The Fazl Mosque, London’s first mosque, reached its historic centenary on 19 October 2024. A special event titled “Islamic Light in the West: A Century of Spiritual Revival” was held to commemorate this milestone.

Exactly 100 years ago from today, on 19 October 1924, the foundation stone for the Fazl Mosque was laid by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra on his landmark visit to the UK.
It was the first mosque to be built in London and quickly became a hub for spreading Islam in the West. It brought to life two significant prophecies – the Holy Prophet’ssa words of “the sun rising from the West” and the vision of the Promised Messiahas, in which he saw himself in London delivering an English address on the truth of Islam. From here, missionary activity blossomed into what we see today.
The mosque was built almost entirely from funds collected by women of the Jamaat who contributed whole-heartedly. Other Muslims had made numerous attempts to build a mosque in London, with initiatives such as the London Mosque Fund, but all to no avail. Despite huge funding and help from Muslim and Western countries, it was the Fazl Mosque which was first to be built.
Islamic Light in the West: A Century of Spiritual Revival
Earlier today, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat UK marked the centenary with an event at Fazl Mosque titled “Islamic Light in the West: A Century of Spiritual Revival.” Journalists, academics, media representatives, and politicians, among other esteemed guests, attended.
Upon arrival guests were given a guided tour of the Fazl Mosque. This included the historic mosque and complex surrounding it, and a special exhibition detailing the history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in the UK.
The Exhibition, organised by the History Department of Jamaat UK, highlighted Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II’sra tour to the UK in 1924. From the outset, it shed light on the mission of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, which was to spread the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat across the world and enable mankind to connect with its maker. After a brief journey through the Khilafat of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira, the journey of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra to the UK in 1924 was laid out in great detail. Guided tours were given, assuring a bespoke experience for all attendees.
Raheel Ahmad sahib, in-charge of the Jamaat UK History Department, gave the following remarks:
“The most significant part of this exhibition is the message given by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa upon the publication of the book ‘Islamic Renaissance: The Historic Journey of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih II, in 1924’. Huzooraa emphasised the journey’s importance, not only as a historic event but as a beacon of guidance for all Ahmadis. This exhibition serves as a call to every Ahmadi Muslim to elevate their faith and the propagation of Islam, fulfilling the objectives of the Promised Messiah with sincerity, devotion and a unified effort.”
Commencement of formal proceedings

The formal session commenced at approximately 6:40 pm with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Naseem Bajwa sahib, who recited verses 128 to 130 of Surah al-Baqarah. The English translation was presented by Johnathan Butterworth sahib.
Rafiq Hayat sahib, Amir Jamaat UK, welcomed the guests and introduced the event. He spoke about the significance of the 1924 journey: it was the first time a Khalifa was visiting the UK, and also the foundation stone of Fazl Mosque was laid during this visit. A brief history of the Jamaat in the UK was outlined, as well as the activities of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra. He talked about the efforts of the current Caliph, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, in establishing world peace. Adding to the significance of the Fazl Mosque, he touched on how Huzooraa was elected as the Khalifa in this very mosque in 2003, and was the first Khalifa to be elected outside the Indian subcontinent. Huzooraa resided here since his election, before moving to Islamabad, Tilford in 2019.

The first guest speaker was Chris Cotton DL, His Majesty’s Deputy Lord Lieutenant for Greater London. He spoke about the historical importance of the 1924 journey, and read out an excerpt of the second Caliphra speaking to the English press in which he presented the mission of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – to establish virtue in the world and bring mankind closer to its creator. Huzoorra expressed to the press his desire that the English press may help this cause. Chris reflected that since then, the Jamaat has played a pivotal role in spreading the Islamic message of peace and serving humanity.
The Reverend Jonathan Sedgwick, Archdeacon of Southwark, was second to take the podium. He congratulated the Jamaat and said it was most befitting for the first mosque to be built in London, the most diverse city in the world. Fazl Mosque plays a key part in this diversity, and he said that if we are to safeguard the future of the world, it is vital that we embrace one another. He then extended his deep respect and appreciation for the work of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
The third speaker was Fleur Anderson, MP for Putney, Southfields and Roehampton and Minister for Northern Ireland. As the local MP of the Fazl Mosque area, she said it was a great privilege to work closely alongside the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. She specifically highlighted the impact that the relationship between people in community have had on her, young and old. She was especially impressed by the Lajna Imaillah, the women’s chapter of the Community, at how much they had sacrificed for their faith. This was in special reference to how the women sold their jewellery to raise funds to build the Fazl Mosque, and said that this is an inspiration to everyone.

