Syed Mukarram Nazir, Canada Correspondent
Lajna Imaillah Canada had the privilege of holding the Women’s Health Symposium on Saturday, 12 January 2019, which took place in Aiwan-e-Tahir, on the premises of Baitul Islam Mosque, Toronto.
The event was organised and arranged by the department of Sehat-e-Jismani (physical wellbeing) Canada.
The organisers started planning the symposium three months in advance by setting up the agenda, topics, layout of the event, gifts and much more.
By the grace of Allah the Almighty, the programme started at 2:30pm with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Sunbal Mohammad Sahiba. National Secretary Sehat-e-Jismani Shahida Khan Sahiba then delivered the opening address of the symposium.
The first presentation titled In Harm’s Way was given by Dr Noreen Sohail Sahiba who talked about substance abuse. She explained substance abuse, what legal and illegal drugs are, what are the causes and risks related to substance abuses, how youth are especially vulnerable to it, health issues and complications associated with it, the impact of legalisation of marijuana and how to steer clear from it.
Next on the agenda was an interactive quiz. The main topic was the use of cannabis – its facts, its legalisation, its health effects and various myths and facts related to it. Whoever wanted to participate raised their hands and answered the questions and received small prizes.
The game was followed by physical exercise which comprised of a small yoga session conducted by Dayna Gallaway and Emma Gallaway, two yoga instructors. They taught various positions and explained that yoga does not have to be a physical process, rather it can also be a mental process during which one relaxes and focuses on breathing.
The second presentation titled Destroy What Destroys You was delivered by Dr Maham Faiez Sahiba in which she talked about addictions. She mentioned the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa where he is reported to have said: “If a large amount of anything causes intoxication, even a small amount of it is forbidden.”
Drugs, video games or anything else that becomes a problem should be avoided at all costs, she said. She went on to explain the symptoms of an addiction, how to recognise it in someone, how to help them as a parent and how to get professional help. She concluded her presentation by advising to all that in order to be safe from the ills of society, the first and foremost thing to do is to be patient, pray to Allah the Almighty and attach ones children to the Jamaat and Khilafat.
The last presentation was delivered by Sergeant Alice Tsang from York Regional Police on Social Media and Cyberbullying. She gave an insightful presentation on internet safety and responsibility.
The concluding remarks were delivered by Sadr Lajna Imaillah Canada Amatul Salam Malik Sahiba. She explained that Islam forbade the use of intoxicants because they have a direct effect on our physical, mental and spiritual health. In order to increase spirituality, we need to keep a close connection with God, His prophets and the Khulafa.
She further emphasised the importance of building a good relationship with our children and to be good role models for them. In the present day, social media and the internet play a pivotal part in our lives, which is why it is crucial to keep with the times so that parents can better guide their children.
National President Lajna Imaillah Canada then concluded the symposium with dua.
Participants were then invited to visit various health related booths that were set up. The booths included:
- Snack booths
- Healthy eating education booth
- Blood pressure and blood sugar booths
- Osteoporosis booth
- Addiction education booth
- Games booth
- Booth dedicated for seniors
- Marijuana education booth
More than 850 members participated in the event, including eight non-Ahmadi guests. Members were given refreshments at the end of the programme.