Hadeeqatul Mahdi, 27 July 2024: Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, arrived at the Lajna marquee for his address shortly after noon.
Commencing the formal session, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa invited Rubina Kashif Sahiba to recite a portion of the Holy Quran: Surah al-Ahzab, Ch.33: V.36-37, followed by its translation. Showkat Hadi Zakaria Sahiba then presented an Urdu poem written by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra.
Huzooraa then invited Secretary Umur-e-Talibaat to announce the names of the Lajna students who achieved academic excellence over the year.
Gratitude and worship
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa came to the podium to deliver his address, and after tashahhud, ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatiha, he emphasised the immense favour bestowed upon the Jamaat by Allah the Almighty, which has enabled them to accept the Imamas of the Age and witness the fulfilment of divine prophecies. Highlighting the importance of worship, he underscored that the most befitting way to show gratitude to Allah is through diligent observance of salat, which encompasses both obligatory and voluntary prayers.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said:
“It is a great favour from Allah that He has granted us the ability to recognise and accept the Imamas of this Age. We are fortunate to witness the fulfilment of Allah’s promises and the prophecies of the Holy Prophetsa, and to be among those who affirm their truth. This should make us deeply grateful to Allah. True gratitude to Allah is expressed through His worship as prescribed by God Himself, and the best form of worship is the observance of Prayer, specifically the five obligatory prayers, along with additional voluntary prayers. This command applies to both men and women.”
Female Companions’ fervent worship
The dedication of the female Companions of the Holy Prophetsa was presented by Huzooraa as a benchmark for fervent worship. Huzooraa noted that these women often endeavoured to exceed even men in their devotion, leading to concerns from the men who appealed to the Holy Prophetsa to admonish them about moderation. Huzooraa said:
“It is recorded in the ahadith that the female Companions of the Holy Prophetsa, who attained Allah’s pleasure, often strove to surpass even men in their acts of worship.”
Drawing parallels, Huzooraa remarked on relatively contemporary examples within the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat where women display exemplary standards of worship, illustrating a continuum of the practices from the era of the female Companions to the present times. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said:
“In this era, Allah has blessed the Community of the Promised Messiahas with women who are elevating their standards of worship. There are many examples of this [in our Jamaat].”
Legacy of Hazrat Amma Janra
The spiritual stature of Hazrat Amma Janra, the blessed wife of the Promised Messiahas was mentioned next. Huzooraa outlined her profound impact on the spiritual lives of her children and of the women around her, notably during gatherings which were exclusively focused on spiritual and religious discussions. Her immediate response to azan, often leading to the cessation of all discussions, was highlighted as a testament to her prioritisation of worship over worldly matters.
Parental responsibilities in tarbiyat
Huzooraa dispelled the common excuses used to defer religious duties, such as the cleanliness of attire due to childcare activities. Huzooraa reminded everyone that children, while blessings from Allah the Almighty, should not become impediments to worship. Instead, they should be viewed as further incentives to deepen one’s spiritual practices.
“Children are a gift from Allah and should be regarded as incentives to enhance our worship rather than excuses for neglecting it,” Huzooraa elucidated. He warned of the spiritual consequences of allowing parenthood to obstruct worship, noting that Allah the Almighty, who rewards boundlessly, also expects His servants to prioritise their relationship with Him, regardless of their worldly commitments. Huzoor’saa counsel was clear: elevate the act of worship as a pivotal part of gratitude towards Allah, especially after the gift of children, to avoid Allah’s displeasure and potential life trials.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa also said:
“Every mother, filled with deep fear and gratitude, should pay attention after the birth of their child. Allah says that initially, both men and women pray for the child, but once Allah grants them a child, they associate [them as] partners with Him.”
“It is essential to understand that to improve our worldly life and hereafter, and to secure our children’s future and salvation, we must focus on prayers. We need to look after our prayers and instil this importance firmly in our children’s minds. This should be a defining trait of a believing Ahmadi Muslim woman. Otherwise, claims of following the Imamas of the age are entirely hollow.
“Therefore, remember the purpose of joining the Jamaat. If you have joined the Jamaat, strive to develop pure transformations within yourself and strengthen your bond with Allah. Not only must you connect yourself with Allah, but you must also connect your children with Him.”
Integral role of parents in fostering faith
Huzooraa highlighted the responsibility parents bear in fostering their children’s spiritual development. He stressed that from the moment of a child’s birth, parents are tasked with more than just caring for their physical needs; they are pivotal in shaping their spiritual perspectives.
From the very beginning, parents should cultivate a household where worship and gratitude towards Allah are paramount, Huzooraa explained. He noted that a child’s misguidance often stems from parental neglect of spiritual education and their own wavering commitment to faith.
