The national amila of Lajna Imaillah India met with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa in a virtual mulaqat on 27 November 2021.
After conveying his salaam, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked, “Is this the national amila?”, to which Sadr Lajna, Bushra Pasha Sahiba responded in the affirmative. Huzooraa then led everyone in dua (silent prayer). During the mulaqat, all amila members had the opportunity to introduce themselves and give a brief report of their duties.
The first to report was Naib Sadr, Amatul Wasee Shamaila Sahiba. She said that she was also serving as the ishaat secretary. She reported that ishaat department published the Misbah magazine twice a year. Hearing this, Huzooraa said, “Only [twice]? There are so many educated women in India; at least four issues should be published a year instead of two. That is if you do not want to do it monthly.”
Huzooraa asked if any material was prepared for those women of South India who could not read Urdu; to which, the secretary replied that for those Lajna members who resided in Kerala, another magazine, An-Nur, was published in Malayalam. She added that this magazine was printed thrice a year.
Huzooraa asked if there was any Lajna website with various publications and information available online. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then said:
“If [a website] is made carefully, then you can add news of Lajna, verses of the Holy Quran and its translation, hadith, an extract from Malfuzat or from Ruhani Khazain, a summary of the sermons or unique points from the sermon, or other matters specific to Lajna. If you make [a website and publish these] once a week or once every two weeks, it will be beneficial”.
Amatul Hakim Sahiba, serving as Naib Sadr II and Muhasiba Maal, was next to report. Whilst giving a brief outline of her duties, she stated that she audited the bills she received throughout the year from the various majalis.
Amatul Shafi Rumi Sahiba, General Secretary said that there was a total of 742 majalis in India. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa asked if all the majalis sent their reports regularly. Amatul Shafi Sahiba replied that last year, she only received 532 reports. Tahira Qamar Sahiba, Naib General Secretary, reported that she helped the general secretary with the reports.
Ra‘naa Tabasum Sahiba, Secretary Talim, reported that this year, the split-word translation of the Holy Quran was taught. She added that from the books of the Promised Messiahas, they prescribed the book Lecture Sialkot for Lajna members to read and study.
Whilst speaking with Shahzadi Shujaat Sahiba, Secretary Tarbiyat, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa asked what plan was made for tarbiyat. The secretary replied that this year’s focus was on the five daily prayers and recitation of the Holy Quran. She added that emphasis was put on holding various seminars. She reported that 255 seminars were held and that a question-and-answer quiz was also prepared based on Huzoor’saa sermons.
Speaking with Nadia Parveza Sahiba, Secretary Khidmat-e-Khalq (Service to Humanity), Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked what work was being carried out by the department. Nadia Sahiba stated that the department carried out service to humanity with Humanity First, visiting old people’s homes, orphanages and hospitals. Nadia Sahiba said that 26 medical camps were also set up and added that usually more camps were set up; however, due to the pandemic, only 26 camps were possible.
Whilst conversing with Amatul Shukoor Sahiba, Secretary Mal (Finance), Huzooraa discussed budget matters and asked about contribution towards various chandas.
Nahid Basharat Sahiba, Secretary Nasirat reported that there were 5,152 Nasirat members in India, according to the updated tajnid. Hearing this, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said, “Masha-Allah! You know the precise number.”
Huzooraa further asked which place had the greatest number of nasirat, to which the secretary said that Qadian was the biggest majlis with 309 nasirat residing in it. Huzooraa emphasised the importance of education and going to school. Huzooraa stated that Ahmadi girls should be well-educated.
Bushra Siddiqa Sahiba, Secretary Sanat-o-Dastkari (Industry and Handicraft) reported that in the recent ijtema, an exhibition was held showcasing various things Lajna members had made. She stated that stalls were also set up and that over 18,000 rupees were made in profit.
Amatul Basit Sahiba, Secretary Tabligh was next to present her report. She stated that a plan was made to hold refresher courses, encourage members to write articles in newspapers, hold tabligh seminars and exhibitions and forge ties with libraries. She said that this was the target for the year.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked what the bai‘at target was. Amatul Basit Sahiba replied that there was no set target and added that there were many dai‘at ilallah (those who invite others to Allah) who were preaching throughout the year. Hearing this, Huzooraa said, “There is no benefit unless you set a target.”
Last year, through the efforts of the members of dai‘at ilallah, 20 people entered the fold of Islam Ahmadiyyat, Amatul Basit Sahiba reported. Huzooraa responded, “Try to increase this [number]. Set a target of at least 100.”
Amatur Rafey Sahiba, Secretary Sehat-e-Jismani reported that various tournaments were held and sports such as volleyball, badminton, kho-kho (a traditional Indian sport) and kabaddi were also played by lajna members. Hearing “kabaddi”, Huzooraa asked, “Do women also play kabaddi?”, to which the sports secretary replied that women played kabaddi a lot and that nasirat also played kabaddi. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that instead of kabaddi, women should be encouraged to play volleyball. Huzooraa said that when Lajna played kabaddi, then there should only be women present.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then asked how many Lajna members in Qadian played sports; in response, the secretary stated that previously, they had issues with the ground; however, as a ground was now available, whenever a tournament was held, a lot of Lajna members joined in.
Next, Attiyatul Mannan Sahiba, Secretary Tajnid reported that the total tajind (membership) was 24,899. She added that the tajnid for Lajna in Qadian was 1,632 and 309 nasirat.
Huzooraa laid emphasis on the education of young girls in rural areas. If their education was looked after, then if not today, two years, four years, or 10 years from now, Jamaat India would have educated women in all areas.
