On the demise of great scholars like Hazrat Maulvi Abdul Karim Sialkotira and Hazrat Burhanuddin Jehlmira, the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas felt the need to establish an institution that could produce more scholars. Hence, he established an institution named Madrassa-e-Ahmadiyya in Qadian.

Jamia Ahmadiyya Qadian
Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra, the second successor of the Promised Messiahas, described the early state of the Madrasa-e-Ahmadiyya in the following words:
“There were no buildings here. this place was a big pond of water where people would come and bathe. There was only one small structure where a few classes could be seated. The two rooms towards the walkway were not built then; there were only four rooms that faced the pond. The rooms that now face the bazaar were built later. there were no benches, chairs or tables. Only jute mats were used [to sit on], and those too were not ones made [professionally] in mills but were handmade by poor labourers. They used to be so small in breadth that even someone with a moderate body would have half their body touching the bare floor. A prayer mat would be used as the teacher’s seat.” (Al Fazl, 22 December 1925)
From these humble beginnings, the Madrasa-e-Ahmadiyya continued to flourish, later evolving into Jamia Ahmadiyya – the Ahmadiyya University. This blessed institution, the seed of which was sown by the Promised Messiah and Mahdias, went through many turbulent patches of time; from moving to stables after the partition of India, to being opened in mud-huts, to sanctions imposed by the infamous Pakistani laws.
Having started off from Qadian, then opened in Rabwah, Jamia Ahmadiyya saw new heights of progress and outreach when Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa established (on an international scale) Canada, UK, Germany and Ghana Jamias. Functioning right in the heart of their respective locations, these Jamias are working towards the realisation of a great vision – the Sun Rising From the West.
Jamias are also functional on national levels in some African and Asian countries.

Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana