Islamabad, Tilford, UK, 29 December 2024: Just after 10:30 GMT, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, arrived at the Masroor Hall, Islamabad, for the concluding session of Jalsa Salana Qadian 2024. After his arrival, Huzooraa invited Naseem Ahmad Bajwa Sahib to recite verses from Surah al-Ahzab (39-49), followed by the Urdu translation. Thereafter, Nasir Ali Usman Sahib presented parts of a poetic work of the Promised Messiahas titled Shan-e-Islam, written in praise of Islam and its Holy Founder, the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa.
Following these recitations, Huzooraa took to the podium to deliver the concluding address. After tashahhud, ta‘awwuz and the recitation of Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa began his address.
Huzooraa said that the Promised Messiahas asserted that he is the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, whose coming was foretold by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. The Promised Messiahas emphasised that no other Messiah would descend from the heavens and no other Mahdi would appear from Allah, since this era was precisely the appointed time for the Messiah and Mahdi to be raised. Hence, Allah the Almighty sent him in fulfilment of all the signs and prophecies detailed by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa.
Furthermore, the Promised Messiahas invited the entire world – and in particular the Muslims – to examine the prophecies of the Holy Prophetsa. He urged them to reflect on these signs and to act upon the commandments of Allah and His Messengersa. Huzooraa made it clear that accusing the Promised Messiahas of, God forbid, insulting or disrespecting the Holy Prophetsa was a baseless allegation. The Promised Messiahas said he came only to serve the Holy Prophetsa and to spread his blessed message, for true love of the Holy Prophetsa is ingrained in his heart.
Huzooraa explained that the Promised Messiahas consistently expressed love and devotion to the Holy Prophetsa throughout his writings, gatherings and personal conduct. This devotion, Huzooraa added, is unparalleled and cannot be matched. With this in mind, Huzooraa announced he would present certain extracts to illustrate the Promised Messiah’sas unmatched love for the Holy Prophetsa.
Promised Messiah’sas reverence for the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
Huzooraa presented the following extract from Haqiqat-ul-Wahi that provides a glimpse of the love that the Promised Messiahas had for the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa:
“Thus, I always wonder what a sublime Prophet this Arabian Prophet is, whose name is Muhammad (thousands upon thousands of blessings and peace be upon him). One cannot fathom the limit of his sublime status and it is not given to man to estimate the extent of his spiritual effectiveness. It is a pity that his rank has not been recognized as it should have been. He is the champion who restored to the world the Tauhid which had disappeared from the world; he loved God to the extreme and his soul melted to the extreme out of sympathy for mankind. Therefore, God, who knew the secret of his heart, exalted him above all the Prophets and all the first ones and the last ones and bestowed upon him all that he desired within his lifetime. It is he who is the fountainhead of every grace, and anyone who claims any superiority without acknowledging his grace is not a human being but is the spawn of Satan, because he (the Holy Prophetsa) has been bestowed the key to every exaltation and he has been given the treasure house of every understanding. He who does not receive through him is deprived forever. I am nothing and possess nothing. What am I and what do I amount to? I would be ungrateful if I were not to confess that I have found true Tauhid through this very Prophet. I have attained the recognition of the Living God through this same perfect Prophet and through his light. The honour of converse and communion with God, through which I behold His countenance, has been bestowed upon me through the same Great Prophet. The rays from this Sun of Guidance fall upon me like sunshine and I continue to be illumined only so long as I am facing towards it.” (The Philosophy of Divine Revelation, pp. 137-138)
Hecne, Huzooraa explained that the Promised Messiahas regarded the Holy Prophetsa as the fountainhead of Allah’s grace, asserting that no one can attain salvation or spiritual insights without entering his fold. He categorically stated that every blessing he, the Promised Messiahas, received, was entirely a reflection of the Holy Prophet’ssa own spiritual light.
Huzooraa highlighted the Promised Messiah’sas description of the exalted status of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. The Promised Messiahas stated that among all the Prophets, the Holy Prophetsa stands as the most beloved of God, the chief of the Prophets, and the pride and crown of the Messengers. He explained that walking under the shadow of the Holy Prophetsa for just ten days brings spiritual light and blessings that could not be attained in a thousand years before his advent.
