Atta-ur-Rahman Khalid, Missionary, Ireland
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Ireland held its 22nd Jalsa Salana on the theme of Khilafat on 24-25 August 2024 on the west coast of Ireland in Galway. This was the first time the Jalsa was held over a two-day period.
Jalsa Salana Ireland coincided with Jalsa Salana Germany and so all the attendees of Jalsa were very fortunate to listen to the live addresses of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa.
Preparations for the Jalsa began months earlier; however, a formal inspection was held with all the volunteers on the evening of 23 August. The National President, Dr Muhammad Anwar Malik Sahib, addressed the volunteers.
The first day of the Jalsa began with congregational Tahajjud prayer at the Maryam Mosque. Breakfast was served to all the volunteers promptly after Fajr and dars.
Jalsa Salana formally began with a flag-hoisting ceremony at 10:45 am. The first session began with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a poem. Thereafter, the National President read out a special message from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa.
The first speech of the session was delivered in Urdu by my humble self on “The Institution of Wasiyyat and Spiritual Revolution.” Arrangements were in place for all attendees to listen to the English or Urdu translation of all speeches. The second speech was delivered by Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Ireland, Dr Rizwan Ahmad Sahib, on “Navigating Love, Faith and Marriage.”
In the afternoon, Lajna Imaillah Ireland held its own session, during which Secretary Talim of Lajna Imaillah Ireland, Shamifa Zaheer Sahiba, spoke on “Balancing Faith and Worldly Responsibilities: Practical Insights.” Thereafter, Sadr Lajna Imaillah Ireland, Najia Nusrat Malik Sahiba, delivered an address in Urdu on “Upholding the Pledge of Allegiance to Khilafat and Our Responsibilities.”
This year a number of dignitaries attended the Jalsa Salana, including Assistant Commissioner for An Garda Síochána, TD for Galway West and Deputy Mayor of Galway. A special video introducing the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat was played, which, alongside its global efforts, also provided a snapshot of the activities the Jamaat has been doing in Ireland, including its charitable programmes. Some of the dignitaries were given the opportunity to say a few words, and those who could not attend also sent video messages, which were played on the screen.
TD Éamon Ó Cuív said:
“I do salute the charitable work that you do as a community. […] If we follow your route, the world will be a much better place.”
Appreciating the efforts of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, he said:
“It has been my particular honour to meet His Holiness several times both here in Ireland, both in Galway and Dublin, and in London. He is truly an inspiring person with a clear vision of God’s mission and is an outstanding voice for peace.”
Deputy Mayor Níall McNelis remarked:
“Today, I am especially moved by the motto that lies at the heart of this gathering, ‘Love for All, Hatred for None.’”
The second day also began with Tahajjud prayer, Fajr and dars. The third session of the Jasla began with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a poem and three speeches. The first speech was delivered by Mutaraf Ahmad Sahib in English on “Our Pledge: Raising the flag of Ahmadiyyat aloft in every corner of the world.” The second speech was delivered in Urdu by Dr Mamoon Rashid Sahib on “Progress of Islam Ahmadiyyat in the Golden Era of Khilafat-e-Khamisa.” Thereafter, the Missionary-in-Charge, Ibrahim Noonan Sahib, delivered an English speech on “The Rope of Allah: How Khilafat strengthens our relationship with the Divine.”
During the concluding session, attendees were very fortunate once again to listen to the live address delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa from Islamabad during the concluding session of Jasla Salana Germany.
Thereafter, academic awards were presented to those students who excelled in their education or in their field of research. This was followed by the concluding address by the National President of Jamaat Ireland. The Jalsa concluded with a silent prayer.