Members of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya India’s national amila were blessed with the opportunity of meeting Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, in a virtual mulaqat, on 10 April 2021.
After conveying salaam, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa led everyone in silent prayer, after which the amila members had the opportunity to introduce themselves and the work assigned to them.
The first to present their report was naib sadr I, who said he was tasked to oversee nine different departments. Huzooraa then asked if he had given special attention to the reports he received from the various departments. To this, he replied in the affirmative.
Next to speak was the naib sadr who is also serving as a missionary in nazarat nashr-o-ishaat. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa stated that as he worked mostly in an office, he should take time to go for walks and exercise after Fajr prayer.

Addressing the mo‘tamid, Huzooraa asked how many majalis there were and how many of them sent reports consistently. Answering Huzooraa, he said that there were a total of 973 majalis and that 400 majalis sent their reports with regularity.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa enquired what was being done to remind the other majalis about submitting regular reports. Huzooraa then asked if he checked the reports and also sent his remarks.
Offering guidance, Huzooraa said, “[…] you should make a system whereby reports are sent regularly. Reports should not simply be sent for the sake of it; rather, there should be substance [in such reports].”
Following this, speaking with mohtamim tajnid, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked if the tajnid was updated yearly and added, “Gather the tajnid information from the grassroots level.”
Huzooraa also said that one should not simply rely on getting the information through the AIMS department. Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya should have their own data. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa, whilst providing direction, stated that emphasis should also be paid to sending out tajnid forms to be filled and sent back to the centre; the main objective is to ensure the tajnid forms are filled and sent back within the first two months of the new year. “Only then,” Huzooraa said, “will you have the correct data and only then will you be able to make a proper plan.”
Next to present their report was mohtamim tarbiyat. Addressing him, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said that the tarbiyat department had an important responsibility and enquired about the plans they made.
Mohtamim tarbiyat reported that a well-thought-out plan was made to ensure the tarbiyat of Khuddam. He added that emphasis was given to offering Salat in congregation, listening to Huzoor’saa Friday sermons, among other things.
Hearing this, Huzooraa asked if he had a personal relationship with each majlis. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa added that through implementing a tarbiyat programme, “many other issues can be avoided.”
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa added that as India is a vast country, “a special programme should be made for each area according to that area’s psychology and issues [they face].”
Speaking with additional mohtamim tarbiyat (rishta nata), Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said, “[…] it is also the duty of the rishta nata department to ensure, with the help of the tarbiyat department, that Khuddam give preference to religion over the world.”
Next, whilst conversing with mohtamim tarbiyat nau mubai‘een (new converts), Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa asked about the new converts and programmes made for them; responding, he said that there were 1,810 new converts and that a syllabus was prepared for them about the basic teachings of Islam Ahmadiyyat and the status of the Promised Messiahas.
Mohtamim tarbiyat nau mubai‘een further said that various articles were prepared and provided to various people of different backgrounds. Hearing this, Huzooraa said, “This is good, but you should also try to get feedback. Giving something once is no remarkable accomplishment. What should be considered is if others have benefited from that which was given. And if they have benefited, then what changes did they see [within themselves]?” This is the feedback that should be collated and considered.
Huzooraa added, “I deliver my sermon from here and everyone listens to it, but until I learn of the impact the sermon has had on a person, what benefit will it have?”

Speaking with mohtamim umur-e-tulaba, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa was informed that there were 18 students doing their PhDs. Huzooraa then asked how many students were studying medicine and added that the students should be kept in contact with the centre.
Following this, addressing mohtamim talim, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked which books of the Promised Messiahas were prescribed for Khuddam to study, to which mohtamim talim said that throughout the year, a total of seven books had been given. Huzooraa then asked about feedback and how many had read the books. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa then said, “You should make a plan in such a way that 100% of the Khuddam get involved.”
Conversing with muavin sadr Waqf-e-Nau, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa asked how many waqifeen-e-nau there were. Replying, he said that there were 2,484 Atfal and Khuddam. Huzooraa then asked how many waqifeen, above the age of 15, had written that they wished to continue their waqf. In response, the muavin sadr said he did not have the exact data for this.
Mohtamim khidmat-e-khalq (service to mankind) was next to report. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa asked about the various plans and events that were carried out; to this, he responded that they had conducted 10 different medical camps this year.
Addressing mohtamim Atfal, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa asked how many Atfal there were and what plans were made for their tarbiyat. He replied that there were 3,343 Atfal and that they had prepared various classes to help ensure their progress and tarbiyat.
Huzooraa then asked about feedback and how many Atfal took part in the classes. Huzooraa said, “The main thing to observe is how many take part [in these events]. We have to look after these children. If we are successful in looking after the children – up to the age of 15 – and make them active members, then they will be active members for Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya and for the Jamaat too. So, looking after Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya is a big responsibility; do not consider this a light task.”
Conversing with mohtamim ishaat (publications), Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa asked about recent publications, to which he replied that this year, they printed a booklet titled Ahmadiyyat, What and Why in Malayalam. He added that they also printed a booklet to help new converts learn more about the Jamaat.
Addressing mohtamim sehat-e-jismani (physical health), Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked how many Khuddam exercised regularly. Huzooraa was told that more than 300 Khuddam exercised regularly.
Speaking with mohtamim Muqami about the tarbiyat of Khuddam and Atfal in Qadian, Huzooraa said, “[…] Qadian’s majlis should be a model. People who visit from outside, upon seeing Qadian’s majlis, should say, ‘Yes, this is a model for us to follow.’”
Next to present his report was mohtamim umumi who said that aside from other responsibilities, security duties were given every Friday. Whilst giving direction, Huzooraa said, “Do not just gather boys aged 15-16 to give duties; ensure you have sensible people and grown-up Khuddam who can make a decision in emergencies, or who can handle emergency type situations.”
After this, addressing Sadr Sahib, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said, “I have spoken with everyone, and in such short time only this much could be said […] I saw your pen was moving fast [throughout the meeting] I am sure you have noted everything.”
With this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa conveyed his salaam to all amila members and the meeting drew to a close.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)