The Promised Messiahas emphasised the unique impact of the Holy Quran, revealed to the Holy Prophetsa, as a scripture that revives those who are spiritually dead. Unlike other scriptures that fail to transform hearts, the Holy Quran provides unparalleled spiritual light and guidance. (Siraj-e-Munir, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 12, pp. 82-83)

Sincere devotion
Huzooraa narrated an incident that underscored the Promised Messiah’sas profound devotion. On one occasion, the Promised Messiahas recited durood upon the Holy Prophetsa so intensely that in a subsequent vision, he witnessed angels bringing vessels of divine light, telling him that these were the blessings he had sent upon the Holy Prophetsa. Similarly, he saw water skins filled with pure light, symbolising the abundance of divine favours descending as a result of his fervent salutations upon the Holy Prophetsa. (Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya Part IV, pp. 378-379)
Huzooraa presented the following revelation which the Promised Messiahas received:
صل علیٰ محمد و اٰل محمد سید ولد ادم و خاتم النبیین
“Call down blessings on Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad, who is the Chief of the children of Adam and is Khatamul-Anbiya’ [the Seal of the Prophets], may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.”
Huzooraa said that the Promised Messiahas explained:
“This indicates that all these ranks, munificence, and favours are on account of him [the Holy Prophetsaw], and a reward for loving him. Subhanallah [Holy is Allah]! What high ranks Sarwar-e-kā’ināt [the Chief of all creation] has in the presence of the One True God and what kind of nearness does he have to Him that his lover becomes the beloved of God, and his servant is appointed the master of a whole world!
“At this time, I recall that one night this humble one recited Durud Sharif [calling down blessings on the Holy Prophet] so abundantly that my heart and soul became fragrant therewith. The same night I saw in a dream that people were carrying into the house of this humble one waterskins filled with divine light in the form of pure water and one of them said, ‘These are the very blessings which you had sent to Muhammad, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.’
“I recall a similar wonderful experience. Once I received a revelation which indicated that there was a vigorous discussion in the High Assembly in Heaven. That is, God’s will for the revival of the Faith was surging, but the appointment of the man to revive the Faith was not yet disclosed to the High Assembly, and this is why they were in disagreement. It was at this time in the dream that I saw people searching for a revivor. A man appeared before my humble self and, pointing towards me, he said:
ھذا رجل یحب رسول اللہ
“Meaning that, this is the man who loves the Messengersa of Allah.
“The meaning of this statement was that the principal qualification for this mission is the love of the Holy Prophetsaw and that this quality was definitely found in me. Similarly, the secret behind the direction to call down blessings on the Holy Prophet’s progeny in the revelation mentioned above is that the love for Ahle-Bait [the members of the household of the Holy Prophetsaw] plays a great part in acquiring divine light.” (Ibid.)
Unwavering love of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophetsa
Huzooraa shared an extract from the Promised Messiah’sas writings highlighting the unparalleled power of the Holy Quran and the spiritual greatness of the Holy Prophetsa:
“Among the extraordinary powers of the Holy Quran is that those who adhere to it are granted miracles and great signs. These signs are granted in such abundance that the world cannot compete with them. Thus, I openly declare that if all the opponents, whether they be in the East or the West, were to all gather in one place and challenge me in demonstrating such signs and miracles, I shall be granted victory over them by the grace and help of God Almighty. This victory will not be because I have any superior power in my soul, rather it will be because God has desired that I give proof of the extraordinary power of the Holy Quran and the spiritual strength and lofty status of His Messenger, Hazrat Muhammad(sa) Mustafa. And it is not owing to any personal quality, rather it is purely due to His grace that I follow this great Prophet(sa) and His powerful book and have love for it and believe in this revealed book, which is known as the Holy Quran and is a manifestation of God’s powers.” (Chashma-e-Ma’rifat, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 23, pp. 409-411)
Huzooraa emphasised that this excerpt, written near the end of the Promised Messiah’sas life, refutes the baseless allegation that his love for the Holy Prophetsa diminished over time. On the contrary, the Promised Messiah’sas love remained unwavering and only deepened with time.
Profound expressions of love
Huzooraa elaborated that the Promised Messiahas repeatedly highlighted his indebtedness to the Holy Prophetsa. He attributed his communion with God and all spiritual progress to the obedience he rendered to the Holy Prophetsa. Huzooraa quoted the Promised Messiahas, who said that if he had possessed piety equal to all the mountains of the world, he would still have been deprived of divine converse had he not been a follower of the Holy Prophetsa.
Seal of Prophethood
Turning to the question of Khatm-e-Nubuwwat, Huzooraa stated that opponents often allege the Promised Messiahas broke the seal of the Holy Prophetsa by claiming prophethood. Citing the Promised Messiah’sas own words, Huzooraa clarified that any station of prophethood claimed by the Promised Messiahas was nothing but a shadow or reflection of the Holy Prophet’ssa prophethood, bereft of any new law. Huzooraa emphasised that the Promised Messiahas repeatedly declared he was a servant and follower (ummati) of the Holy Prophetsa.
The Promised Messiahas said that every achievement and all honour he had attained were granted purely through obedience to Muhammad, the Chosen One, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. He explained that no new law-bearing prophet could appear, for the Holy Prophetsa was the Seal of the Prophets. However, a ‘non-law-bearing’ subordinate prophet who completely follows the Holy Prophetsa could arise to revive and promote the true teachings of Islam.