Sir Ed Davey MP, Leader of Liberal Democrats, then took to the podium to deliver the final guest speech of the night. He touched on how despite the persecution faced by the Community in Pakistan, it has remained resolute in contributing to society, such as the great deal of charitable work, blood donations, raising money for veterans, among many other efforts. He finished by commending Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, saying that his leadership in the campaign for world peace is outstanding and has never been needed more.
Keynote address by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa
The event took place at the historic mosque, where external guests and members of the Community gathered to commemorate this significant milestone. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, delivered the keynote address via video link from Islamabad, UK. Huzooraa arrived at the pulpit shortly after 18:15 GMT. A brief summary of Huzoor’saa address is as follows:

A message of peace and unity
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa expressed profound gratitude to Allah the Almighty for the opportunity to celebrate this momentous occasion. He stated:
“Today, with profound gratitude to Allah the Almighty in our hearts, we are holding this reception to mark and celebrate the centenary of the foundation stone laid at the Fazl Mosque in London. The reception or events associated with our mosques are entirely unlike worldly functions as they are free from all material objectives or pursuits. A mosque is a spiritual sanctuary where individuals congregate to worship Allah the Almighty five times a day to foster spiritual growth and moral development.”
Huzooraa highlighted the increasing materialism in today’s world, where money and power often overshadow spiritual and moral values. He noted that in such times, the Mosque’s importance becomes even more pronounced for those who believe in God and strive to remain close to Him.
“Today we live in an age of rampant materialism, where money and power reign supreme. Increasingly, people are turning away from God Almighty, rejecting His very existence, and forsaking moral values. At such a time, the light and value of a mosque shines even brighter for a religious person who believes in God and who trembles at the mere thought of moving away from Him.”
The purpose of worship
Elaborating on the true essence of worship in Islam, Huzooraa emphasised that worship is not limited to formal rituals but encompasses fulfilling the rights of God’s creation.
“Indeed, the Holy Quran proclaims that the very purpose of mankind’s creation is to worship God. Here, the concept or meaning of ‘worship’ should not be misunderstood as being limited only to the formal worship of God. Certainly, it is a fundamental obligation upon Muslims to fulfil the rights of Allah by congregating in mosques and offering the five daily prayers. However, the Holy Quran explicitly states that a person’s supplications shall be rendered meaningless and be rejected if they neglect their responsibilities towards their fellow human beings.”
He underscored the inseparable link between a Muslim’s prayers and their treatment of others, highlighting that compassion, empathy, and love must be manifested towards all people, irrespective of their faith or background.
Reflecting on the Mosque’s objectives
Huzooraa called upon Ahmadi Muslims to reflect upon the objectives of the Fazl Mosque as they celebrated its centenary.
“So today, as we celebrate 100 years since the laying of the foundation stone of the Fazl Mosque, Ahmadi Muslims must reflect upon these objectives. Only by fulfilling our responsibilities to both God and humanity can we truly honour the purpose for which this mosque was built.”
He reiterated a fundamental Islamic principle taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa:
“A beautiful Islamic principle taught by the holy founder of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is that a true believer loves for others what he loves for himself. This guiding principle requires those devoted to God to strive to ensure their every movement and act is a source of benefit for others.”
Mission of the Promised Messiahas
Delving into the history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Huzooraa spoke about the Promised Messiahas and his mission to revive the true spirit and teachings of Islam.
“These are the values instilled in our Community by our founder, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian, who we believe was sent by Allah Almighty as the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, the Guided One, according to the promise of Allah and the prophecies of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. He founded our Community with the objective and mission of reviving the true spirit and teachings of Islam and to guide humanity towards peace, justice, equality, and tolerance.”
