Wakalat Tamil-o-Tanfidh for India, Nepal and Bhutan
On Saturday, 10 April 2021, members of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya India’s national amila had the chance to meet Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa in a virtual mulaqat.
Below are some of their impressions following this meeting:
K Tariq Ahmed, Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya India, said:
“This was a historic day for Majlis-e-Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya India and surely, this meeting is an important milestone for the development of Khuddam in India. Before this, the national amila had a meeting with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa in 2005, when he visited Qadian.

“Huzooraa pays special attention to the majalis of Qadian and India and at all times, guides us and grants instructions on different occasions. Today, another way to benefit from the blessings of Khilafat came in the form of this virtual meeting.
“By the grace of God Almighty, it is a matter of great fortune and happiness for all of us that we had the opportunity to meet Huzooraa. For some of us, it was the first time that Huzooraa addressed them directly, due to which our hearts are full of gratitude and thankfulness.
“Huzooraa enquired of all the mohtamims about the activities and programmes of their respective departments and also gave detailed instructions. There is no doubt that the Khalifa of the time is the embodiment of compassion. He has encouraged us a lot and ignored our weaknesses and called us to improve our work.
“Huzoor’saa instructions are a beacon for us. This meeting will surely prove to be a source of revolutionising the spiritual condition of the Khuddam and Atfal of India and increasing them in sincerity and loyalty.
“Huzooraa has instructed us that the activities of the Qadian Majlis should be of a higher standard so that this majlis should be a role model for the rest of the majalis and it should be clearly visible to those who come from outside.
“May Allah the Almighty grant us all the ability to perform our services in accordance with the high expectations of Huzooraa. Amin.”
Mureed Ahmad Dar, Mohtamim San‘at-o-Tijarat, said:
“Today, I had the opportunity to meet with my beloved master. It is not possible to describe in words the feelings of meeting Huzooraa. It was not even in our thoughts that we would ever be able to meet face to face with our beloved master.
“When the silent prayer was led by Huzooraa, it was a strange feeling that at last we were getting the opportunity to see and speak to our beloved Huzooraa. There is no doubt that Khilafat is the only system that enables us to have such spiritual opportunities, wherein our beloved master guides us like a compassionate father […] May Allah enable us to follow all the advice of our beloved Imam. Amin.”
Shamim Ahmad Ghauri, Mohtamim Ishaat, said:
“Our feelings regarding this meeting are indescribable. We were informed about this meeting a long time ago and from that time onwards, we had a strange state of heart. In a sense, there was also the fear that Huzooraa would ask us about the responsibilities entrusted to us, so we were preparing in this regard and with it, we had the opportunity to pray a lot.
“Khilafat is such a blessing that when Huzooraa came for the meeting, his beautiful smile changed the atmosphere completely […] In relation to Khilafat, Allah the Almighty has promised that it will change the state of fear of the believers into peace. So our condition before the meeting was such that we were all in fear and were worried about the performance of our respective departments.
“I pray to Allah the Almighty that He may enable us to fulfil our responsibilities and meet the high expectations of Huzooraa which he has told us in a very lovely manner.”

Tayyab Ahmad Khadim, Mohtamim Umur-e-Tulaba, said:
“By the grace of Allah the Almighty, the meeting was held in a very pleasant atmosphere. Huzooraa gave guidance in regard to the Umur-e-Tulaba department and explained how to set a target, how to keep in touch with students in the current year and how to achieve this target. He also provided direction as to which type of activities should be organised by this department during the year. I am extremely thankful to Allah the Almighty for this great opportunity to meet Huzooraa.”
Muhammad Tahir, Mohtamim Tarbiyat for Rishta Nata, said:
“I last met Huzooraa during his tour of Qadian 15 years ago. From that time till now, I had wished to meet him.
“About a month ago, my health was not very well, so I was worried about how I would be able to participate in this meeting. But when Huzooraa came on the screen, the divine light of his countenance comforted my heart and all my ailments were removed, alhamdulillah. We will try to fully adhere to the instructions given in relation to the Rishta Nata department and will try to make the best programmes in this regard in all majalis.”
