On 27 March 2022, members of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Norway, were given the opportunity to meet Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, in a virtual mulaqat.
The mulaqat commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran followed by its Urdu translation by Attaul Wadud Matin Sahib. Then, Sultan Naseer Ahmad Sahib had the opportunity to present a hadith and its Urdu translation. Syed Suhail Ahmad Sahib presented an extract from Noah’s Ark, a book written by the Promised Messiahas.
Thereafter, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa asked Yuneeb Sarwar Sahib, Naib Sadr what the programme was. He replied that the khuddam had some questions they wished to ask Huzooraa.
Waheed Qureshi Sahib was first to ask a question. He asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa how one could remain humble and avoid arrogance.
Huzooraa said that one had to instil humility within themselves. Huzooraa said that he had mentioned in his recent Friday Sermon that when a person deemed themselves to be a great person and began to think that they could do no wrong and everyone else was beneath them, and that they were most knowledgeable, that was when a person succumbed to arrogance.
Huzooraa explained, “It should always be remembered that Allah the Exalted does not like arrogance.”
Huzooraa said that if one believed in Allah and had firm faith in Him and remembered that Allah disliked arrogance and desired that man reformed himself, then arrogance would be avoided at all cost by such a person.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa quoted the following couplet from an Urdu poem of the Promised Messiahas:
بدتر بنو ہر ایک سے اپنے خیال میں
شاید اسى سے دخل ہو دارالوصال میں
[“Consider yourself lower than everyone else. Perhaps this will help you enter the court of the Lord, God.”]
Huzooraa then explained:
“One must consider oneself inferior to all. One must adopt humility. This is the way to please Allah the Almighty. If one keeps in mind that ‘I have to please Allah’, then arrogance cannot enter [one’s heart].”
Nabeel Qamar Sahib, quoted an excerpt from Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge and Truth and asked Huzooraa a question regarding revelation and how one could explain it to atheists or scientists.
Hearing his question and the passage he quoted, Huzooraa said that it seemed as though Nabeel Qamar Sahib had only read that much of the book and not the complete book; to which Nabeel Qamar Sahib replied that he had started but had not yet completed it. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said, “If you read the entire [book], you will find your answer.”
Huzooraa explained that even scientists were inspired and received hidden insights from God. Hesaid that Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra had written an article on this very subject. Prophets received revelation from God and were taught spiritual knowledge directly from Allah. However, scientists also received hidden insights from Allah regarding secular matters. Huzooraa said that this article’s English translation was available in The Review of Religions’ December issue of 2021. Huzooraa additionally said that this argument could be used to convince others.
Huzooraa further explained that some scientists would think over a matter for some time and then suddenly receive some insight and a solution to the issue they had pondered over.
Basil Mahmud Sahib said that during his medical duties, he was unable to offer salat on time and had to combine prayers. He asked if, in this way, his prayers would be accepted by Allah.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa explained that there was no issue with combining prayers a bit later if one did not have the time to offer them on time due to an emergency. However, Huzooraa advised that he could take his prayer mat with him and if he was able to find time during the day, then he could offer his salat. And if at any time he was called due to an emergency, he could break his salat and offer it when he found the time to do so. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said, “It is permissible to break the prayer to save human life.”
Huzooraa further said that it was not permissible to combine all prayers as a precautionary measure beforehand, thinking that one may not find the time during the day to offer them.
Jasim Quddus Sahib asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa that if one’s parents imposed upon their child to study a certain subject or pursue a particular occupation, whilst the child did not want to and had their own inclination to a certain field of study, whether it was permissible for the child to choose their own preferred path.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated that it was better for one to choose their own field of study to which they were inclined. Huzooraa said that if one’s parents desired for their child to become a doctor, but the child said that they wanted to become a lawyer, engineer, economist, or pursue a field like this which the child’s mind had a tendency towards, then one should choose that. Huzooraa said that whenever someone asked him what profession they should go into, outlining their options, he would reply by saying, “Choose that [subject or field of study] which you are most interested in.”
Sikandar Ayyaz Sahib stated that in the previous class with the Atfal of Norway, his son had a question that he was unable to ask. He said that he would now present his son’s question before Huzooraa. His son, 7, had asked why it was not permissible to go inside the Holy Ka‘bah in Mecca.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa stated that these days, the doors of the Holy Ka‘bah had been closed for a reason. He said that during the time of the Holy Prophetsa, people would go inside to worship Allah and “so too would the Holy Prophet.” Huzooraa added that the doors to the Holy Ka‘bah might have been closed as an administrative measure. It was said, Huzooraa stated, that there was so much rush to even touch the Black Stone that some would get trampled over in the process.
Huzooraa added that the door was closed as an administrative measure and that “there is no prohibition in the Shariah [with regard to this matter.]”
Sarim Quddus Sahib asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa how he used to serve the Jamaat when he was a khadim. Huzooraa replied, “In the same manner that you [all] do.” Huzooraa further said that he would act according to what his superiors instructed.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa stated, “I have served as a zaeem, and I have served as a muntazim atfal. I have served as a nazim in the Muqami Majlis of Rabwah. I have served in the markaz as a mohtamim. So, I used to work according to what our officers used to instruct […]”.
