On 29 August 2020, the national amila of the Nordic country, Sweden, had the blessed opportunity to have a virtual mulaqat with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa.
The following day, jumping from Northern Europe to Western Europe, members of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya the Netherlands had an audience with Huzooraa.
Sweden national amila mulaqat
On 29 August 2020, members of the national majlis-e-amila, alongside local amilas of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Sweden, were blessed with a virtual mulaqat with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa. The mulaqat commenced with dua, after which the members introduced themselves and their respective roles. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa further enquired about the details of plans, targets and achievements of every department, whilst providing valuable advice on direction and implementation.
Furthermore, the amila members were also fortunate to ask Huzooraa various questions and seek guidance and direction on an array of matters.
The first question was asked by the national general secretary, who enquired from Huzooraa about the time office-bearers should spend on Jamaat related work and how to motivate those who are unable to sacrifice and give due time to Jamaat work.
Answering the question, Huzooraa stated that the main thing to remember is that whilst selecting office-bearers, it should be borne in mind that one should not only select those who are capable of doing such a task, but also look at those who are willing and capable of setting time aside for Jamaat work, those who have a high standard of taqwa and those who are just. If, upon selecting a person, he is unable to give time, then it is a matter of taqwa that the chosen individual should apologise and say that they are unable to fulfil this task.
Huzooraa further stated that there is no hard and fast rule on how much time one should give. However, the decision should be made by the person himself as work varies between different departments.
With regard to the tarbiyat department, Huzooraa, whilst guiding the national secretary tarbiyat, stated that it is important to do tarbiyat in such a manner that all Ahmadis recognise their responsibilities; they should know how to attain a relation with God, they should be regular in Namaz and know that it is key in attaining a relationship with God; they should be aware that the fundamental and basic way to learn and attain religious knowledge is through the Holy Quran.
Whilst offering this guidance, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated that the amila members should start doing tarbiyat to those who are closest to them; for example, they should start with the amila members and then their family members. If everyone works according to this guideline, Huzooraa stated, almost 90% of the work would be accomplished. Huzooraa expressed that all amila members should be well-mannered and further stressed that not a single person should have the opportunity to raise a finger against any amila member.
Following this, with regard to tabligh and spreading Islam Ahmadiyya, Huzooraa stated that as people in Sweden are unaware of Islam Ahmadiyya and the true teachings of Islam, misconceptions continue to arise in their minds.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa, mentioning the incident of the far-right extremists who burned the Holy Quran in Malmo, stated that such situations arise when people are unaware of the true teachings of Islam. Extremists, upon taking a single verse of the Holy Quran out of context without even consulting the subject matter, use this in an attempt to paint a dishonest picture of Islam, completely neglecting the fact that the Bible has more than 5,000 references referring to war and fighting. Thus, it is absolutely vital that the true message of Islam be spread to each individual so that everyone is aware of its true teachings.
A question was posed by the national secretary Waqf-e-Nau on the most proficient method to approach those waqifeen who are currently engaged in their work and do not spare any time for Jamaat related work. Upon this, Huzooraa stated:
“I have told those waqifeen who have sought permission from me and who wish to continue their daily jobs outside that they should continue to work and also at the same time volunteer and spare time for Jamaat related work.”
Huzooraa further stated that those who do not respond and do not spare any time should inform the Jamaat and give their notice so that the title of Waqf-e-Nau can be taken away from them.
Huzooraa stated that a true Waqf-e-Nau who wishes to continue working outside should at least volunteer for the Jamaat over the weekends.
Furthermore, addressing the national secretary Wasaya, Huzooraa stated that a plan should be constructed to enhance the taqwa standard of musis (members of the scheme of Al-Wasiyyat). Huzooraa further stated:
“A musi should be regular in his prayers, should recite the Holy Quran daily, should understand and know the translation of the Quran and also follow and implement the commandments found in it. A musi should read and study the books of the Promised Messiahas, regularly listen to the Khalifa’s sermons and cater for their family’s tarbiyat. These are the qualities of an ideal musi.”
Addressing the national secretary talim-ul-Quran, Huzooraa stated that there are plans being made for an international Quran class, which Sweden can also benefit from. However, Huzooraa said, “Every country can also start Quran classes within their own countries.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa added that such classes can be taken by missionaries and also huffaz (plural of hafiz). Huzooraa further stated that help can be sought from the UK Jamaat.
Huzooraa was then asked about how one can motivate youngsters who are born in Sweden, but are slowly drifting away from religion. Answering this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated that a close bond should be kept with them. Huzooraa added:
“The reason they are moving further and further away is because there is a contradiction in the words and actions of the elders. Thus, this is why I continue to say that the elders’ tarbiyat should be taken care of.”
Huzooraa further expressed that Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya should continue to inform the youth that they have not performed Bai‘at of any office-bearer. Therefore, they should focus on the true teachings found in Islam and focus on the teachings of Islam as explained by the Khalifa and also to keep a close relationship with Khilafat.
