Hadeeqatul Mahdi, 26 July 2024: At approximately 4:30 pm, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa hoisted the Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat at the Jalsa site and then made his way to the jalsa gah for the inaugural session of Jalsa Salana UK 2024.
After arriving on the stage, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa invited Feroz Alam Sahib to recite a portion of the Holy Quran: Surah Aal-e-‘Imran, Ch.3: V.133-137, followed by its Urdu translation. Muhammad Ismatullah Sahib was then called by Huzooraa to present an Urdu poem of the Promised Messiahas on the theme of taqwa (righteousness). Danish Khurram Sahib and Ehsan Ahmad Sahib then presented a Persian poem written by the Promised Messiahas. Mahmood Ahmad Talha Sahib presented its Urdu translation.
Thereafter, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa delivered his address for the inaugural session. After reciting tashahhud, ta‘wwauz and Surah al-Fatihah, Huzooraa highlighted the sacred purpose of Jalsa Salana, distinguishing it from ordinary worldly gatherings as envisioned by the Promised Messiahas. He elaborated on how the Jalsa is designed to serve as a spiritual retreat where participants deepen their faith, enhance personal purity, and foster a spirit of brotherhood in line with the teachings of the Promised Messiahas.
Hazrat Ameerul Momineenaa offered a detailed exposition on the Islamic concept of zuhd, clarifying its significance beyond mere abstention from worldly pleasures. It is to live in the world, but not to be of this world, i.e., prioritising faith over worldly matters and never being heedless of Allah, regarding which the Promised Messiahas states:
“Faith and worldly affairs cannot coexist except in the case where Allah wills and makes a person’s nature so virtuous that even while engaging in worldly business, they still prioritise their faith. For instance, there is mention of a person in Tazkirat-ul-Auliya who was involved in an exchange worth thousands of rupees. When a saint observed him with a divine gaze, he realised that despite the exchanges of these large sums of money, that person’s heart was never heedless of Allah, not even for a moment.”
Zuhd, Huzooraa explained, is the practice of sacrificing baser instincts and passions, prioritising spiritual over materialistic pursuits, and constantly striving to reject worldly greed and desires in favour of spiritual fulfilment. It involves a heartfelt desire to relinquish personal, selfish ambitions, submitting all desires to the will of Allah. It emphasises the importance of abstaining permanently from evil, not merely avoiding worldly pursuits but engaging with the world in a way that does not hinder one’s spiritual growth. True zuhd is not about ascetic withdrawal but about living among people and sacrificing personal emotions and material possessions for the pleasure of Allah. This includes fulfilling the rights owed to Allah and humanity by appropriately utilising wealth without letting it become a barrier to attaining nearness to Allah. Through zuhd, believers aim to align their lives with the spiritual objectives set forth by the Promised Messiahas, ensuring that their actions in this world also benefit their hereafter.
Huzooraa highlighted zuhd as a crucial goal of the Jalsa Salana, as taught by the Promised Messiahas. Zuhd, Huzooraa said, involves fulfilling the rights of Allah, eschewing all meaningless activities, and purging oneself of immorality. It also encompasses removing grudges, fostering reconciliation, and promoting brotherhood and harmony for the sake of Allah.
Taqwa: The root of all virtues
A significant portion of Huzoor’saa address was dedicated to discussing taqwa, or righteousness, which he identified as the foundation of all moral and spiritual virtues.
The Promised Messiahas stated that one of the purposes of the Jalsa is to cultivate piety within oneself. All other objectives are interpretations of this primary purpose. The Promised Messiahas once wrote, “The root of every good is righteousness.” Allah the Almighty revealed the next line to him, “If this root is preserved, everything will survive.” (Malfuzat [1984], Vol. 4, p. 48)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
“May Allah enable us to always seek true goodness and strive to attain it. This goodness is the hallmark of a true believer, achieved through pure devotion in prayer and worship, characterised by sincerity and deep emotion. The goodness that moistens our tongues with the remembrance of Allah, both morning and evening, and elevates our worship to the highest standards. The virtue that is devoid of any self-interest, driven by a genuine passion for fulfilling the rights of others and fostering compassion and kindness. Following piety, may we progress in our compassion for the poor, orphans, and the helpless. To achieve all this, Allah commands us to grow in our faith in God Almighty.”