Huzooraa said, “You all should try to work with sincerity, employing all your potential, abilities and whatever power Allah has given you and do as much work as you can for the Majlis. Alongside this, make efforts to become regular in your prayers, and pray to Allah Almighty to grant you the opportunity to help you to work properly. Ask Allah for help and work with sincerity; therein lie the blessings.”
Suhaib Qamar Sahib asked Huzooraa what one could do to help with the propagation of Islam Ahmadiyyat.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa explained that the first thing one had to do was to pray, “Offer the five daily prayers and pray to Allah.” Huzooraa said that one should pray that Allah shows us the dominance of Islam Ahmadiyyat in our lifetime and that we may also be a part of it. Then, Huzooraa said, for this, one also had to acquire religious knowledge. Huzooraa added that one had to read and recite the Holy Quran to acquire religious knowledge and then also study the books of the Promised Messiahas in which he had provided the interpretation of the Holy Quran and hadith.
Huzooraa said that the knowledge gained should then be incorporated into one’s life. One’s practice ought to be in accordance with the teachings of Islam. One’s actions and words ought to be the same. Huzooraa said that it was our duty to preach the teachings of Islam to people, and then it was the domain of Allah to bless it and to bring people to it.
Ayyan Ahmad Sahib asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa how one could avoid the pitfalls of social media in the current day and age.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa answered by saying that “determination” was the way one could save themselves from the pitfalls of social media. Huzooraa explained that there was also good usage of social media. One ought to make use of the good and disregard the bad. Huzooraa explained that there were many Jamaat websites from which one could learn religious knowledge. Huzooraa emphasised that one ought to be determined and focus on the good sites whereby one could learn and gain more religious knowledge.

Salman Ayyaz Khan Sahib asked Huzooraa why sinners were not punished much in this world and why was it that good people went through many trials in this world. He asked what the wisdom was behind good people facing more trials in this world.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that Allah the Almighty punished sinners in this world and would punish some in there Hereafter. For a believer, “this world is a world of trials,” Huzooraa remarked. In the next world, Huzooraa said, Allah would punish those who sinned, and those who did good deeds would be granted Paradise. The Promised Messiahas had stated that the prophets of Allah faced many trials in this world. Huzooraa gave the example of prophets and said that the Holy Prophetsa also faced many hardships. In the same way, Huzooraa said, “Whenever believers go through hardships, He [Allah] rewards them in the next life,” and some were given the reward of their pious deeds in this life.
“Allah the Almighty has blessed us with innumerable blessings in this world, if one ponders”.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa beautifully said, “If a person ponders, every moment and every day that dawns, brings with it the grace of Allah Almighty.”
It was wrong to say that only noble men went through hardships in this world and that the mischievous men got what they desired.
Adeel Anwar Sahib said that there were many ethical challenges in the medical profession such as euthanasia. He said that in the majority of European countries, euthanasia was illegal. He asked what one should do if a situation arose where a person asked to die, in a country that had legalised euthanasia. How should an Ahmadi doctor act in such a situation?
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that if, as a doctor, one was required by the law to act upon it and the doctor had no say in it, then it was permissible. Huzooraa said, “You can also tell your co-worker that ‘you may take this case as I try to avoid such things. […] If you can avoid it, well and good. Ask any of your colleagues to take such a case”.
Muhammad Faiq Sahib, who had recently moved to Norway from Pakistan, asked Huzooraa how one could train their children in today’s society and enable them to walk on the right path.
Huzooraa explained that parents had to present a good example before their children. If the parents offered salat andrecited the Holy Quran, then it would be a good example for children. Huzooraa stated that it was important for the father and children to have a bond and not that the father only remained occupied in his work. Children should feel as if they could talk to their parents. In this way, Huzooraa said, parents would be able to do their children’s tarbiyat well. Huzooraa said that it was important for parents to give their attention to children.
Ali Raza Sahib asked Huzooraa what one could do to remain content in life in a world of pandemics, wars and social unrest.
Huzooraa explained:
“For this, Allah the Exalted says that ‘you [should] follow Me. You [should] follow whatever I say. You [should] always keep Me in your mind and always remember Me. Always discharge your duties towards Me.’ [Discharge] your obligation towards Allah the Exalted, that is worship him five times daily. And try to read the Holy Quran; and not only read the text of the Holy Quran in Arabic, but also the translation of the Holy Quran. And whatever you find in the Holy Quran – there are so many commandments, 700 or more commandments as the Promised Messiahas has said – follow those commandments.
“So, this is the only way we can keep ourselves happy. If you always remember Allah the Exalted and follow whatever He has required from us. […] Allah has said in the Holy Quran:
أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللّٰهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوب
“That is, the remembrance of Allah is the only way that can satisfy your hearts. If you are offering your five daily prayers, praying to Allah the Exalted, reading the Holy Quran, finding the commandments given in the Holy Quran, and trying to act upon them, then you will be happy, and these worldly things will not affect you.”
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then asked how many khuddam were seated in the hall. Yuneeb Sarwar Sahib said that there were 148 khuddam present.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa then conveyed his salaam to all the khuddam and the meeting came to a close.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)