Kasarani Khuddam and Atfal Ijtema 2019


Tahir Ahmad Machengo, Kenya Correspondent

From Friday, 22 November to Sunday, 24 November 2019, Khuddam and Atfal of Kasarani Jamaat in Kenya successfully held a joint Ijtema. The first event of the Ijtema saw all members listen to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’saa live Friday Sermon. Throughout Friday, other activities were also held, including amila meetings.

On Saturday, after Tahajud, Fajr and Darsul-Quran, members were served breakfast. The formal session started with recitation of Holy Quran by Farhan Bentley followed by nazm by Kasarani Jamaat Atfal.

The first speech was delivered by Qaid Khuddam Kasarani Barrak Were Sahib was about the purpose of Allah creating humanity. He quoted a verse from the Holy Quran which highlighted that men and jinn were created solely to worship Allah the Almighty without associating partners with Him.

This was followed by a speech about the Holy Prophet’ssa mission and Khilafat, delivered by Sadr Jamaat Kasarani Mr Sheban Wabuti Sahib.

The last speech was about the reasons for the advent of the Promised Messiahas that was delivered by Mualim Muhammad Ali Sahib. The session ended at Zuhr.

Next, the sports and academic competitions’ session were conducted. After Maghrib and Isha prayers, all Khuddam and Atfal had an open forum for questions and answers.

On Sunday, members performed Tahajud and Fajr and listened to Dars-ul-Quran. Thereafter, sports competitions were held. At around 11am, the closing session was conducted by Amir Jamaat Kenya, Tariq Mahmood Zafar Sahib. He urged Kasarani Khuddam and the amila to continue arranging similar programs for Tarbiyat purposes.

He advised members that whenever the Jamaat organises such religious programmes like Ijtemas and Jalsas, everyone should always heed the call and arrange themselves to attend, for this is the way to enhance their spiritual well-being.

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