Huzooraa emphasised the importance of self-assessment in adhering to the teachings of the Holy Prophetsa and the Promised Messiahas. Huzooraa encouraged everyone to reflect on whether their standards of prayer, worship, and service to humanity have been elevated. He asked everyone to reflect on the standards of the depth of focus during salat and the integrity of fulfilling pledges, as Allah the Almighty requires accountability for such commitments.
Huzooraa underscored that the Jalsa Salana should serve as a catalyst for spiritual growth. He stressed that attending the Jalsa becomes meaningful only if it leads to personal reform.
Huzooraa said:
“During these days of the Jalsa, each person should continuously assess how well they are adhering to the teachings of Allah and His Messengersa. We should reflect on what Jalsa is teaching us and the transformative changes we are implementing within ourselves.
“Have the standards of our prayers and worship improved? Is our focus during prayer solely on Allah? Have we elevated our commitment to fulfilling Allah’s rights? Are we better at fulfilling the rights of others? Are we more attentive to keeping our pledges?
“Allah says that we will be questioned about our pledges. As I have mentioned, we have pledged to prioritise faith over worldly matters. We should examine whether, when Allah questions us about this pledge, we can respond positively, affirming that we made every effort to fulfil it, or if we will seek excuses and justifications.
Suppressing anger and fostering forgiveness
Speaking on the virtues of suppressing anger and fostering forgiveness, Huzooraa articulated that Allah the Almighty has reserved the promise of paradise for those who forgive and overlook the faults of others, emphasising that such behaviour is dearly loved by Allah.
Huzooraa emphasised the transformative impact of replacing anger and resentment with humility, kindness, and gentleness. He encouraged attendees to extend these virtues beyond the Jalsa, urging them to cultivate these qualities universally, thereby creating environments that reflect the paradigms of Islamic society.
Highlighting the importance of eradicating grudges, Huzooraa urged the Jamaat to strive towards ihsan, or excellence in conduct, which compels others to seek forgiveness out of regret for their actions. He recalled the teachings of the Holy Prophetsa on fostering love through giving gifts, suggesting that such actions not only enhance fraternity within the Jamaat but also impress upon non-Ahmadis the distinctive brotherhood and discipline of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat.
Huzooraa clarified that the suppression of anger and avoidance of vengeance holds such significant spiritual rewards that they surpass many other deeds. He underscored the critical nature of these practices in attaining the blessings of Allah and in avoiding the hard-heartedness that erodes kindness and impedes the believers from exemplifying the high moral standards set by the Promised Messiahas.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said:
“Those who harbour any grudges against one another should use these days to seek forgiveness and resolve their differences. By sincerely forgiving each other and removing all bitterness, we can establish a beautiful Islamic society. Otherwise, the purpose of doing the bai‘at of the Promised Messiahas will not be fulfilled.”
Huzooraa further highlighted the teachings of the Promised Messiahas regarding the primary objectives of attending the Jalsa Salana, specifically the enhancement of brotherhood. He underscored that a key attribute of believers, as stated by Allah, is to exhibit tenderness and mercy towards each other (ruhama’u baynahum).
Huzooraa said that when these virtues are amplified among Jamaat members, the inevitable result is a significant reduction in conflicts and disputes, making them nearly negligible.
Huzooraa recounted a promise from Allah mentioned in a hadith: On the Day of Judgement, those who have loved each other for the sake of Allah’s glory will be granted refuge in His merciful shade, a place where no other shade exists.
Huzooraa emphasised the important value of humility, as expounded by the Promised Messiahas. He highlighted that genuine humility is discernible through interactions, noting that while many profess this virtue, it often evaporates when personal interests are at stake, revealing an underlying arrogance.
The Holy Quran has taught, Huzooraa said, that the true servants of the Merciful walk the earth with humility, and when confronted with arrogance, they respond with peace.
