Rubina Nasser, serving as Secretary Talim, Lajna Imaillah UK

Lajna Imaillah UK launched its Centenary Exhibition on Sunday 16 July 2023 at Aiwan-e-Nusrat Jahan, their newly acquired headquarters in Farnham, Surrey.
A few esteemed guests, including some from overseas and also members of the national amila, were invited to the launch. The event started with the recitation of the Holy Quran. Following the recitation, Sadr Lajna Imaillah UK, Dr Fariha Khan Sahiba, welcomed the guests and gave a short introductory talk in which she explained how the exhibition had been put together. After silent prayers, guests were then invited to view the exhibition.
The Centenary Exhibition is one of the many projects that Lajna UK had planned in order to commemorate the hundred years of their organisation. Other projects include the building of a maternity hospital in Sierra Leone, tree planting, the publication of books and more.
The proposal to hold the exhibition was made over a year ago and a committee was formed for this purpose. Different aspects of work were assigned to the committee members. It appeared to be a mammoth task, to condense a hundred years of history, so rich in events and guidance, into a small bubble. Hence, it was decided to highlight only those events pertaining to Lajna.

It goes without saying that Lajna Imaillah would never have reached this milestone without the support and guidance from Khilafat, since its inception in 1922. In fact, even prior to its inception, the Promised Messiahas restated the rights and status given to women in Islam. Then, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira personally chose to give dars-ul-Quran to the ladies of the Jamaat to ensure they were not lagging behind in knowledge.
The timeline is a special feature of this exhibition and has been prepared using modern-day design techniques and decals. This is displayed on the wall where the exhibition is housed.
Individual posters are dedicated to the Promised Messiahas and Khulafa-e-Ahmadiyyat, highlighting “Words of Wisdom” relating to and supporting women. The exhibition then highlights aspects of Lajna history and the progression of Lajna Imaillah in the UK.
This exhibition will, insha-Allah, be moved to Hadeeqatul Mahdi during Jalsa Salana UK for the visitors to view and enjoy.
May Allah the Almighty accept our humble efforts and enable us to fulfil our responsibilities. Amin.