Tahir Ahmad Machengo, Kenya Correspondent
The 57th Jalsa Salana of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kenya was held at the Mubarak Mosque on 7-8 December 2024, on the theme “Taqwa”.

After a flag-hoisting ceremony, the formal proceedings started with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a poem and short speeches from distinguished guests, including His Majesty King Nabongo of Wanga Kingdom, Nakuru County officials, bishops, reverends, pastors, and Sunni Muslims. The special message from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa was read out by Amir Jamaat Kenya, Nasir Mehmood Tahir Sahib. After this, Amir Sahib led all attendees in a silent prayer which marked the end of the first session. Throughout the first day, five speeches were delivered: “The Journey Towards Islam Ahmadiyyat: Stories from New Converts” by Sheikh Abdallah Hussein Juma Sahib, “Reconciling Family Disputes” by Sheikh Faheem Lakhan Sahib, “Acceptance of Prayers is a Sign of Existence of Allah The Almighty” by Sheikh Rashid Yusuf Obatt Sahib, “The Promised Messiah’sas Compassion for Mankind” by Sheikh Malik Basharat Sahib, and “The Holy Prophetsa: A Manifestation of Allah’s Noble Attributes” by Sheikh Ahmad Adnan Hashmi Sahib. After Maghrib and Isha’s prayers and dinner, members convened at the jalsa gah for a question-and-answer session. This concluded the first day.
The second day started with Tahajjud and Fajr prayers, and Darsul Quran, followed by four speeches: “The Concept about Magic in Islam” by Abdulaziz Gakuria Sahib, “The Miracles of Holy Prophetsa” by Sameer Sheikh Sahib, “Some of the Heavenly Signs of the Promised Messiahas” by Sheikh Iddi Abwao Sahib, and “Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya: The Source of Unity in Islam” by Habib Shatry Sahib. Thereafter, Amir Jamaat Kenya gave the closing address, wherein he urged members to strive on the path of Allah the Almighty and to keep in mind their responsibilities as Ahmadis and adhere to the ten conditions of Bai‘at.
The total attendance was 1,602 and the Jalsa was streamed live through the YouTube channel and was covered by national media houses.