Jamaat Suriname engagements in Ramadan | AMJ Suriname
Laeeq Ahmad Mushtaq
Missionary, Suriname
Since 2001, Jamaat Suriname has had the good fortune of being able to present a television show during Ramadan. This year, 67 programmes were presented by us on two major television channels, namely, TBN and Radika. This proved successful and people praised the programmes.
On 18 May, the Jamaat’s first article was published by GFC Nieuws and Starniuews (one of the most notable and reliable websites in the country whose readership exceeds 100,000). This article was published on the main page of three Holland websites and one Suriname website.
The same article got a lot of attention elsewhere, especially by Suriname’s oldest daily newspaper, De Ware Tijd.
This year, Jamaat Suriname hosted 14 Iftar events at Masjid Nasir. At every event, the average total attendance would be 100-120. On 31 May, for the first time, the Chief of Maho, Mrs Astrid Tuanae, along with six companions visited the mosque. They all participated in the Tarawih prayers and returned home late at night.
On 7 June, the Vice President of Suriname, Mr Ashwin Adhin, along with his staff attended our Iftar event at Masjid Nasir. The Vice President toured the complex of the Mosque, where he saw the offices, studio and other parts of the mosque. As we spoke, he asked about the activities of the Jamaat. During the Maghrib prayer, Mr Ashwin Adhin remained in the mosque, observing the prayer. Thereafter, he was presented with the book, Invitation to Ahmadiyyat by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra, a memorable shield on behalf of the Jamaat and the Dutch translation of World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace.

Jamaat Suriname Engagements in Ramadan | AMJ Suriname
During an address, the Vice President of Suriname said: “I have only come to partake in the joy of Ramadan with you, and spending this short time with you has given me peace of mind.”
The leader of the opposition, and Member of Parliament, Mr Chandrikapersad visited our mosque along with five other gentlemen.
Food and clothes were arranged for the needy during Ramadan. A collective Waqar-e-Amal was organised the day before Eid to clean the mosque and the surrounding plots to accommodate the overflow.
Eid-ul-Fitr was celebrated on 15 June, where 220 members of the Jamaat attended. Food was served to all in attendance. Prime Alert, a current affairs news channel arrived before the Eid prayer and recorded the proceedings, parts of which were broadcast in a programme later that night.