Huzoor addresses Jalsa volunteers at Hadeeqatul Mahdi

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Hadeeqatul Mahdi, 25 July 2024: With Jalsa Salana UK 2024 set to commence tomorrow, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa addressed the Jalsa volunteers at the Jalsa site.

At approximately 9 pm BST, Huzooraa arrived at the jalsa gah and was welcomed with hearty slogans of takbir. Huzooraa then called Hafiz Tayyib Ahmad Sahib to recite a portion of the Holy Quran, Surah al-Baqarah, Ch.2: V.145.

Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then delivered a brief address in which he said that he deemed it more befitting to provide words of advice today rather than a week before the Jalsa as initially planned by the organisers. He emphasised the great blessing of Allah upon the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, highlighting how, in a world engrossed with materialism, Ahmadi children, youth, and adults, both men and women, present themselves to serve the faith. Huzooraa specifically mentioned delegations of youth from Mauritius and Canada who had come to volunteer at the Jalsa.

With reference to the sayings of the Promised Messiahas, Huzooraa reminded the attendees of the spiritual purpose of the Jalsa. He urged the volunteers to be grateful for the opportunity to serve, and to always maintain this sentiment of gratitude. He noted that each year brings new departments and improvements, and among the older age groups, there is such experience that they are able to teach the next generation how to work and serve. This, he stated, is the hallmark of progressing nations: training the next generations to achieve the goals set before them.

Huzooraa again emphasised to the volunteers the privilege of being able to serve and reminded them about the importance of supplications and prayers. He admonished them to act with the highest morals when dealing with others and to always keep smiling. Despite the long hours of work, volunteers should not exhibit any unhappiness to the guests or any weakness of morals. He concluded by praying for their success and that Allah may enable them to carry out their duties effectively.

In the end, Huzooraa led everyone in silent prayer. He then asked for azan to be called, before leading everyone in the Maghrib and Isha salat.

(Report prepared by Al Hakam)

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