Laiq Ahmed Atif, President Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta

Dar tal-Providenza – a home for the disabled held its 12-hour fundraising event on 4 July 2021. The management of this institution requested Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta for its cooperation during the fundraising event.
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta actively participated and members of the Jamaat offered refreshments – food and drink – to all the participants, guests and volunteers. The food was prepared by the Jamaat members in their homes. Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Malta, Haroon Ahmad Khan Sahib, and missionary, Laiq Ahmed Atif Sahib, also helped in responding to telephone calls for donations during the event.
The administration and presenters expressed their gratitude for the Jamaat’s presence and active participation. The President of Malta, Dr George Vela and his wife participated in the programme and we had the opportunity to brief them about the services of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta.

The programme continued from 12 pm until midnight. A total of eight members of the Jamaat helped with great dedication and sincerity throughout the event. Khuddam were wearing shirts with the Jamaat’s logo and its motto of “Love for all, hatred for none”.
At the end, a prayer service for all the contributors, benefactors and donors was held at the suggestion of the Ahmadi missionary. The prayer was led by Rev Martin Micallef, the Director of Dar tal-Providenza and Laiq Ahmed Atif Sahib, President Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta.
After praying in the Maltese language, the Ahmadi missionary also recited Surah Fatihah and a prayer from a hadith for the sick and needy, in Arabic. The prayers had a profound effect on the attendees.
In this event, Khuddam helped with great dedication and enthusiasm. Similarly, three families prepared food.