He shared the vision of the Promised Messiahas for the propagation of Islam in the West, mentioning the significant dream wherein the Promised Messiahas saw himself addressing the people of London.
“In terms of this country, it was through a dream that Allah the Almighty gave the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, glad tidings of divine help, assuring him of divine help and informing him that people in this country would be receptive to his message. Narrating his dream, the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, said: ‘I saw that I was standing on a pulpit in the city of London and was pronouncing upon the truth of Islam in the English language in a very logical and well-reasoned manner.’”
Foundation of the Fazl Mosque
Huzooraa recounted the historical efforts that led to the establishment of the Fazl Mosque. He spoke of the early missionaries who, despite minimal resources, diligently conveyed Islam’s teachings in the UK, during the Khilafat of Khalifatul Masih Ira and later Khalifatul Masih IIra.
He highlighted the pivotal moment when Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIra, laid the foundation stone of the mosque in 1924, coinciding with the Conference of Living Religions held during the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley.
“Just exactly a century ago, the Second Khalifa graced the land in Southfields where you are sitting and laid the foundation stone for the Fazl Mosque, which proved to be a landmark moment in the history of Islam in the UK.”
Excerpts from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II’sra address
Sharing profound excerpts from the address delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II ra during the foundation stone laying ceremony, Huzooraa highlighted the timeless messages of unity, tolerance, and peace.
“He said: ‘Today, we have gathered here for a venture that is unique: to lay the foundation stone for a building that is being constructed solely to remember and submit in servitude to that Supreme Being Who has created all the worlds. Those who enter it, shall, regardless of their nationality, the government they live under, or the language they speak, unite and come together as one.’”
Huzooraa emphasised the relevance of these words in today’s world, where differences and diversity should be a source of enrichment rather than conflict.
“In words that are as pertinent today as they were at the time, the Second Khalifa said: ‘Differences and disagreements have always existed in the world and always will. As long as humans have the capability to progress and innovate, there will surely be differences and disputes, because the progress of the world results from such disagreements and differing ideas.’”
A call for peace in turbulent times
Addressing the current global situation, Huzooraa expressed deep concern over the prevailing unrest and conflicts.
“Unquestionably, we live in an era of profound turmoil and find ourselves amidst a storm of unrest and global conflict. Across the globe, wars are raging, lives are being tragically lost in unimaginable numbers, and we are witnessing a blatant disregard for the rights of Allah the Almighty and the rights of humanity.”
He called upon humanity to recognise their shared Creator and work together to extinguish the flames of war and conflict.
“Therefore, as the creation of the One God, we must extinguish the flames of war and conflict that are burning. And as a religious person, it is my conviction that this requires us to fulfil the rights of worship, ought to God Almighty. We earnestly desire that all people, irrespective of their beliefs, may unite in fulfilling the rights of their Creator and play their respective roles in sowing the seeds for lasting peace in the world.”
A heartfelt prayer and conclusion
Concluding his address, Huzooraa offered a heartfelt prayer:
“So, as I conclude, it is my heartfelt prayer that may the love of God Almighty and His creation enter the hearts of all mankind. Certainly, it was to achieve this objective that the Fazl Mosque was constructed, and for the sake of reiterating this message and recognising the immense blessings of God Almighty that we have held this event today. May Allah the Almighty enable all of us, irrespective of our faith or beliefs, to play our respective roles in the creation of a society where people of all religions, ethnicities, and backgrounds live harmoniously and manifest grace and love to one another.”
At the end, Huzooraa led all the attendees in silent prayer, after which dinner was served.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)