Stuttgart, Germany, 31 August 2023: At approximately 8 pm local time, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, arrived at Messe Stuttgart, the venue of Jalsa Salana Germany 2023. Huzooraa inspected the Jalsa site and departments, while also giving guidance to the volunteers. During Huzoor’saa inspection, he also spoke with members of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya UK who cycled to Germany for the Jalsa, visited the tabligh exhibition hall where he saw the Holy Quran and Chinese exhibitions, spoke to African delegations, inspected the Langar Khana after which he visited the Lajna Jalsa Gah.
Huzooraa then headed to the main Jalsa Gah, where he addressed the Jalsa Salana volunteers and gave them guidance. Prior to Huzoor’saa address, a recitation of the Holy Quran, Surah al-Baqarah verses 149-150 was presented, along with the Urdu and German translations.
Huzooraa said that it is Allah’s grace that, after a long period, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Germany is getting the opportunity to hold a large-scale Jalsa Salana. Huzooraa said that, insha-Allah, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Germany will in the future be able to acquire its own place. Speaking about the site, Huzooraa said that this year’s Jalsa site is very large and thus requires more effort on behalf of the volunteers, especially in terms of the security arrangements as anti-Muslim and anti-Ahmadi sentiments exist.
Addressing the guests, Huzooraa said food would be served to everyone, but patience was needed. Those serving the food must do so in a cheerful manner, and like he said to the UK Jalsa Salana volunteers, everyone should wear their smiles.
Huzooraa said that on the Lajna side, the security teams should also have a positive and happy temperament while remaining diligent and carrying out security checks.
Speaking about the setup, Huzooraa said that this year’s Jalsa is a testament that, though a long time had passed since a Jalsa on this scale, the Jamaat was able to do it and the future generations would be learning from them.
Huzooraa said every volunteer should serve to the best of their abilities and continue smiling.

An interview with Afsar Jalsa Salana Germany
Prior to Huzoor’s arrival at the Jalsa site, we caught up with Respected Ilyas Majoka Sahib, who is serving as Afsar Jalsa Salana Germany 2023.
Regarding the new venue, the challenges that come with it, and the feelings of Jamaat Germany, Ilyas Sahib told us:
“This venue is much larger than the previous one. We used to have four conference halls, and now there are 10 which is more than double. Last time Huzooraa attended in 2019, there were 40,000 attendees. This year, it is the 100 year centenary and also Huzooraa is attending after four years, so an attendance of approximately 50,000 is expected. This is what we are preparing for.
“However, sometimes there are also new challenges with new places. There is the administrative challenge, which means that there is a new local authority to deal with. This is the first time they get to know us. We’re learning how they work and they’re learning about how we work, so this is one of the challenges.
“The second set of challenges is that of logistics and infrastructure. Although it is a large venue, it’s actually a place meant for exhibitions and conferences, and not designed for the annual conventions we hold in the Jamaat. Usually, people who come to exhibitions do not stay overnight, whereas Jalsa Salana is slightly different. There is accommodation, there is food, people stay overnight, etc. There were not sufficient ablution and shower facilities, so we have had to install them as well for the thousands of guests who are going to come.
“There is a lot of excitement. This is something really unique, with the new place and the centenary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Germany. And, above all, the attendance of His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa. Words cannot describe our happiness.”
ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ
ما شاء الله
Allahumma ayyad Imamana fii Omorihi wa Amrihi