Huzooraa deplored the scenario where parents, absorbed by material pursuits and personal entertainment, fail to model the values they wish to instil in their offspring. He criticised such behaviours, emphasising that financial prosperity should never overshadow the fundamental duties of tarbiyat. Parents must embody the principles of faith they hope to pass on, creating a home where Allah’s presence is tangible through regular prayer and religious discourse, he advised.
Navigating parenthood in the face of societal norms
Huzooraa highlighted the profound impact of parental discord on children, noting that when parents are consumed by their disputes and neglect their spiritual duties, it inevitably leads to spiritual and moral confusion among the young. He explained that when parents are embroiled in their own conflicts, neglecting the remembrance of Allah and the moral training of their children, it leaves a void that is often filled by the less desirable elements of society.
Huzooraa stressed the importance of a unified parental approach to upbringing, grounded in the principle of taqwa, which should be a cornerstone of every Muslim household. Huzooraa stated that, at the time of marriage, during the nikah sermon, we are reminded to look towards our future with righteousness. This reminder serves as a crucial blueprint for building a family that is spiritually strong and morally upright
Further illustrating his point, Huzooraa recounted distressing accounts from mothers lamenting their children’s estrangement from Islamic values, linking this to a lack of spiritual leadership within the home. It is a tragic sight when parents realise too late the consequences of their neglect, he said.
Huzooraa called on parents to earnestly fulfil their obligations, not only to safeguard their children against the moral pitfalls of today’s world but also to prepare them to be ambassadors of true Islam. We must instil in our children the priority of faith over all worldly pursuits. This is not merely for their success in this life but for their salvation in the hereafter, Huzooraa urged.
Worship as a shield against immorality
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa implored all parents to re-evaluate their priorities and focus on fostering a home environment where Allah’s rights and the teachings of Islam are lived and cherished daily.
Huzooraa articulated the power of prayer in steering believers away from misconduct and immorality. He reiterated the Quranic assertion on prayer’s potential to prevent evil deeds, emphasising that the efficacy of prayer hinges on the sincerity and attentiveness with which it is offered.
Prayer is the shield against all forms of evil, provided it is performed with sincere devotion for the pleasure of Allah alone, not as a mere ritual or out of pretension, Huzooraa explained. He cautioned against the mechanical performance of prayers, which, devoid of true spiritual essence, fail to ascend to the Divine Threshold.
Huzooraa further highlighted that the purpose of prayer extends beyond fulfilling a religious obligation; it enriches the worshipper’s life both in this world and the hereafter. Huzooraa elucidated that Allah the Almighty does not benefit from our worship; rather, it is we who reap the spiritual rewards. Our prayers do not elevate Allah’s status; instead, they elevate our own spiritual standing and draw us closer to Him.
Stressing the responsibility of parents, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa reminded them that safeguarding the sanctity of prayer within the family is crucial for instilling lasting faith in future generations. “You hold the future of your children in your hands. It is your duty to not only protect your own prayers but also to serve as examples to your children, encouraging them to establish their own connection with Allah.”
Fostering resilience in children against external influences
Emphasising the critical role of continuous spiritual assessment and nurturing, Huzooraa addressed the challenges faced by parents as children move into adolescence, a period marked by increased susceptibility to external influences. He stressed the importance of creating a home environment that consistently reinforces the values of faith and the practice of religion.
Huzooraa explained that parents must vigilantly observe the evolving relationship their children have with faith, ensuring it strengthens as they grow. This continual assessment is crucial, as children often drift from religious observance during adolescence, swayed by societal pressures and the allure of external freedoms.
Huzooraa highlighted the disconnection that can occur when children perceive the world outside their homes as more enticing or ‘real’ than the values taught within. This misperception, Huzooraa said, can lead to a profound spiritual crisis, where the child, seeking autonomy, might distance themselves from their religious upbringing and, ultimately, from Allah the Almighty.
Huzooraa underscored the necessity for parents to not only set a strong example through their own religious practices but also to actively engage in dialogue with them and pray for their children’s steadfastness in faith. Huzooraa said, the act of praying for your children is as crucial as any aspect of their upbringing. Parents’ prayers for their children’s guidance are often what anchor them against the tides of immorality that prevail outside the sanctity of the home.
Huzooraa cautioned that the neglect of these parental responsibilities could lead to a future where children, once grown, are lost to the moral quandaries of the world. He urged parents to recognise the importance of their role in shaping future generations not merely through discipline but through active spiritual engagement and example-setting.
Huzooraa said:
“By purifying the environment of your home, you will ensure that the frivolities and innovations of the times do not influence your household. These are the things that undermine efforts for pure transformation and consume them like pests. This [modern] day society is considered civilised, but not everything in these developed countries is truly civilised. Some things are taught under the guise of freedom that lead away from civilisation, and morals, and towards corruption. Those who are regarded as highly developed are often engrossed in frivolities and evil, considering these as freedoms. Under the names of freedom of thought and freedom of conscience, obscene behaviours are displayed in streets, alleys, and markets.”
