Hadeeqatul Mahdi, 23 July 2023: With less than a week left until Jalsa Salana UK 2023, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa inspected the Jalsa Salana sites. At approximately 8pm BST, Huzooraa arrived at Hadeeqatul Mahdi’s main Jalsa marquee for his address to the Jalsa volunteers.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa called Rizwan Butt Sahib to recite a portion of the Holy Quran, Surah ar-Rum, Ch.30: V.47-49. The Urdu translation was read out by Sa‘id Houmadi Yaqub Sahib. After Yaqub Sahib finished, Huzooraa informed everyone that Yaqub Sahib is a student of Jamia Ahmadiyya UK and is from Mayotte Island. When he came to Jamia, he could not read or write Urdu, nor speak English fluently. However, now, by Allah’s grace, he could fluently read the translation in Urdu. He said that Allah the Almighty has granted the Jamaat such people, who, despite Urdu not being their mother tongue, are able to read and understand the writings of the Promised Messiahas in their original form.
Huzooraa then delivered a brief address in which he said that, insha-Allah next week the Jalsa Salana would start and it was the grace of Allah that the volunteers knew their duties and roles to a high standard and were training the children as well, who were learning eagerly.

Huzooraa said that everyone should keep smiling and remain joyful while carrying out their respective duties. Furthermore, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said that throughout their duties, all members should remain occupied in prayers and zikr-e-ilahi (remembrance of Allah).
Before silent prayer, Huzooraa prayed that may Allah enable all the duty workers to serve to the best of their abilities.