Syed Abdul Samad, Finland Correspondent

Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Finland organised its two-day annual Ijtema on 8-9 June in Espoo.
Preparations for this Ijtema had started in February when Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa granted us permission to organise the Ijtema on the requested dates.
Khuddam were continuously motivated to participate in educational and sports competitions. Some of the academic competitions for example tilawat, nazm and speech were conducted beforehand in Helsinki Salat centre.
On the first day, a combined Tahajud prayer was offered at Helsinki Salat centre followed by breakfast for all Khuddam. At 8am, the Ijtema officially commenced with the flag hosting ceremony by the National Sadr Ata-ul-Ghalib Sahib and Sadr Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Finland, Waqar Javed Sahib.
The highlight of the Ijtema this year was a message from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, which was read out by Sadr Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Finland in the first session. In his message, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa reminded Finnish Khuddam to draw their utmost attention towards Salat and to offer it in congregation.
In the first session, academic competitions for Khuddam and Atfal were held. Then in the afternoon, after Zuhr and Asr prayers, lunch was served.
Sports competitions included 100-metre race, relay race, sabit qadmi, football and tug of war. We also had new additions such as miru dabba, team building race and hurdle race.
In the evening, Maghrib and Isha prayers were offered, after which dinner was served. Many organisers stayed till late at night in the sports hall to prepare for the next day.
The following day, after the Fajr prayer and breakfast, Khuddam headed towards the volleyball ground where volleyball matches were held. Therafter, all Khuddam and Atfal gathered for the final session where prizes were distributed to position holders.
After the prize distribution ceremony, Finland’s president of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya read out the message from Huzoor-e-Anwaraa once again and thanked all the Khuddam who participated in the Ijtema.
May Allah reward all the organisers and participating Khuddam and may Allah enable us to fulfil the expectations of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa.