Talha Ali, National President and Missionary-in-charge, Philippines

Majlis Ansarullah Philippines held its first National Ijtema from 20–22 December 2024 at the Baitul Ahad Mosque in Zamboanga.
The ijtema commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by a poem and the Ansar pledge. Faisal Heading Sahib then read out a special message from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, which was translated into the local language. In his message, Huzooraa highlighted that this ijtema was not only a historic milestone for Majlis Ansarullah Philippines but also an opportunity for members to reflect on their responsibilities as Ahmadi Muslims.
Following this, I had the honour of delivering a speech on the purpose and organisational structure of Majlis Ansarullah. Other speeches included Abdul Haleem Sahib’s discourse on The True Meaning of Khatam-un-Nabiyyin, Zaki Ahmad Sahib’s address on The Institution of Khilafat, and Abdul Mukhlis Sahib’s speech on The Need for Belief in the Promised Messiahas.
The ijtema also featured various academic and sports competitions. A total of 46 Ansar from five majalis across the Philippines participated in this historic gathering.
5th Tarbiyat Class and 6th ijtema of MKA Philippines
Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Philippines held its 5th National Tarbiyat Class on 23-27 December, which commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a poem and Khuddam pledge.
The five-day class started each day with Tahajjud and Fajr prayers, followed by dars. Formal lectures ran from 8 am to 3 pm with breaks for meals and prayers. Topics covered included the importance and blessings of Khilafat, Jamaat structure, funeral rites, Islamic history, responsibilities of Ahmadi youth, avoidance of harmful substances, good company and Islamic teachings on gender interaction. Additionally, lectures addressed theological matters such as the death of Jesusas, the true meaning of Khatam-un-Nabiyyin, the Promised Messiah’sas truthfulness and responses to objections.
Evening question and answer sessions were held between Maghrib and Isha prayers, allowing khuddam to seek answers to contemporary issues. A bonfire was held on 23 December 2024, where khuddam introduced themselves and shared stories of Khilafat. Special attention was given to learning salat and its translation.
Immediately following the Tarbiyat Class, the 6th ijtema of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Philippines was held, featuring academic and sports competitions. A total of 86 participants, including 46 khuddam and 22 atfal, attended the ijtema.