If the world embraces Islam’s definition of justice, a global revolution can take place


Islam teaches us to be just, even against enemies. If the world adopts this principle, a global revolution can take place. International relations as we see them today are riddled with revenge and retaliation. Disproportionate responses and barbaric retributions are becoming so normal, which is why the Quranic injunction of absolute justice, even towards enemies, is something humanity at large so desperately needs.

The Holy Quran establishes this golden principle with crystal clarity:

“O ye who believe! be steadfast in the cause of Allah, bearing witness in equity; and let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be [always] just, that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah. Surely, Allah is aware of what you do.” (Surah al-Ma’idah, Ch.5: V.9)

Explaining this verse, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated: “Allah the Almighty has commanded the believers that leave aside their personal, social and national affairs, it is their duty to establish a higher level of justice and equity by enjoining complete fairness and impartiality with other countries as well. If one fails to uphold this standard of justice even with the enemies, then it will be understood that he does not tread the path of righteousness.”

“How beautiful indeed is the command of the Holy Quran ‘and let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice’. This command has not been given in any other religious scripture. There should be no discrimination in acting justly, and Muslims and non-Muslims alike are equally entitled to attaining justice.” (Friday Sermon, 10 November 2017)

This teaching does not apply only to international affairs but to every aspect of life: “This [verse] is the command of establishing the standard of justice in personal and domestic matters as well as social matters, no matter what is at stake and with the sole intention of seeking the pleasure of God Almighty.” (Ibid.)

The practical implementation of this injunction is beautifully illustrated through the example set by the Holy Prophetsa. When some companions killed two enemies near the Sacred Mosque in Mecca, thinking it was justified due to the constant threat they faced, Prophet Muhammadsa did not justify their actions. Instead, as Huzooraa noted in the same sermon, “He immediately took action and […] ordered for the blood money of the two killed to be paid right away. He paid this off and reprimanded the companions for the wrong they had committed.” (Ibid.)

Even in financial dealings, this standard of justice remained absolute. A companion, who owed four Dirhams to a Jewish man, was instructed by the Holy Prophetsa to pay his debt immediately, even if it meant selling the clothes he was wearing.

It is a sad reality that the world is so far away from this teaching. Even the Muslim world has not taken heed, despite being the direct recipients of the Holy Quran: “It should have been the case that Muslims teach the world the beautiful teachings of Islam and convey the message of Islam through their conduct and examples. But, unfortunately, the exact opposite is the reality, and atrocities are widespread in Muslim countries.” (Ibid.)

Showing this level of fairness, impartiality, and neutrality is much easier said than done. When it comes to our own parents, children, and other family members, it becomes extremely difficult to implement this teaching and practice what we preach. There is only one way that we can achieve this level of justice: To adopt true righteousness and establish a personal relationship with Allah the Almighty. In the words of Huzooraa, “This can only be achieved when a person has absolute faith in God Almighty and when his belief is of the highest standard and very strong.” (Ibid.)

The message is clear: true Islamic justice knows no exceptions. Whether dealing with friend or foe, in personal matters or international relations, the standard remains unchanged. This is not just a moral teaching but a practical solution for today’s world, where selective justice has become a root cause of global conflicts.

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