Luqman Ahmed Bajwa, Missionary, Guadeloupe
On 10 December 2023, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Guadeloupe held Jalsa Seerat-un-Nabi. The formal event started with the recitation from the Holy Quran followed by its translation in French. Then, an Arabic qasidah written by the Promised Messiahas was presented.
The first speech was on the topic of “The Holy Prophetsa in the eyes of non-Muslims”. Afterwards, my humble self gave a speech on “The exemplary life of our beloved Prophet Muhammadsa”.
Omar Sahib, a life-devotee living in France, addressed the gathering via video call and gave a speech on “The Holy Prophetsa in the Bible and the eyes of Christians”.
It was followed by a number of questions, which were answered by Omar Sahib and myself.
The event concluded with a silent prayer.