Syed Mukarram Nazeer, Canada Correspondent
In the past, National Majlis-e-Amila Lajna Imaillah Canada have had many audiences with Hazrat Amirul Momineen, may Allah be his Helper. In January 2020, amila members requested for permission to travel to the UK for a live audience with Huzooraa. Request was graciously granted for late March 2020.
Naturally, the entire amila was very excited. Travel arrangements were finalised, reported Sadr Lajna Imaillah Canada. And then Covid-19 hit.
Huzooraa advised that all travel arrangements must comply with government travel advisory. And so, due to the pandemic, the trip was postponed. Summer was spent praying for things to improve.
Finally, a message from the UK conveyed the approval of a virtual audience with Huzooraa. A wave of joy overcame all amila members. Each national amila member prepared her departmental report and submitted it to Huzooraa ahead of the virtual audience. Continuous durood, istighfar and prayers followed.
At the said date and time, 27 of 28 amila members gathered in the auditorium of Aiwan-e-Tahir, located in the Bait-ul-Islam Mosque complex, Toronto. In addition, Sahibzadi Bibi Amatul Jamil Begum Sahiba, daughter of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra and maternal aunt of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa was also present.

The smiling and luminous face of Huzooraa appeared on screen, and all those present stood up and greeted Huzooraa. The session started with silent prayer. Huzooraa asked each secretary about her respective department and provided valuable advice and insightful instructions.
Huzooraa listened to everyone with great love and answered with a smile. Everyone felt joyful with a renewed spirit to work. The virtual mulaqat lasted approximately an hour. Some feedback on the virtual audience experience are included:
“This virtual visit far exceeded our expectations and it truly was as if our beloved Imamaa was sitting with us”, said sadr Lajna.
“… I think I didn’t quite believe it was all happening until our beloved Huzooraa was on the screen in front of us. And then it was as if the screen melted away, and it really seemed like he was there, sitting in front of us, enquiring from each one of us about our departments and guiding us with valuable advice and instructions”, said secretary tarbiyat.
“When Huzooraa came on live stream … Huzooraa provided guidance to a question that I had in mind, without me asking it”, said secretary tarbiyat nau mubai‘at.
“… I felt like a lost child who had no idea where to go prior to the meeting. After the meeting I felt like Huzooraa … had shown me the way to go and lit the path for me. All my fear was turned into peace”, said secretary tabligh.
“I still cannot stop to think of the smile on our beloved Huzoor’saa face. I was in awe of the fact that Huzooraa responded to each one of our Salaam completely”, said secretary umur-e-talibaat.
“Khilafat is the only leadership in the world today that is trying to safeguard the moral wellbeing of future generations”, said the general secretary.
“Going into the meeting, I was extremely nervous as I was unsure of what may be asked, but upon seeing Huzoor’saa gleaming face and warm smile, all my fears melted away. Huzoor’saa love and care was witnessed first-hand, as he took the time to enquire of our educational and career backgrounds and get to know us on a personal level. As a father knows the potential and capabilities of his child to do more, he lovingly inspired and motivated us to challenge ourselves to compete with our sisters in the UK and Germany”, said naiba general secretary.
“It was a wonderful experience to see and talk one on one with Huzooraa and seek his guidance. I felt the nur on his face, smile and eyes. It was so overwhelming”, said secretary Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya.
“The love, compassion and affection of Huzooraa is the capital of life for all of us … Huzoor’saa smiling, kind and luminous face is still in front of my eyes…”, said muawina sadr.
“Alhamdolillah, alhamdolillah; one of the best moments of my life! I am still living in that moment”, said in-charge IT.
“It felt as if we were in the presence of a spiritual father who cares about all departments equally. Although 24 hours have passed by, I can still feel the joy of his company”, said secretary Tahrik-e-Jadid.
“Before the audience, I offered nawafil and prayed for Huzooraa and for all members of Jamaat and national amila that we can be sultan-e-naseer of Huzooraa … My heart was pounding when I saw Huzooraa on the screen … I never wanted to miss this blessed opportunity”, said secretary ishaat.
“I personally felt it was a very enriching and momentous experience … I did not feel that a virtual meeting lessened the experience”, said the muhasiba (finance).
“I wasn’t selecting the date of the wedding of my daughter unless I knew the date of the audience [with Huzooraa]. All Ramadan, even in itekaf, I was praying … when Huzooraa graciously gave us permission for this meeting, I could not believe how Allah accepts prayers, alhamdolillah”, said secretary talim.
“Huzoor’saa presence brought serenity over me when I saw him live on the screen. The anxiety that was building was washed away”, said in-charge social media.