Huzooraa stated that Allah the Almighty is supporting the Jamaat in every way, taking the Jamaat into His own hands. Huzooraa explained that, given the intense opposition, if this were not the work of God, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat would have been wiped out long ago.
Further illustrations of the Promised Messiah’sas esteem
Huzooraa highlighted the Promised Messiah’sas deep reverence for the Holy Prophetsa, describing him as the “perfect man” and “perfect Prophet” who revived a spiritually dead world. The Promised Messiahas emphasised that the Holy Prophetsa was the Seal of the Prophets and the source of all blessings and spiritual light.
He stated that had the Holy Prophetsa not come into the world, there would have been no proof of the truth of other Prophets such as Jonahas, Jobas, Jesusas, and others, even though they were beloved of Allah. The Promised Messiahas attributed all spiritual knowledge, divine communion, and blessings he attained to the Holy Prophetsa, praying for unparalleled mercy and blessings upon him.
Huzooraa remarked that the Promised Messiahas regularly reaffirmed that, had it not been for the Holy Prophetsa, he would never have attained divine communion or advanced in spirituality. Rather than dishonouring him, the Promised Messiahas always elevated the stature of the Holy Prophetsa before the world.
Promised Messiahas: The most ardent servant of the Holy Prophetsa and the Holy Quran
Huzooraa explained that in his very first book, Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, the Promised Messiahas stated that the revelation and communication with Allah granted to him were purely by virtue of his obedience to the Holy Prophetsa. The Promised Messiahas emphasised that all blessings, success, and spiritual enlightenment stem from the Holy Prophetsa alone. He declared that he merely received this divine light through the Holy Prophetsa and spread it further.
The Promised Messiahas affirmed that anyone who claims to bring a new light outside of the Holy Prophetsa is a fabricator and accursed. He emphasised that no law-bearing Prophet could come after the Holy Prophetsa, and any Prophet appearing thereafter was only to do so as a perfect follower, fully within the framework of the Holy Prophet’ssa prophethood. He maintained that such a claim does not break the seal of prophethood but rather demonstrates the continuing light of the Holy Prophetsa, even 1,300 years after his passing.
The Promised Messiahas expressed that all honour and respect he attained were solely through the Holy Prophetsa, whose unparalleled status is often misunderstood by the world. He refuted the notion that Jesusas is physically alive in heaven, asserting that the signs of a living Prophet can only be found in the Holy Prophetsa. Through the Holy Prophetsa, he explained, believers have found a Living God and witnessed the reopening of the door of revelation, which remains closed to other faiths. The Promised Messiahas noted that miracles described as mere legends in other religions are actively witnessed in Islam through the blessings of the Holy Prophetsa.
In summarising his beliefs, the Promised Messiahas affirmed that there is no book except the Holy Quran, no messenger except the Holy Prophetsa, and no religion other than Islam. He underscored the Holy Prophetsa as Khatam an-Nabiyyin (the Seal of the Prophets) and the Holy Quran as Khatam al-Kutub (the Seal of the Books). He cautioned against reducing religion to trivialities, declaring himself nothing but a servant of Islam, with no claim beyond that of servitude to the Holy Prophetsa and the Quran.
Huzooraa concluded that the Promised Messiahas consistently maintained that all his work was entirely in service of Islam and the Holy Prophetsa and that the continued divine support for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community serves as a testament to the truth of his mission.
Huzooraa then narrated some incidents from the life of the Promised Messiahas that demonstrate his deep love for the Holy Prophetsa.
Poetic expressions of unparalleled love
Huzooraa related how the Promised Messiahas would often quote the couplet of Hassan bin Thabitra in memory of the Holy Prophetsa with great emotion. One Companion recounted finding the Promised Messiahas in Masjid Mubarak, alone and overcome with tears, reciting:
“You [O Muhammadsa] were the pupil of my eye; with your demise, my eye has gone blind. Now, after you, anyone may die – I care not, for I only feared your departure.”
Huzooraa noted how, even in solitude, this love flowed purely and powerfully from the Promised Messiahas. It was clear evidence that no one could rightly accuse him of blaspheming against the Holy Prophetsa, for his writings and actions consistently demonstrated the depth of his reverence.

A heartfelt plea to the Arabs
Huzooraa pointed out that the Promised Messiahas addressed the Muslims of the Arab lands with deep emotion, referring to them as the best of communities because the Holy Prophetsa arose among them. The Promised Messiahas wrote of his longing to visit those places sanctified by the Prophet’ssa footsteps, declaring his desire to place the dust of those lands upon his eyes. Huzooraa emphasised that such passionate yearning exemplifies the humility and veneration the Promised Messiahas held for Allah’s Messengersa.
