S Mukarram Nazeer
Canada Correspondent
To celebrate 111 years of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya, Jamaat Canada held Jalsa Khilafat Day across the country. Below are details of the events for some of the larger Jalsas:
Combined event for Peel and Vaughan Jamaats
The biggest event was held at the Baitul Islam Mosque complex. Members of Peel and Vaughan Jamaats attended. Amir Jamaat Canada, Lal Khan Malik Sahib presided the session.
The programme started with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by its translation in English and Urdu. This was followed by a poem and its English translation. Amir Sahib Canada gave the opening address and highlighted the importance and significance of Khilafat Ahmadiyya.

The first speech was delivered by Tahir Ahmad Mian Sahib on the topic of Khilafat and Unity in Islam. Imtiaz Sara Sahib then elaborated on the Blessings of Khilafat.
Thereafter, a choral poem was recited by Fateen Riaz Sahib and Farrukh Tahir Sahib.
The concluding speech was delivered by Mirza Muhammad Afzal Sahib on Obedience to Khilafat. National Amir Sahib made the concluding remarks and the Jalsa ended with silent prayer. The event saw a total attendance of 1,525 members. Iftari and dinner was served to all.
Calgary’s Bait-un-Noor mosque held the second largest Khilafat Day event in Canada. The recitation of the Holy Quran was followed by English and Urdu translations. A poem with English translation was also recited.
A video on Khilafat for Mankind was shown. An interesting quiz competition on Al-Wasiyyat was conducted by Zahid Abid Sahib and was appreciated by the audience. Asif Arif Sahib gave the main speech on the topic of Importance of Personal Relationship with Khalifa.The Jalsa concluded with silent prayer by the Amir of Calgary, Majeed Ahmad Meer Sahib. The total attendance was 1,150 members. After the event, iftari and dinner was served to guests.
In Weston, tilawat and poems were followed by their translations. A video on the importance of Khilafat was shown. Speakers highlighted the blessings of Khilafat for Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya. The total attendance was 1,032 members.
On the west coast of Canada, Bait-ur-Rahman mosque Vancouver welcomed Ahmadis to the Jalsa. Atfal who went to meet Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa in London in March 2019 shared their experiences of spending time with their beloved Imam.
A speech in English was made by Sabahat Sahib on unique aspects of the leadership of Khilafat. A video showing the visit of Khulafa to Vancouver was shown. The concluding speech was made by Amir Vancouver, Naeem Ahmad Lakhan Sahib on Tahrik-e-Jadid; A Divine Scheme. 670 members attended the event, after which iftari and dinner was served to all.
Baitul-Hamd Mosque was the venue for the Jalsa in Mississauga. Tilawat and poem were followed by their respective translations. Missionary of Mississauga, Sadiq Ahmad Sahib spoke on the topic of Khilafat is a Blessing. Amir Mississauga Jamaat, Ahsan Gardezi Sahib gave the concluding address. 600 in total attended the event.
For Toronto Jamaat, Jalsas were held at local levels. This allowed members to attend their local namaz centres and benefit from the blessings of these Jalsas. In total 400 members were recorded to have attended the Khilafat Day Jalsas in Toronto. All attendees were served iftari and dinner.
Generally, Khilafat Day Jalsas are held in all the 8 regions and 32 Jamaats of Canada. The total number of people attending Khilafat Day Jalsas around Canada is around 8,000 members.