A question was asked about the current circumstances of the world and how one should conduct work for tabligh. Upon this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa stated that social media should be utilised and technology. Huzooraa added that one should continue to adapt to the situation as they change. Huzooraa further said that in the circumstances the world is experiencing today, if we wish to save mankind, then we must draw their attention to God. Signs are now becoming apparent that even if the pandemic was to end, the world is being struck by an economic crisis, which will lead to issues arising between nations and ultimately warfare.
In the end, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa reminded the majlis-e-amila that they must conduct their work with full sincerity and recognise their responsibilities.
Huzooraa said, “Man can deceive man; however, no one is able to deceive God Almighty. Thus, always remember that God is watching your every deed.”
Upon this, the mulaqat came to a close.
Mulaqat of MKA the Netherlands
On 30 August, a group of 120 Khuddam belonging to the Netherlands were fortunate to have a virtual class with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper. The class commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by a nazm.
During the class, the Khuddam had the opportunity to ask Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa a range of questions and also seek guidance on numerous topics. The first question was with regard to the upbringing of children and how we can effectively explain to them the existence of God and the importance of Salat.

Answering the khadim, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said:
“With regard to the upbringing of children, God says that tarbiyat starts when the child is born. This is why, in Islam, according to the practice of the Holy Prophetsa, when a child is born, we call the Azan in his right ear and say the takbir in his left.”
Furthermore, Huzooraa said:
“Thus, when we are bestowed with things, we must make it clear that this is all provided by God.” This way, Huzooraa said, children would naturally be inclined towards God.
Alluding to a hadith, Huzooraa explained that when the child reaches the age of seven, we must tell them about Salat. Then, when the child reaches the age of 10, which is an age when the brain has somewhat matured, we should try to instil the habit of Salat within the child. Thus, Huzooraa said, “The upbringing done in the early years of life is what eventually becomes instilled in the child’s nature.”
Huzooraa further expressed that too much stress should not be put on the child that he begins to feel overburdened and later on becomes tired and leaves such habits. A moderate approach is necessary so that the Islamic teachings and habits remain instilled within them. Children must be told about the true teachings of Islam and the stories and incidents of prophets and the Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa. This way, they will develop love for and a keen interest in Islam.
Following this, a khadim asked Huzooraa for advice and recommendation for a person who wishes to do waqf. Answering this, Huzooraa said:
“If a person desires to do waqf and has studied in a certain field that can be beneficial for the Jamaat, then they should present themselves to the Jamaat and a decision as to whether their studies can be beneficial or not will be made. If it is beneficial, then the Jamaat will accept their waqf. If it is not beneficial, then the Jamaat will tell them to continue working, but encourage them to do tabligh and volunteer in different departments.”
Huzooraa further said that we are in need of doctors, teachers and architectures. Thus, one’s acceptance of waqf is dependant on the necessity and requirements of the Jamaat.
A question was asked with relation to new converts who are married and have children and how they can safeguard from the influences of the non-Ahmadi family members whilst also keeping their rights in mind. Answering this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
“You should bring up your children in an Islamic way from the very beginning. You should tell your children about Ahmadiyyat, our beliefs and about the Promised Messiahas who was foretold by the Holy Prophetsa. You should tell them, ‘We believe that that person who was supposed to come in the latter days has come in the person of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian who we believe is the Promised Messiah and Mahdi. So, this is the difference between us and our relatives, who are Muslims, but not following the Imam of the age.’ If, from the very beginning, you adopt this method and are teaching the children about the true teachings of Islam, then they will know. But at the same time, you should tell your children that since they are relatives and elders, they should also respect them.”
Huzooraa further said, “When you feel that your relatives are trying to influence your children and are trying to deviate them from the teachings of Ahmadiyyat and you fear that they may go astray, you should try to avoid those who are influencing your children in a bad way.”
A question was asked on the best way to study the books of the Promised Messiahas. Answering this, Huzooraa stated that to create an interest in his books, one should start by reading the different topics the Promised Messiahas has written on. For the English readership, Huzooraa recommended reading Essence of Islam and for those who can read Urdu, Malfuzat.
A khadim asked Huzooraa to narrate and share a fond and special memory relating to Huzoor’saa time in Majlis Khuddam-ulAhmadiyya.
Responding to this, Huzooraa stated, “I remember, during my childhood, when there were no restrictions in Pakistan, on yearly basis, we would look forward to the Ijtemas as we used to camp there at the site of the Ijtema.”
Huzooraa added, “Due to the equipment available, the tents were not properly made as they are here. Instead, we would make them with the help of our bedsheets.”

Huzooraa further said, “This was a very special moment. Everyone was excited and we would stay at that site for the three days of the Ijtema. Thus, every year, we would look forward and wait for the Ijtema so that we could camp outside and enjoy the Ijtema.”
Upon this, the mulaqat came to an end.