On 27 February 2021, members of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Mauritius’ national amila were blessed with the opportunity of meeting Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, in a virtual mulaqat.
After conveying salaam, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa led everyone in dua (silent prayer), after which the amila members had the opportunity to introduce themselves and the work assigned to them.

Throughout the mulaqat, Huzooraa provided ample guidance and direction.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa spoke with every amila member present. Below, Al Hakam presents some of the salient points of the mulaqat.
Speaking with Umar Ahmad Sooltangos Sahib, Naib Sadr and Mohtamim Tarbiyat, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa asked about the total tajnid and how many khuddam offered Salat in congregation.
Upon being informed of the total tajnid, which is 486, and the number of people who offered Salat in congregation, Huzooraa said that Khuddam should be aware of the importance of prayer and added that the five daily prayers were obligatory upon each and every Muslim.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“Make them realise the importance of Namaz by giving them verses of the Holy Quran, ahadith and passages of the Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, and, of course, the directions given to Khuddam by the Khulafa.”
After this, Huzooraa then turned towards the amila members and asked how many of them were regular in offering Namaz in congregation.
Huzooraa said:
“If 100% of the amila members are not offering Namaz in congregation, then how can you expect ordinary Khuddam to offer their prayers. Amila members should set an example. Until and unless you set an example, people will not follow your instructions.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa then asked how many members of Khuddam listened to his sermons regularly and then stated:
“You should also provide the summary of the khutba [sermon] to those who don’t get time to listen to the full khutba, so at least they can have the summary of it.”
Whilst addressing Mateen Joolfoo Sahib, Mohtamim Talim, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked if any book had been prescribed for Khuddam to read during the year. He replied by saying they had recently assigned the books, Way of the Seekers and Ahmadiyyat or the True Islam.
Subsequently, whilst addressing Ahmad Ali Khudurun Sahib, Mohtamim Atfal, Huzooraa asked how many Aftal were in Mauritius and what plan had been set to ensure Atfal became the best asset for the Jamaat. The mohtamim said the Aftal tajnid was 133 and that they had recently conducted a survey and decided to pay greater emphasis in ensuring Atfal were offering prayers in congregation.
Offering direction, Huzooraa said:
“You should make some special programme for this age group because in this age group – when they reach the age of 14-15 – normally they have different preferences and normally, they become lazy with regard to activities of the Jamaat and develop some other interests. So, this is a very crucial time, crucial age, for Atfal. Keep them close to you […] involve them in Jamaat activities as much as you can.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa enquired from Zaheer u Din Khudurun Sahib, Mohtamim Tabligh, about the bai‘at target for the year, to which he replied by saying they had been assigned a target of 10 bai‘ats for the year. Hearing this, Huzooraa said, “It should at least be one bai‘at per amila member. Try to set an ambitious target.”
Following this, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa asked Tariq Napual Sahib, Mohtamim Nau Mubai‘een (new converts) about the new converts and what tarbiyat plan was set for them. The mohtamim replied that there were currently 17 new converts and the department held monthly tarbiyat related meetings.
Speaking with Jamsheed Chitamun Sahib, Mohtamim San‘at-o-Tijarat, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa asked about his duties. The mohtamim said they guided khuddam on how to write CVs and had set up an entrepreneur team to support, advise and guide khuddam who wished to start a business.
Addressing Irfaan Aullybux Sahib, Mohtamim Ishaat, Huzooraa asked if Khuddam had any magazine or organ that was printed regularly, to which he replied that they had a monthly magazine covering Khuddam activities and various interesting articles.

Turning to Ashfaq Loolmahamode Sahib, Mohtamim Umur-e-Tulaba, Huzooraa enquired about the number of khuddam studying in schools and universities. The mohtamim responded by saying that there were a total of 260 students, out of which 88 were currently studying in schools, 124 in colleges, and 48 in universities.
Whilst addressing Naheed Subratty Sahib, Mohtamim Waqar-e-Amal, Huzooraa asked how many trees were recently planted, to which he was told that approximately 50 trees had been planted in the previous week.
Whilst addressing Ghazi Domun Sahib, Muavin Sadr Waqf-e-Nau, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa enquired how many waqifeen-e-nau there were in Mauritius and the number of those who were currently working. The muavin sadr said there were 280 waqifeen-e-nau and that he did not have the figures of those working but had the details of life devotees.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said, “Every waqif-e-nau is a devotee” and emphasised that he should have all details as it was in this way the waqifeen-e-nau could truly be guided in a better and more organised manner.
Following this, Shameem Jamal Ahmad Sahib, Sadr Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa for direction with respect to guiding Atfal and Khuddam.
Huzooraa said:
“As far as the Atfal are concerned, I have already told mohtamim Atfal that at the age of 14-15, they should give special emphasis on their Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya, as it is a very sensitive age.
“When they enter Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, they feel that now they are grown up. So, when the boys are at the age of 12 or 13, they are very much attached to Jamaat activities and to Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya and Atfal Ahmadiyya; but, as they reach the age of 14, then they try to distance themselves sometimes and when they reach 15, then they think they are now grown up and can make their own decisions.
“As soon as they enter Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, they think now they are fully grown up and when they attain the age of 18, then they think they are now fully matured and now the law permits them to do whatever they like.
“So at this age, you must make a special programme, try to attach them with the Jamaat, try to make some programmes which are of their interest … you can even ask Atfal and Khuddam through questionnaires, what do they suggest; ‘How can we improve our activities’ and if their suggestions are within the limits and the four walls of the traditions of the Jamaat and the teachings of Islam, then you can make your plans according to that. In this way, you can get quite a number of Khuddam and Atfal involved in your activities.”
Huzooraa further said:
“Khuddam should also play some games, not just waste their time wandering the streets or just playing TV and Internet games. They should play outside and play some physical games … there should be a prescribed time for them that this is the time for them to go outside in the grounds and play either football, rugby, cricket, badminton or table tennis.”
Mohtamim Atfal said that the number of Atfal attending the Friday prayer was very low due to schools. Hearing this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said:
“Obviously, when they are in school, they cannot attend Jumuah prayer, but during holidays, they should try to attend Jumuah prayer.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa conveyed his salaam to all amila members and the meeting came to a close.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)