Islamabad, Tilford, 16 April 2021: In the Friday Sermon today, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa detailed the blessings of Ramadan and the philosophy of prayer, in light of the Holy Quran, ahadith and sayings of the Promised Messiahas.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“We should always remember that merely experiencing and undergoing the months of Ramadan is not enough – eating the pre-dawn meal and keeping the fast and breaking it with iftar, does not complete the purpose of fasting; rather, Allah the Almighty has instructed us to create a pure transformation within ourselves, from these fasts.”
Allah the Almighty, in the Holy Quran, has given the glad tidings that He listens to prayers. However, this requires us to follow his commandments and to increase our faith. “The acceptance of prayer has some conditions too”, Huzooraa said. If we listen to Allah the Almighty’s commandments, our prayers will be accepted.
Huzooraa said there are many who pray and, not seeing their prayer accepted, complain that Allah did not listen to them. Such people will do whatever they like and live however they want, but demand Allah listens to them, no matter what their own personal condition is.
The Promised Messiahas said that prayer is something that Muslims are especially proud of. However, prayer does not mean merely uttering words with our mouth; rather, a spiritual transformation is required and prayers have pre-requisites too. In the sermon, Huzooraa highlighted these requirements that prayers require, to be accepted by Allah.
Many people ask how we can know that Allah is pleased with us and our sins have been forgiven? The Promised Messiahas answered this question by saying such a person will see in themselves a power to stay clear of sins and will excel in carrying out good deeds – such a person has been given the pleasure of Allah. However, if they are not staying away from sin and carrying out good deeds, they cannot think Allah is pleased with them.
The Holy Quran states that a person should first do mujahida (effort) toward God, then will Allah guide them and listen to their prayers. There has to be effort first from our end, then Allah will draw nearer. Allah says in the Holy Quran that whoever is (spiritually) blind in this world, will be blind in the next too. Therefore, it is our duty to acquire spiritual sight in this world so that we are given vision in the next.

“In these days, pray the following a lot: Ihdinas-sirat al-mustaqim, ‘Guide us in the right path’”, Huzooraa exhorted. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said Ramadan is a month for us to create the environment in which we can seek the forgiveness of Allah and “we should take benefit from this month.”
During the course of the sermon, through the writings of the Promised Messiahas, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa discussed different aspects of prayer, the philosophy of prayer, its importance and how prayers can be accepted.
At the end of the sermon, Huzooraa said if we were to follow these teachings, we can create a great spiritual revolution within ourselves and gain closeness to Allah.
“To attain the closeness of Allah the Almighty in this Ramadan, we should try to listen to His commandments, strengthen our faith, understand the purpose and philosophy behind prayer […] and be of those whose prayers are accepted by Allah the Almighty.
“May this Ramadan be a means in creating a revolution within ourselves with regard to establishing a connection with Allah and improving our spiritual condition.”
Huzooraa said we should pray for all Ahmadis around the world who are suffering just because they are Ahmadis, especially those in Pakistan and Algeria.
“By praying for others, our own prayers are accepted – we should always remember this. In fact, for those who pray for others, angels pray in return. And if angels are praying for someone, then what a great transaction this is.”
Huzooraa said we should always pray for others and not just for ourselves.
This part…”through the writings of the Promised Messiah(a.s), Hazrat Khalifatul Masih(aa) discussed different aspects of prayer, the philosophy of prayer, its importance and how prayers can be accepted”… could be more elaborated