Besmir Yvejsi, Kosovo Correspondent

On 14 March 2023, representatives of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kosovo met with the mayor of the municipality of Kamenica, Mr Kadri Rahimaj, and the chief of staff of the mayor, Mrs Lidiona Marovca, in the mayor’s office in Kamenica. During the meeting, the mayor was informed about the Jamaat’s activities worldwide and in Kosovo and the organisation of the 10th Jalsa Salana Kosovo. Additionally, the mayor was apprised of the humanitarian activities of Humanity First in the world and in Kosovo, particularly those that had been successfully completed in the municipality of Kamenica through municipal cooperation with the ex-mayor Mr Qëndron Kastrati.
Later that same day, the representatives visited the mayor of the municipality of Hani i Elezit, Mr Mehmet Ballazhi, in his office in Hani i Elezit. The Director of the Directorate for Health and Social Welfare of the municipality of Hani i Elezit, Mrs Kimete Kuka, and the Director of the Centre for Social Work of the municipality of Hani i Elezit, Mr Amir Bushi, were also present at the meeting. The mayor was given a more comprehensive briefing on the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Kosovo as well as in the world. The representatives also informed the mayor of the humanitarian activities of Humanity First around the world and in Kosovo, focusing on social welfare, health, and education. On the other hand, representatives from the Jamaat Kosovo were apprised of the needs and other requirements facing this municipality in order to provide welfare to different segments of the population.
On 15 March 2023, the representatives met with the representatives of the mayor of the municipality of Ferizaj, Mr Agim Aliu, in his office. The Chief of Staff of the mayor, Mr Albion Sherifi, the Acting Director of the Centre for Social Work in Ferizaj, Mrs Adelina Rexhepi-Braha, and the Head of the Social Welfare Sector in the Directorate of Health and Social Welfare of the municipality, Mrs Emira Sallahu, were also present at the meeting. As the mayor was on an official visit outside Kosovo, Mr Albion Sherifi chaired the meeting. During the meeting, the mayor was informed about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, the efforts of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa to establish peace in the world, the National Peace Symposium in the UK, and the upcoming 10th Jalsa Salana Kosovo. The representatives also briefed the mayor about the humanitarian activities of Humanity First in Kosovo and worldwide, focusing on social welfare, health, and education. The representatives from the Jamaat were also informed about the needs and requirements that the municipality faces in order to provide welfare to different segments of the population.