“Some among us, due to a sense of inferiority, consider these behaviours as civilised and try to adopt them. They try to learn these behaviours under the name of freedom. If our homes have a religious environment and we focus on prayers, we will avoid these pitfalls.
“In today’s environment, pay special attention to the fact that these frivolities have entered our homes through the internet and TV. Now, everyone has an iPhone, iPad, or tablet, through which they can watch indecent films and see inappropriate pictures. These are the deceitful tactics of the Dajjal that lead people away from God and religion.
“Ahmadi girls should avoid these things to maintain their chastity, honour, family dignity, and the sanctity of the Jamaat, striving to gain Allah’s pleasure. Similarly, every Ahmadi man and boy should avoid these pitfalls.”
Huzooraa explained that the narratives pushed by the media under the pretext of educating the young on natural relationships are prematurely exposing them to topics that attract rather than deter their involvement in immoral activities. He emphasised that instead of protecting youth, such exposure at a tender age serves to pique their curiosity and lead them astray.
Huzooraa urged parents to actively safeguard their children from these pervasive influences by fostering a home environment rooted in the teachings of Islam and regular prayer. He underscored the necessity of direct and open communication between parents and children, enabling the latter to discuss their encounters and confusions about societal messages without judgement.
Ethical use of technology for spiritual growth
Huzooraa highlighted that modern technologies, bestowed upon us during the era of the Promised Messiahas, are meant to advance the cause of Islam, yet when misused, they lead to vain pursuits and immoral activities. He expressed concern over the negative impacts these technologies can have on personal relationships and the moral fibre of society, particularly among the youth.
Huzooraa warned against the dangers of inappropriate communications through social media and messaging platforms, which can often start “innocently” but lead to harmful consequences. He said that seemingly, ‘simple messages’ can escalate into sinful interactions, especially among the young, who may not realise the gravity of their actions.
Huzooraa advised Ahmadi Muslims, especially young girls and boys, to maintain their dignity and the honour of their families by refraining from any activity that could compromise their Islamic values. The Jamaat expects them to uphold the highest standards of morality, reflecting the true teachings of Islam in every interaction, whether online or offline, Huzooraa urged.
Reaffirming the importance of purdah
Huzooraa stressed the importance of observing Islamic precepts of modesty in attire and conduct, particularly in the face of modern societal pressures.
True fashion within the bounds of Islam respects modesty; it is not just about following trends that lead to indecency, Huzooraa stated, condemning the misuse of garments like the burqa when they are tailored in a way that defeats their purpose of modesty. He emphasised that Islamic attire should not stick so closely to the body as to delineate its shape, but should preserve a woman’s dignity and not draw undue attention.
Huzooraa also called upon parents to instil the values of appropriate purdah firmly in their children from a young age, ensuring that they grow up with a clear understanding of the difference between modest fashion and immodesty disguised as fashion. He urged parents to discuss these matters openly with their children, using logic and reason to explain why certain styles of dress are inappropriate.
Huzooraa also tasked Lajna Ima’illah, the administration of the ladies’ auxiliary, to actively educate young Ahmadis on the importance of preserving their dignity through appropriate dress and conduct.
Conclusion and prayer
In his closing remarks, Huzooraa prayed for Allah’s support for all women to achieve the high spiritual and moral standards discussed. He reinforced the notion that true empowerment and societal respect for Ahmadi women come from their unwavering commitment to Islamic values, their role in nurturing future generations, and their efforts to promote the true teachings of Islam globally.
Huzooraa said, “We have to bring about a revolution in the world. We have to show the world the right path. We have to make the world such that people prostrate and submit to God. We have to bring the world under the banner and the flag of the Holy Prophetsa. For this, we would have to reform our states, and reform the states of our children and future generations. When this occurs, it will bring about a revolution in the world. Ahmadi women and Ahmadi girls, in particular, have to pay special attention to this because it is you who can also become the means of reforming the boys. Remember, this is the objective for which the Promised Messiahas came. It is this objective for which we have done the bai‘at of the Promised Messiahas. Otherwise, there is absolutely no point in doing the bai‘at.”
Huzooraa then prayed, “May Allah enable all of you to fulfil the right of this bai‘at. May you all be those who reform yourselves. And may you be those who give precedence to their faith over worldly matters. May all of you bring about a revolution in the world, while acting upon the commands of Allah the Exalted. May Allah enable this to be so.” Amin.
In the end, Huzooraa led everyone in silent prayer, after which nasirat presented some choral poems. Huzooraa then took leave and the session came to an end.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)