Mahmud’s Aameen: The Promised Messiah’s love for his son

Jalees Ahmad, Al Hakam
Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra)

It is said that a father’s shoulders are a son’s first set of wings – a beautiful analogy, isn’t it? 

A father’s role goes far beyond simply raising a child and teaching right from wrong, though that is certainly a crucial part. The true essence of a father’s desire for the best for his son is reflected in the depth and level with which he prays for them. So, if a father’s shoulders are indeed his child’s first set of wings, imagine how high a father must soar to show their son the world they should aspire to change.

When we observe the relationship between Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, the Promised Messiah, and his son, Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra, we see a love that exceeds common paternal affection. This love is beautifully documented in Mahmud’s Aameen, a poem written by the Promised Messiahas to mark the occasion of his son’s completion of the Holy Quran. In this heartfelt work of writing, we witness the emotions of a father whose heart is flooded with appreciation and prayers.

While reading Mahmud’s Aameen, I observed Hazrat Ahmad’sas gratitude and joy as a father, how he prayed for his son, his desire for God’s divine protection over his son, his love, aspirations, and hope for a blessed future. All these qualities are what makes a father.    

A father’s gratitude and joy

The Promised Messiahas begins his poem by expressing eternal gratitude to Allah for the blessing of his son Mahmudra, who had completed the recitation of the Holy Quran. He acknowledges that everything he possesses, including his beloved children, is purely a favour from Allah:

“It is You Who have made this day dawn; Mahmud has come home, having finished the Quran. 

“Having realised this favour, this bounty of Yours, the heart of mine is busy singing the praise of Yours.”

Here, Hazrat Ahmadas expresses the sheer joy and fulfilment he felt on this significant occasion. These words show that he viewed Mahmud’sra completion of the Quran not just as a milestone but as the beginning of a spiritual triumph that called for divine gratitude and praise.

Prayer for divine protection

As a father and a divinely appointed Prophet of Allah, Hazrat Ahmadas did not just honour this accomplishment but also turned to God in fervent supplication for his son’s future. His love for Mahmudra was not bound to worldly wealth and success but was deeply rooted in a desire for his spiritual wealth:

“Grant them righteousness and guide them in the right path; bless them with a long life and honour. Make blessed this day; Holy is He Who watches over me.”

Again, Hazrat Ahmadas frequently highlights the importance of divine protection over Mahmudra and his siblings. The Promised Messiahas beseeches Allah to shroud them in His mercy, guard them against misfortunes, and keep them firm in faith, illustrating that his love for Mahmudra was not merely that of an affectionate father but also of a spiritual mentor who desired to see his child grow into a beacon of righteousness.

A father’s sacrificial love

One of the most moving aspects of Mahmud’s Aameen is the level of sacrificial love Hazrat Ahmadas expresses for his son. He prays:

“O, my Sustainer how can I ever thank You enough. You indeed have given me these three sons, who are your servants.”

These words give an understanding that his children were not just his own but were servants of God, entrusted to him for a greater objective. Despite his enormous admiration for Mahmudra, he acknowledges that his true belonging is with Allah, and he continuously offers Mahmud’sra life in devotion to Allah’s cause.

Hope and aspirations for Mahmud’s future

Further, another remarkable part of the poem is Hazrat Ahmad’sas grand vision for Mahmudra. He does not merely ask for material success for his son; rather, he prays for him to be a leader and a guide in faith:

“May these three servants of Yours be the Leaders of the world; may they be the Guides of it. Let them all be the Light.”

This shows that his love for Mahmudra was profoundly interwoven with his mission as the Promised Messiah. He saw in his son a future leader who would serve Islam and lead people toward Allah. This earnest prayer was indeed fulfilled when Mahmudra later became the second Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat and spent his life spreading the message of Islam.

A love rooted in faith

The relationship between Hazrat Ahmadas and his son Mahmudra was not just one of familial affection; it was a relationship built upon faith, love and divine purpose. Every verse of Mahmud’s Aameen is overfilled with love, respect and the highest aspirations a father could have for his child:

“My dear son, Mahmud, is the servant of You. Grant him a long life and wealth. Lift from him every type of darkness.”

Here, we see clearly a father’s deepest desires – that his son remains firm in his faith, lives a long and prosperous life, and remains free from the darkness of the world.

Hazrat Ahmad’sas love for his son Mahmudra was truly immense, pure and embedded in his faith in God. Mahmud’s Aameen is not just a poem of celebration but a testimony of a father’s prayers for his son’s spiritual and worldly success. Every word of this poem brims with sincerity, appreciation and hope, leaving a timeless example of how a father should pray for his children.

Through his prayers, the Promised Messiahas expressed his love not just for Mahmudra but for all his children and followers as his spiritual offspring rooted all the way back to the Holy Prophetsa himself, leaving behind a legacy of devotion and spiritual guidance. 

Such was the love of the Promised Messiahas for the Promised Son, a love that continues to inspire generations of believers today.

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