Huzooraa said:
“Thus, this is the heartfelt sentiment that [the Promised Messiahas] expressed. Would that today’s Muslims in the Arab world also be granted the ability to act upon this advice and align their deeds in a manner that makes them true followers of the Holy Prophet’ssa teachings and genuine adherents of his ummah. By sincerely practising the Holy Prophet’ssa shariah [divine law], they can regain the lofty station they have lost.”
Love beyond measure
In light of these heartfelt testimonies, Huzooraa urged critics to consider how an individual could be accused of insulting the Holy Prophetsa when his entire life and mission were grounded in propagating the Prophet’ssa grandeur. The Promised Messiahas, Huzooraa stated, even affirmed that if those who opposed him were to destroy his property and family, it would not wound him as deeply as seeing any insult hurled at the Holy Prophetsa.
Huzooraa shared the following words of the Promised Messiahas:
“The heart, while weeping uncontrollably, testifies that if these people were to kill our children before our very eyes, and were to tear apart our loved ones – those dear to us in this worldly life—and if they were to kill us in the most humiliating manner, and seize all of our wealth, then, by Allah, and again by Allah, we would not feel grief, nor would our hearts ache to the extent that they ache from the insults and abuse directed at our beloved Messenger, the Noble Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).” (Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 5, p. 52)
Huzooraa stated that opponents, particularly those claiming love for the Holy Prophetsa, should reflect on whether their baseless opposition is causing Allah’s displeasure. He urged them to consider whether the challenges they face are a result of their own actions and to deeply reflect on their conduct.
Compassion for the Muslim ummah
Huzooraa further said:
“As far as our relationship with Muslims and our sentiments of compassion towards them are concerned, we follow the guidance of the Promised Messiahas expressed in this couplet:
اے دل! تو نیز خاطرِ ایناں نگاہ دار
کاخر کنند دعو اٰیٔ حبِّ پیمبرم
“This means, O heart, be considerate of these people, as ultimately, they profess love for my Prophetsa.
“With this perspective, we are devoted to loving every Muslim, praying for their well-being, and making every possible effort for their benefit. We harbour sincere emotions and sentiments for them and supplicate for them. However, they must also awaken to the truth and, instead of declaring the one sent by Allah — the most ardent devotee and servant of the Holy Prophetsa — a disbeliever, they should listen to and strive to understand his message. They should not hastily issue fatwas of disbelief. In any case, we shall continue to assert our love for Muslims, for they claim to love the Holy Prophetsa, even if such love is expressed outwardly.”
Huzooraa prayed that Allah grants wisdom to the Muslim ummah, urging them to refrain from baseless opposition and reflect.
Responsibilities of Ahmadis
Huzooraa urged:
“May Allah also enable us [Ahmadis] to prove our claim of love for the Holy Prophetsa through every aspect of our actions. We should reflect upon and deeply consider these matters that the Promised Messiahas has explained […]. Our love and devotion to the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa should continuously grow. Let not our words alone speak for us; rather, let us demonstrate through our actions that we truly honour our acceptance of the Promised Messiahas. We must strive to establish a standard of love and devotion for the Holy Prophetsa that reaches the highest levels in the sight of Allah.“We must constantly evaluate ourselves: do the feelings and sentiments of the Promised Messiahas resonate within our hearts? Are we making the efforts demanded of us to establish the oneness of Allah in the world, fulfilling the rights of this great responsibility? We should be ever-ready to make every sacrifice needed to raise the banner of the Holy Prophetsa high across the world. For the sake of establishing the oneness of Allah, we must be prepared for every sacrifice at all times, and we should not rest until we have achieved the purpose for which we joined the community of the Promised Messiahas.”
Concluding his address, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa prayed that Allah the Almighty keeps all attendees of Jalsa Salana Qadian 2024 under His protection and grants the same to those listening from their homes. He prayed that all Ahmadis are enabled to truly act upon the teachings of Islam, express genuine love for the Holy Prophetsa, and fulfil the rights of their bai‘at.
Huzooraa mentioned that jalsas were also taking place in various other countries, including Togo, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea Conakry, Niger, Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, and the western coast of the United States. He highlighted the purpose of these gatherings as efforts to understand and propagate the message of the Promised Messiahas while also striving for personal reformation. Huzooraa highlighted these conventions’ purpose as spreading the Promised Messiah’sas message and personal reformation, praying for participants’ success.
Afterwards, Huzooraa announced the attendance figures and led a silent prayer. Following the prayer, participants from Qadian and other countries presented poems. Huzooraa then led the Zuhr and Asr prayers, and inspected the arrangements made for Jalsa Salana at Islamabad.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)