On Sunday 6 May, Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa graced the Final of the International Masroor T20 Cricket Tournament.
This year’s Tournament was the tenth since its inception in 2008. It was founded by Majlis-e-Sehat UK and has been holding the event regularly.
22 teams took part this year. New teams included Spain, Denmark and PAAMA (Pan-African Ahmadiyya Muslim Association).
The inaugural session took place on Tuesday 1 May and was chaired by Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, Amir UK. Thereafter, the teams set off for the pool matches with the win in their sights.

The Final, UK facing Canada, saw throngs of people – both Ahmadis and guests – spectate on the side-lines in a great atmosphere under the much-anticipated sun. Spectators were offered refreshments as they sat with family and friends in, what can be called, a peaceful day out.
As UK and Canada battled it out in this competitive match, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa arrived to watch the last part, something that certainly exhilarated all players.
After Canada celebrated their win, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa graciously handed out awards to winners. The event concluded with silent prayer and another momentous occasion seeing Ahmadis across the globe unite came to a successful end.

The year 2008 was celebrated by all Ahmadis in every possible way. Where the Jamaat celebrated 100 years of Khilafat, the year also saw the coming together of Ahmadis through sports and rejoicing. Majlis-e-Sehat UK sent a request to Huzooraa in 2008 requesting for approval to hold an international cricket tournament. With Huzoor’s approval, teams were invited from Jamaats around the world to take part in the International Masroor Cricket Tournament – as it was named.

Mirza Abdur Rashid Sahib, Secretary Majlis-e-Sehat, told us that the first year saw 12 teams participate but the number of teams has continued to grow with every passing year. It is a sign of great success that the tournament has been held consecutively for the last ten years. This year’s tournament saw 22 teams face each other in pool matches.

The tournament has gained a great deal of popularity over the years. Khuddam, Ansar and Atfal flock to the grounds as well as Lajna and Nasirat who indulge in this healthy activity as spectators.
Rain, scorching heat and logistics may have popped up as challenges from time to time but they have always been overcome and the tournament has successfully served its purpose of bringing Ahmadi youth together to celebrate and rejoice the blessing of unity through Khilafat.

The tournament has been won 6 times by Canada, twice by UK and once by Germany. In 2014, when rain poured through out the final match and both Canada and UK struggled with bowling and batting both, Huzooraa graciously awarded the winner’s trophy to both the teams – each to keep it for a period of six months.