Ata-ul-Momin, Mohtamim Sehat-e-Jismani, said:
“Huzooraa started the meeting in a very kind and loving manner and in such a way that the heart became very satisfied. He granted guidance to all mohtamims in a very loving manner. He has specially called upon us to improve our performance and reports as well and to get feedback from the majalis and to further improve our performance by reviewing the results of these works. In the same way, Huzooraa has guided us towards very important and subtle matters as well. May Allah the Almighty grant us the ability to act accordingly. Amin.”
Naveed Ahmad Fazal, Mohtamim Umumi, said:
“I had the opportunity to attend a virtual meeting with Huzooraa. When the blessed face of Huzooraa came before our eyes and the heart-touching voice of our beloved Imam fell upon our ears, in that moment, it seemed as if all fear and panic was gone.
“In regard to the umumi department, Huzooraa granted us special instructions regarding the protection of the holy places of Qadian. We pray to Allah the Almighty that we follow the instructions given to us by Huzooraa regarding the tarbiyat of Khuddam and live our lives according to the expectations of Huzooraa. Amin.”
Syed Mohi-ud-Din Farid, Mohtamim Talim, said:
“This year, for the first time, I am getting the opportunity to serve in Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya India […] By the grace of Allah the Almighty, this was a very blessed meeting, in which Huzooraa gave us a lot of valuable instructions. I pray that may Allah the Almighty grant us all the ability to perform services in the best way according to the instructions of our beloved master. Amin.”
Syed Zubair Ahmad, Mohtamim Waqar-e-Amal, said:
“Since we got the news about this meeting, I was happy that after a long time, we were being given the chance to have a direct meeting with Huzooraa. However, when the meeting started, seeing the radiance on Huzoor’saa face, all types of uneasiness and fear disappeared and the meeting was held in a very cordial atmosphere. I will do my best to implement the instructions given by Huzooraa in regard to the waqar-e-amal department, insha-Allah”
Farhat Ahmad Malkana, Mohtamim Tarbiyat for New Converts, said:
“By the grace of Allah Almighty, this virtual meeting with Huzooraa was very emotional for me. There was a desire to meet him, which got fulfilled in this way. I had a great desire to speak to Huzooraa directly […] Huzooraa spoke to the amila in a compassionate, loving and generous way. We will try our best to follow the instructions given by Huzooraa to us and we will try to work according to whatever guidance he has given regarding our respective departments, insha-Allah.”
Mubashir Ahmad Khadim, Mohtamim Tarbiyat, said:
“I am very happy to meet Huzooraa during this virtual meeting and cannot express my feelings in words. We will do our best to follow the guidance and instructions Huzooraa has given us, insha-Allah. May Allah the Almighty enable us to act upon these instructions so that our majlis may progress. Amin.”
Athar Ahmad Shamim, Mohtamim Muqami, said:
“When my turn came, Huzooraa asked regarding the report [of my department] and spoke to me in a loving manner just like a compassionate father. This meeting was very interesting; when Huzooraa said that emphasis should be laid on tarbiyat, he especially instructed me that as the Khuddam of Qadian have a distinction among all majalis, due to being in the central majlis, they must set a good example for others. Insha-Allah, I will do my best in this regard so that the Khuddam of Qadian create a good change in themselves and create a pious example.”
Nasrun-min-Allah, Mohtamim Mal, said:
“By the grace of Allah the Almighty, this meeting was held in such a way that Huzooraa, like a compassionate father, asked us all the questions and reviewed our performance […] The state of my heart cannot be described in words. In regard to the mal department, Huzooraa specially instructed that Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya India should stand on its own feet now. We pray to Allah the Almighty that may Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya India stand on its own feet [financially] and may He grant us the strength to do so. Amin.”
Muhammad Sharif Kausar, Muavin Sadr for Waqf-e-Nau, said:
“It was a very happy and historic occasion for all of us. Our emotions are indescribable. Seeing the blessed face of our beloved Imam, my heart was filled with contentment and serenity […] After this meeting, we, Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya India, will reach new heights of progress, insha-Allah. Huzooraa also taught how to work and explained the ways for talim and tarbiyat of Khuddam. May Allah help us to follow all these instructions. Amin.”