Abdul Aziz Bin Mohd Ibrahim, President Jamaat Penang, Malaysia
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Penang, Malaysia held an exhibition booth about the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa at Georgetown, Penang, from 26 to 28 October 2020.

This year, the Penang State Government together with Gabungan Dakwah Malaysia Cawangan Pulau Pinang, launched a campaign, “Kenali Nabi Muhammadsa” (Know the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa) to educate people about the life of the Prophet of Islam.
The organiser invited Jamaat Penang to set up an exhibition about the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and Penang Jamaat took this wonderful opportunity.

Deputy Chief Minister 1 of Penang and Penang State Mufti visited our exhibition booth and applauded our efforts to introduce the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and his greatness to the people of Penang, especially to the non-Muslims.
Around 120 people visited our exhibition. The exhibition was covered and shared in one of Malaysia’s national television channels, RTM 1 Channel, in a programme named “Selamat Pagi Malaysia” on 29 October 2020.

May Allah the Almighty bless and accept this humble effort done by Jamaat Penang and educate the world about the loving, peaceful and great personality of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. Amin