Fahd Peerzada, Missionary, Guyana

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Guyana held the “Life of Muhammad Conference” on 7 January 2023 at Guyana’s National Library. It was attended by members of the Jamaat, non-Ahmadi Muslims and non-Muslims who are tabligh contacts.
An advertisement was also run on social media, which reached close to 100,000 people.
The conference speeches covered a variety of topics, with the speakers expounding on various aspects of the blessed life of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa.
Jazib Sumner Sahib highlighted the various contributions of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa to improve the standard of morality and society.
Muzaffar Kwesi Sahib mentioned the remarkable examples of steadfastness and patience the Holy Prophetsa displayed throughout his life.
My humble self spoke about how Allah the Almighty has many attributes that the Prophet Muhammadsa mirrored in the most excellent and exemplary manner such as being merciful, gracious, forgiving and many more.
Missionary-in-charge, Maqsood Ahmed Mansoor Sahib, concluded the session with his speech talking about the different miracles the Prophet Muhammadsa displayed during his lifetime.
We accommodated guests from not only Georgetown but guests from Berbice and Linden also participated in the event, totalling up to around 85 people.
The event was also attended by several guests, such as the mayor of Georgetown, Pandit Ubraj Narine, Pastor Ronald McGarrell, Pastor Wendell Jeffrey and Constable Andrew Smartt from the Guyana Police Force.
During this event, several certificates were awarded to individuals who completed a four-week online course in the month of November.