Yuneeb Niazi, Mohtamim Ishaat, MKA Sweden
Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Sweden held its 38th annual ijtema at the Mahmood Mosque in Malmö from 17 to 19 June 2022.
The inauguration session began on the evening of 17June. Malik Hisham Ahmad Sahib, Nazim-e-Ala of the ijtema welcomed khuddam who had convened from all over the country. This session was chaired by Agha Yahya Khan Sahib, missionary-in-charge Sweden. In his speech, he highlighted the importance for khuddam to be ever ready to defend Islam.
This was followed by academic competitions.
On the second day, sports competitions were held at Lomma playground located some miles outside of Malmö.
After the Isha prayer, a Talqeen-e-Amal session was held which was presided over by Sadr MKA Sweden, Kashif Mahmood Virk Sahib. The topic of the talk was the purpose of life and how to establish a strong relationship with Allah.
On the final day, the remaining academic competitions were held. The final session was chaired by Wasim Ahmad Zaffar Sahib, Amir Jamaat Sweden. In his address, he spoke about the importance of healthy competition and collaboration among khuddam. This session was broadcasted live on YouTube.
During the ijtema, a fundraising campaign was held by the Khidmat-e-Khalq department. It was held as a competition between five different majalis of Sweden. MKA Sweden collected more than 40,000 Swedish kronor and Luleå majlis collected the most.
This year, MKA Sweden published the Swedish translation of a biography of the Promised Messiahas, written by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra. This book was presented to the khuddam and atfal attending the ijtema alongside the latest issue of MKA Sweden’s magazine, Granova.
The department of Sanat-o-Tijarat arranged a stall selling refreshments to attendees.
This year, the Alam-e-Inami was awarded to majlis Malmö for khuddam, and majlis Stockholm for atfal.
The total attendance of the ijtema was 156 khuddam, 55 atfal and 18 guests.