Speaking to Bushra Zafarullah Sahiba, Secretary Ziafat, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked what food was prepared for the amila members. Bushra Sahiba replied that refreshments were made. She said that samosa, chamcham and tea was prepared.
Huzooraa then asked Amatul Nasir Sahiba, Secretary Tahrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid, about the details of Lajna members contributing towards Tahrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid.
Huzooraa further asked how much was contributed; to which the secretary replied that they did not have the exact figure. Hearing this, Huzooraa said that this should be calculated and giving an example, said, “Here, in the UK, Lajna members know how much they have contributed [collectively], Germany Jamaat also knows [how much they have contributed] […] Likewise, Qadian should know how much [the Lajna members in] Qadian have contributed […]
“Mothers should reiterate to their young children to partake in Waqf-e-Jadid.”
Ghazala Iram Sahiba, Secretary Tarbiyat Nau-Mubai‘aat reported that there was a total of 936 nau-mubai‘aat (new converts). She said that for the past two years, there was a lack of contact; however, she added, that this year, a great emphasis was made to bridge this gap.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa stated that the tarbiyat should be done in accordance with the level of understanding and education of the people.
Aqeela Ghori Sahiba, Secretary Umur-e-Talibat reported that there was a total of 408 Lajna members studying at university, the majority of whom were from Hyderabad, Kerala, Karnataka, Kashmir and Punjab. Huzooraa stated that students in the ninth and tenth grades should be encouraged to become doctors.
Faiza Sahiba, Muavina Sadr reported that she was serving in Jammu Kashmir. She reported that when Lajna members from these regions came to Qadian for Jalsa Salana, classes were held for them in which they were taught the essence of purdah, Namaz and etiquette of mosques. Hearing this, Huzooraa remarked, “Masha-Allah.”
Fauzia Anjum Sahiba, Muavina Sadr for the department of Waqf-e-Nau, reported that there was a total of 1,276 waqifaat-e-nau.
Huzooraa, whilst talking about collecting and gathering data, said, “You should have the data of how many waqifaat-e-nau attend university, how many study at colleges”. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa further asked if there were any counselling sessions held for girls who were studying, to which Fauzia Anjum Sahiba replied in the affirmative.
Whilst speaking with Amatul Quddus, Sahiba, Muavina Sadr Punjab province and Rishta Nata North India, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa enquired how many matches matured under the rishta nata department.She replied that she had just started working in this department and that efforts were being made towards this.
Amatur Rahman Khadim, Muavina Sadr Rishta Nata and Nigran (Supervisor) of Haryana province, reported that in the past six months, two matches had matured. She added that she had started collecting the particulars of allLajna members in India.
Amatul Manan Sahiba, Muavina Sadr of Himachal province, reported she was collecting particulars and sending them to the rishta nata department. She added that during the year, a class for 20 days was held in Kangra and Una. In this class, Lajna and Nasirat members were taught the Holy Quran, Namaz with translation and various other matters.

Mansura Sahiba, Sadr Lajna Imaillah Qadian reported that there were 1,632 Lajna members in Qadian. She added that for the past two years, training and educational classes were held online. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa asked her about the Tahrik-e-Jadid contribution from Lajna Imaillah. Mansura Sahiba replied that the goal was 605,000 rupees; however, by the grace of Allah, they managed to collect a total sum of 698,000 rupees from members of both Lajna and Nasirat. Hearing this, Huzooraa stated that just as Mansura Sahiba knew the figures, so too should the secretary of Tahrik-e-Jadid.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa further asked if Lajna members in Qadian cooperated, to which she replied in the affirmative.
Bushra Tayyaba Ghauri Sahiba, an honorary member, reported that she was tasked by Sadr Sahiba to write about the history of Lajna Imaillah.
After this, the national amila had the opportunity to ask questions to Huzooraa and seek guidance on various matters.
An amila member asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa if it was possible to start a hifz-e-Quran academy in Qadian. Answering this, Huzooraa said that a plan should be made to start an hifz-e-Quran academy and should be presented to the nazir-e-ala there. They should then make a scheme and present it to the markaz.
“You will have to collect data as to how many girls wish to memorise the Holy Quran […] Now Canada has opened an Aisha Diniya Academy and the UK has also started the Aisha Diniya Academy, where they teach religious knowledge over a two-year course. Germany has also opened a school. So, Qadian should make efforts in this regard. However, a full scheme and plan should be drafted.”
An amila member said that during tabligh, people came and listened attentively; however, as soon as they found out that they were Ahmadis, they would leave. The secretary asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa how tabligh could be conducted in such a situation.
Huzooraa gave guidance that a relationship should first be established with them. “Once a relationship is established, they will be ready to listen to you”.
Huzooraa added, “Those who want to leave, will leave”, and those who wanted to listen, would stay. “You cannot do tabligh to anyone forcefully, nor can anyone become an Ahmadi by force.”
Huzooraa explained that this was “a continuous effort which we must continue to do.”
Next, the amila member stated that when a person who was previously an Ahmadi took to social media and wrote false things about the Jamaat, those who were currently being preached to, became influenced and started believing that. She asked Huzooraa if they should be responded to on social media.
Answering, Huzooraa said that the markaz team, Noor-ul-Islam in Qadian should be informed about the allegations and they should answer.
“What you, Lajna members, can do is to collect the allegations and send it to them [Noor-ul-Islam team] and then they should answer. Or, if they give you permission to respond on social media, then it should be a focused and solid reply which should fully negate [the allegation]”.
Huzooraa said that this way, those who came under their influence would be made aware of the reality.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then conveyed his salaam to everyone and the mulaqat successfully ended.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)