Huzooraa shared an incident from the life of the Promised Messiahas, who once withdrew from a debate, prompting Allah to express His pleasure at the Promised Messiah’sas humility. This, Huzooraa stressed, is the standard of character that Ahmadis should aspire to embody.
He further urged the attendees to adopt humility as a means to reform society and counteract the arrogance that breeds tension and conflict. He drew parallels between individual arrogance and global strife, noting how arrogance among nations is pushing the world towards conflict.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said:
“A believer should always exhibit humility. In situations where emotions are stirred or where pride creates competition, humble individuals gracefully withdraw. Allah has declared those who display arrogance as ignorant. When the Promised Messiahas withdrew from a debate for Allah’s pleasure, Allah revealed that ‘God was pleased with his humble manner.’
“We should strive to cultivate this standard within ourselves, aiming to be true servants of Allah and to set a virtuous example in society. Efforts should focus on reforming with wisdom and gentleness, as arrogance and pride only escalate conflicts. As servants of the Merciful God, we should reflect His mercy in our actions, fostering peace and security in society.”
Honesty and truthfulness
Huzooraa continued his address by underscoring the importance of honesty and truthfulness, virtues that should be prominently manifested by every Ahmadi. He conveyed that the Promised Messiahas had specifically drawn attention to these traits, emphasising that they are not merely commendable qualities but essential characteristics of a true believer.
Huzooraa referenced the teachings of the Holy Quran, which extensively advocate for truthfulness, far surpassing the emphasis found in other religious scriptures, such as the Gospels. The Promised Messiahas pointed out the profound depth with which the Holy Quran addresses this virtue, establishing it as a cornerstone of Islamic ethics.
Huzooraa called upon the attendees to reflect on whether their actions for the pleasure of Allah had reached the highest standards of honesty and truthfulness. He noted that many societal, domestic, and relational issues stem from a lack of honesty. Therefore, he stressed the need for commitment to these principles of truthfulness and honesty.
Conclusion and prayer
In the concluding part of his address, Huzooraa emphasised the teachings of the Promised Messiahas on the prioritisation of faith over worldly matters and the cultivation of a fervent passion for religious endeavours. He highlighted that embodying virtues such as humility, honesty, and truthfulness naturally instils a deep love for the faith, which is crucial for fulfilling the mission of the Promised Messiahas.
Huzooraa stressed the significance of aligning words with deeds, cautioning against hypocrisy that could undermine the Jamaat’s spiritual objectives and deprive them of Allah’s blessings. He urged attendees to strive for practical changes in their characters, enabling them to lead others towards recognising and drawing nearer to Allah under the banner of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said:
“If we ourselves are distant from piety and righteousness, if we lack high moral values, and if we do not develop the zeal required to fully utilise our capabilities in the field of tabligh, then we are not fulfilling the rights of our bai‘at.
“During this Jalsa, we should strive to cultivate those pure changes within ourselves that will help us achieve the objectives of the Promised Messiah’sas mission.”
Huzooraa called for a committed effort to spread the true teachings of Islam Ahmadiyyat globally, using all available capabilities and skills. Huzooraa underscored the importance of prayers, particularly for the reformation of the world, which he described as essential for initiating a global revolution of moral and spiritual values.
Huzooraa warned that without genuine spiritual and moral reformation, participation in the Jalsa could devolve into mere worldly festivity, or worse, a source of misguidance and harmful innovation, God-forbid. He firmly stated that this would contradict the very purpose of the Jalsa as envisioned by the Promised Messiahas.
Finally, Huzooraa prayed:
“May Allah the Almighty enable us to implement and act upon these pious objectives for which the Jalsa has been established. And may we, in the true sense, develop a true spiritual reformation in our conditions. May we become examples for the world. Also, remember the oppressed Palestinians in your prayers. May Allah rapidly bring about ease for them. Pray for the oppressed Ahmadis of Pakistan who have been deprived of jalsas. May Allah bring about ease for them rapidly.” (Amin.)
In the end, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa led everyone in silent prayer and the first day’s proceedings of the Jalsa came to an end.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)