Hafizurahman, Indonesia Correspondent

On 3 October 2019, there was a special program in Al-Wahid Senior High School, Indonesia to encourage students to attend Jamia Ahmadiyya.
About 274 students, both waqifeen and non-waqifeen attended.
The event was initiated by National waqf-e-nau secretary, together with Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia. The realisation of which was encouraged and motivated by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’saa instructions that we should prepare at least 40 waqifeen to enter Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia every year.
The program started with recitation of the Holy Quran, a poem and the Khuddam and Lajna Pledge. Next, national Waqf-e-Nau secretary, Mr Abdurrahman pointed out that Al-Wahid Senior High School was inaugurated by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV, may Allah have mercy on his soul, during his tour of Indonesia in 2000. Since then, it has graduated many students, about 25 of whom have been Ahmadiyya missionaries and 33 of whom are still studying in Jamia Indonesia.
He reminded all waqifeen of Hazrat Amirul Momineen’saa instruction that at least 40 waqifeen should enter Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia every year.
After, a speech on Jamia Ahmadiyya Indonesia was delivered by a Jamia lecturer, Ataul Ghalib Sahib, who was also an alumni from this very high school.
Two presentations were then given by Jamia students, Jamaluddin Victory (6th year) and Raden Riazi Arifin (3rd year). They were purposely invited to give their experiences of Jamia Ahmadiyya.
An interactive dialogue with the students was also held after the presentation. The events ended with silent prayers.