Tawheed Joolfoo, Mauritius Correspondent
Everything started back on 25 October 2020, during the virtual mulaqat of Mauritius Jamaat’s national amila, in which Huzooraa directed Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya to seek a meeting separately with him and to come out of the national amila’s shadow so that Khuddam may flourish.

As directed, a virtual mulaqat was requested, which was approved by Huzooraa to be held on 27 February 2021.
As soon as confirmation was received, a campaign started especially with regard to congregational prayers, as Huzooraa has particular concerns regarding attendance for prayers.
A wide-scale survey about attendance in Salat, knowledge of Salat’s translation, listening to Friday Sermon, marital status, employment status and other such information of MKA Mauritius was carried out.
The auspicious event took place in the Darus Salaam Mosque. Arrangements were tested three hours prior to the live meeting. After the test call, the MTA Chairman in Mauritius, Noor Mohammad Sahib, briefed amila members.
Following the meeting, every participant felt the drive to do better; some of their impressions are as follows:
Shameem Jamal Ahmad Sahib, Sadr MKA Mauritius, said:
“Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah! Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said in one of his couplets that the Jamaat’s progress would always continue, whatever difficulties we might face. The pandemic has ushered the Jamaat into a new era, one where we are getting instructions first-hand from Khalifatul Masih.
“I am convinced that if we understand and implement Huzoor’saa guidance to the letter, this mulaqat will certainly be a turning point for the Khuddam organisation as a whole. What a blessed meeting! The radiance of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa fills our hearts with happiness and motivates us to do much, much more.”
Umar Ahmad Sooltangos Sahib, Naib Sadr and Mohtamim Tarbiyat, said:
“Many Ahmadis know that meeting with beloved Huzooraa is an awe-inspiring experience, to say the least. The fact that a meeting with him occurs over the Internet while he is 10,000 kilometres away does not change that experience one bit. But beyond the awe, there is no feeling in the world that comes close to the love one feels by simply laying eyes on beloved Huzooraa.
“Today, this is what I felt intensely as soon as Huzooraa started to address me. A deep love and profound respect, a desire to obey every command of this true man of God. It felt like time had stopped and every second was the most important moment of our lives.
“I realised that today’s meeting was about duty, but the lasting impression on me was my love for Huzooraa has increased. May Allah always protect my beloved Khalifa.”
Shamsher Khudurun Sahib, Mohtamim Mal, said:
“Huzoor’saa precious guidance on tarbiyat issues helped us and we understood how to prepare the younger generation. May Allah bless this mulaqat and help us achieve the expectations expressed by beloved Huzooraa.”
Mohsin Ramjeet Sahib, Mohtamim Khidmat-e-Khalq, said:
“Despite Huzooraa not physically being present amongst us, it was a huge pleasure having His Holiness communicating with us live and able to see us, and vice-versa. The most important instruction we received is that we, the majlis-e-amila, must always lead by example, especially in congregational prayers.”
Norman Taujoo Sahib, Naib Mohtamim Sehat-e-Jismani, said:
“My impression following this virtual mulaqat is exceptional; it was as if we were in the office of Huzooraa. We will, insha-Allah, put in practice all the advice that beloved Huzooraa gave us during the mulaqat.”
Ahmad Ali Khudurun Sahib, Mohtamim Atfal, said:
“It is always a great experience to have a mulaqat with Huzooraa. When Huzooraa was addressing me, I had difficulty in convincing myself that it was a reality. The humility and kindness of our beloved Khalifa is extraordinary. He has so much to do, yet still he spares time for us.”
Ahmad Jowaheer Sahib, Naib Mohtamim Atfal, said:
“This was my third virtual mulaqat, by the grace of Allah. I was very stressed before the mulaqat, but Huzooraa made all of us feel very comfortable. This mulaqat will always be unforgettable.”
Yusoff Khudurun Sahib, Naib Mohtamim Ishaat, said:
“Alhamdulillah, I was very happy and inspired by this mulaqat. When Huzooraa was smiling at me, it was a very beautiful personal experience which I will always remember throughout my life. But despite this, it is also very sad for me to see how Huzooraa was not happy with our report regarding daily congregational prayers. So, this will make us more motivated towards being very regular from now on, insha-Allah.”