A. Abdul Aziz, Sri Lanka Correspondent
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Sri Lanka held its Jalsa Salana on 14 January 2025 at the Baitul Basit Mosque in Pasyala, presided over by the Markaz representative, Mirza Naseer Ahmad Sahib.
After the flag-hoisting ceremony, the formal proceedings started with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a poem and speeches by the National President, S. Nizam Khan Sahib; Anis Ahmad Sahib, President of the Colombo Jamaat; R. A. Hafiz Ahmed Sahib, President of the Pasyala Jamaat; I. Aslam Ahmad Sahib, President of the Negombo Jamaat; T. A. Tahir Sahib; and Missionary-in-charge, Javed Rahim Sahib. In his concluding address, the Markaz representative, Mirza Naseer Ahmad Sahib, spoke on the purpose behind the Promised Messiah’sas advent and the blessings of Khilafat. Urdu addresses were translated into the local Tamil language. The Jalsa Salana concluded with a vote of thanks by the National President, followed by a silent prayer led by the Markaz representative. A leading website of Sri Lanka published the news about the Jalsa Salana on the same day.
New mosque opened in Puttalam
A new mosque in Puttalam, named Baitul Khabeer Mosque, was inaugurated on 10 January 2025, by Mirza Naseer Ahmad Sahib. This mosque can accommodate 200 people. The inaugural ceremony started with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a speech by the National President, S. Nizam Khan Sahib. Mirza Naseer Ahmad Sahib, in his brief address, quoted the sayings of the Promised Messiahas about the importance of building mosques for the propagation of Islam. After the inauguration, the Jumu‘ah prayer was offered.