عَنْ نُعَيْمٍ الْمُجْمِرِ، قَالَ رَقِيتُ مَعَ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ عَلَى ظَهْرِ الْمَسْجِدِ، فَتَوَضَّأَ فَقَالَ إِنِّي سَمِعْتُ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُولُ: إِنَّ أُمَّتِي يُدْعَوْنَ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ غُرًّا مُحَجَّلِينَ مِنْ آثَارِ الْوُضُوءِ، فَمَنِ اسْتَطَاعَ مِنْكُمْ أَنْ يُطِيلَ غُرَّتَهُ فَلْيَفْعَلْ.
Nu‘aym al-Mujmir narrated: “I once ascended to the roof of the Mosque with Abu Hurairah[ra]. He performed ablution, then said: ‘I heard the Prophetsa say, ‘On the Day of Resurrection, my ummah will be summoned with radiant faces and shining limbs, on account of their ablution. So whoever among you can extend the brightness of his radiance, let him do so.’’”
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-wudu, Bab fadli l-wudu’i wa l-ghurru al-muhajjaluna min athari l-wudu’, Hadith 136)