam and resolve these disputes. Under his guidance, we are called to regard Muharram as a time to express love and affection towards the Holy Prophetsa, his physical and spiritual progeny (aal) and his ummah in general. Once, the Promised Messiahas eloquently expressed his admiration for Hazrat Imam Hussainra, highlighting his purity, piety, and divine love – qualities that each of us should aspire to reflect – in the following words:
“Hussainra was pure and undoubtedly among those chosen ones whom God Almighty cleanses with His own Hand and fills with His love. Undoubtedly, he is among the chiefs of Paradise, and harbouring even an iota of malice against him leads to the deprivation of faith. The piety, divine love, patience, steadfastness, saintliness, and worship [exhibited] by this Imam are exemplary for us. We are the followers of the guidance granted to this innocent and immaculate being. Doomed is the heart that is his enemy, and successful is the heart that manifests his love in action, embodying his faith, morals, bravery, piety, steadfastness, and divine love as perfectly as a clear mirror reflects a beautiful person. These individuals are hidden from the world’s eyes. Who knows their worth except those who are from among them! The world cannot recognise them because they are far removed from it. This was the reason for Hussain’sra martyrdom because he was not recognised. During his time, whom else did the world love who was pure and chosen, so that it might also love Hussainra? Therefore, it is an extreme misfortune and injustice to belittle Hussainra, and anyone who disparages Hussainra or any of the esteemed Imams among the purified leaders, or brings a word of disdain against them on their tongue, indeed wastes their faith, for Allah becomes the enemy of one who is an enemy to His chosen and beloved.” (Majmu‘ah-e-Ishtiharat, Vol. 3, pp. 544-546, Ishtihar No. 270)
During these days, it is also important to abundantly recite durood and send salutations upon the Holy Prophetsa and his progeny. As Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa instructed in a recent sermon, this practice should be imbued with intentions for the continued elevation of the Holy Prophet’ssa status and the success of his divine message. He said:
“[Durood] should be recited with the intention that Allah the Almighty may continue elevating the status and rank of the Holy Prophetsa; that He may continue granting his message success and victory; that He may make his Divine Law lasting and grant it supremacy; that we may benefit from the prayers he made for his ummah [nation] and that Allah the Almighty may save this ummah from all forms of deterioration.” (Friday Sermon, 28 July 2023, Al Hakam, Issue 284, 25 August 2023, pp. 14-16)
As we reflect during this sacred month, may Allah grant wisdom to the Muslim ummah and guide them to recognise and follow the Imamas of the Age, aligning our actions with the profound teachings of our Faith that champion peace and unity above all. Amin.