Tahir Mahmood Khan, Norway Correspondent

The 39th Jalsa Salana of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Norway was held on 18 and 19 June 2022, at the Baitul Nasr Mosque in Oslo. This year’s Jalsa Salana was a great success with an attendance of almost 1,000 members from the whole country. It was the first jalsa without Covid restrictions in place.
On 18 June, the jalsa began with the flag hoisting ceremony at 11 am. The Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat was hoisted by Shahid Mahmood Kahloon Sahib, Missionary-in-Charge Norway. This was followed by silent prayer led by Zahoor Ahmad Choudhry Sahib, Amir Jamaat Norway.
The first session commenced at 11:30 am. The inaugural speech, after a recitation from the Holy Quran and a poem recital, was delivered by Amir Jamaat Norway. His speech covered various aspects of the purpose of jalsa, and highlighted what the Promised Messiahas intended for these jalsas, that is to bring about a spiritual progress in all attendees.
The next speech was delivered by Faisal Suhail Sahib, National Secretary Tabligh, on Believing in the Day of Judgment is a way of reforming one’s beliefs.
This session concluded with a speech by Shahid Mahmood Kahloon Sahib on The Companions of the Promised Messiahas.
The second session started at 3 pm, with a recitation from the Holy Quran. The first speech of this session was delivered by Yasir Fawzi Sahib who spoke on The importance and blessings of obedience to the nizam.
The second speech was delivered by Abdul Hai Ahmad Sahib, Sadr MKA Norway, on Stability of caliphate and our responsibilities.
The last speech of this day was on Khilafat is the source of divine knowledge, by Agha Yahya Khan Sahib, Missionary-in-Charge Sweden.
On 19 June, the first session started with a recitation from the Holy Quran and a poem. The first speech of the session was on the topic of The importance and blessings of Durood Sharif by my humble self.

The next speech was delivered by Rizwan Sadiq Sahib, Sadr Majlis Ansarullah Norway, on Khilafat and the preservation of the Holy Quran.
Another speech was presented on the topic of The Promised Messiah’s eagerness to spread Islam, by Syed Shan Ahmad Sahib, General Secretary Jamaat Norway.
The final speech of this session was by Haroon Ahmad Choudhry Sahib on The Fifth Caliph’s contribution towards world peace.
A guest speaker, Akhtar Choudhry Sahib, former vice president of the Norwegian Parliament, was also invited during this session to address the attendees. During his address, he congratulated Jamaat Norway on its 39th Jalsa Salana and expressed his gratitude for invitation.
There was then a break for prayers and lunch after which the final session was to commence.
The final session commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a poem and prize distribution ceremony for those children who had completed their first reading of the Holy Quran as well as those who had achieved academic excellence.
After this, a presentation was given by Amir Sahib Jamaat Norway, followed by a short concluding speech in which he thanked the attendees of the jalsa for their support in making the 39th Jalsa Salana Norway successful.