Abdul Munim Khan Chowdhury, Bangladesh Correspondent
Waqifeen-e-nau of Bangladesh had the most blessed opportunity to have a virtual class with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa on 30 January 2021. This class was a truly rejuvenating one for the waqifeen.
This historic mulaqat originated from requests from waqifeen-e-nau from different areas of Bangladesh to have a class with Huzooraa.

Amidst the pandemic, regular online classes were held for waqifeen-e-nau in Bangladesh and some of them expressed their deepest desire to have Huzooraa preside over one such online class.
Upon this, Secretary Waqf-e-Nau, Hasib Hasan Sahib wrote a letter to Huzooraa seeking his gracious presence in one such class. Beloved Huzooraa graciously approved 30 January 2021 for a class with waqifeen-e-nau and another on 31 January with waqifaat-e-nau of Bangladesh.
The class with waqifeen-e-nau lasted for over an hour, where 136 waqifeen-e-nau, along with the national amir, secretary Waqf-e-Nau and zonal secretaries of Waqf-e- Nau were in attendance.
After the class, the participants gave their impressions of this meeting.
Qasem Amin Sahib said:
“This was the best day in my life. A million thanks to Allah for letting me have the opportunity to meet Huzooraa virtually.”
Dr Ijazur Rahman Sahib, Zonal Secretary Waqf-e-Nau Chattagram, said:
“I could not move my eyes from Huzooraa; such was the awe I was in.”
Muhammad Arif Sahib said:
“If not for this pandemic, I might never have had the chance to meet with Huzooraa like this. May Allah enable me to meet with Huzooraa once again. Amin.”
Mahmud Ahmad Rudro Sahib said:
“This was an occasion of absolute joy and ecstasy for me. Before this, I only got to see Huzooraa on different media platforms, but today, I got to meet him virtually.”
Naser Ahmad Sahib said:
“I was excited as well as scared before meeting Huzooraa. But after the meeting, I felt nothing but joy and elation. May Allah enable me to meet Huzooraa over and over again. Amin.”
Shahriar Kabir Bishal Sahib said:
“I feel really blessed and fortunate to have attended this virtual class with Huzooraa. I will try my level best to abide by the valuable guidelines given by Huzooraa.”
Masroor Ahmad Sahib said:
“Today, I feel really proud to be a waqif-e-nau because I had the opportunity to meet with the Imam of the time. I thank Allah and Huzooraa for this blessed opportunity.”
Ausaaf Ahmed Sahib said:
“Alhamdulillah and thanks to Huzooraa for letting me have this blessed opportunity to meet with you. I am lost for words.”
SM Saihan Ferdous Sahib said:
“This is a historic day in the history of Waqf-e-Nau Bangladesh. I feel honoured and proud as a Bangladeshi waqif-e-nau to have had this chance to meet with Huzooraa virtually.”
Hares Ahmad Sahib said:
“I feel at peace and blessed after meeting with Huzooraa. In the 16 years of my life, I have never felt such happiness. Being addressed by Huzooraa directly is a great blessing indeed.”
May Allah make this historic meeting with Huzooraa the beginning of a new and glorious chapter for Waqfe-e-Nau Bangladesh. May Allah accept all our life-dedications and enable us to serve His Jamaat. Amin.