Syed Mukarram Nazeer, Canada Correspondent
Belize faces a pressing challenge: the accessibility of pure, clean drinking water. This is particularly true in rural areas, due to contamination, inadequate infrastructure, and climate change. To address this, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Belize proposed and established the “Water for Life” initiative at the Baitun Nur Mosque in Belize City.
Majlis Ansarullah Canada stepped forward and had the blessing of sponsoring this project with an initial donation of $15,000, supplemented by $7,500 for additional needs.
Construction of the water purification plant was initiated in February 2023, with production starting in July 2023. The project was officially inaugurated during Jalsa Salana Belize 2024 by the missionary-in-charge Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Canada, Abdul Rashid Anwar Sahib.
The plant has a maximum production capacity of 400 gallons daily or 146,000 gallons annually. This is enough for the needs of 70,000 people. Presently, it produces 95 gallons daily, filling 19 five-gallon bottles. A nominal fee of $3.00 is charged for each 5-gallon water bottle.
The implementation of the Water for Life project has not only addressed the critical issue of water scarcity in Belize City but also played a pivotal role in stimulating the local economy by creating employment opportunities.