Abdul Munim Khan Chowdhury, Bangladesh Correspondent
Jamia Ahmadiyya Bangladesh had the blessed opportunity of having a virtual mulaqat with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa on 13February 2021.
This day will most certainly go down as the most memorable day in the history of Bangladesh Jamia since its humble beginning in 2006.

Since the pandemic, there have been lockdowns in a lot of countries. Huzooraa has been graciously granting virtual mulaqats to various departments of countries.
The missionaries of Bangladesh also had the blessed opportunity to meet with Huzooraa virtually in the month of November 2020. After this meeting, Principal Jamia Ahmadiyya Bangladesh, Mobassherur Rahman Sahib sought the kind approval from Huzooraa for a virtual mulaqat with the students and teachers serving at Jamia Ahmadiyya Bangladesh.
The necessary steps to ensure uninterrupted power supply and Internet connection in Ahmadnagar, Panchagarh was ensured before asking for Huzoor’s kind approval. Ahmadnagar is where Jamia Ahmadiyya is located in Bangladesh.
By the grace of Allah, Huzooraa graciously approved the requested mulaqat and the date of 13 February was set.
The virtual meeting was held in the hall of the newly-constructed Jamia Ahmadiyya Bangladesh. After the meeting, the participants expressed their heartfelt emotions and feelings of this meeting.
Maulana Bashirur Rahman Sahib, Vice Principal said:
“I can never thank the Almighty Allah enough for this historic mulaqat with Huzooraa. He provided us time from his extremely busy schedule despite our weaknesses. May Allah enable us all as missionaries to abide by the valuable instructions given by our beloved Huzooraa. Amin.”
Maulana Sultan Mahmud Anwar Sahib, lecturer at Jamia Ahmadiyya Bangladesh, said:
“This day will forever be etched in my mind; such was my experience of virtually meeting with Huzooraa”
Abu Saleh Ahmad Sahib, student of the Shahid batch, said:
“I don’t know what good I have done in my life to have this blessed opportunity to meet with Huzooraa. I felt like I was sitting directly in front of Huzooraa. My emotions right now are beyond description.”
Muhammad Tarif Hossain Sahib, student of Khamisa, said:
“I could not believe my luck even while sitting in front of Huzooraa. It felt like time flew by and the mulaqat with Huzooraa was over in the blink of an eye. May Allah let us meet Huzooraa again and again. Amin.”
Akmal Hossain Sahib, student of Rabiya, said:
“I feel elated upon meeting Huzooraa. I thank Huzooraa from the bottom of my heart for making time for us.”
Sabur Ahmad Sahib, student of Salisa, said:
“I do not have words to express just how awe-stricken and overwhelmed I am after meeting with Huzooraa. This is, undoubtedly, the best day of my life.”
Farhan Ahmad Sahib, student of Sania, said:
“I was impatiently awaiting this day and now, this day has come and gone by. What a blessed day it was for the students of Jamia Ahmadiyya Bangladesh. I am stunned and overwhelmed by the aura of Huzooraa.”
Rafel Chowdhury Sahib, student of Ula, said:
“Meeting with Huzooraa was one of my key anticipations and alhamdulillah, today, this was fulfilled in grand fashion.”
Ferdous Hasan Sahib, student of Mumahida, said:
“This is a memory that I will cherish till my last breath. Huzooraa kindly addressed us with a smiling face and I had the fortune of reciting a qaseeda, alhamdulillah.”
Rubel Ahmed Meer Sahib, student Faslul Khaas, said:
“I felt like this one hour passed by in the blink of an eye. A truly wonderful occasion indeed.”
Mobassherur Rahman Sahib, Principal Jamia Ahmadiyya Bangladesh, said:
“No matter how many times I meet Huzooraa, my heart is always racing before meeting him. But he is so kind that he makes the situation easy for all, after which one can speak to him with great joy. This was definitely an Eid day for all the teachers and students of Jamia Ahmadiyya Bangladesh. A waqif-e-zindagi can ask for no more.”
May Allah make this blessed occasion a chance for all the faculties of Jamia Ahmadiyya Bangladesh to make a fresh start in their commitment to serve Allah and His true Khalifa. Amin.