Scores of Ahmadis gathered in Islamabad, Tilford today to welcome their beloved Imam, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, who has just completed a blessed and successful tour of America.
Jamaat members started arriving in Islamabad well before Fajr prayer. After the prayer, the members had breakfast, and then awaited their beloved Imam who arrived at approximately 8 am.

Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa came out and greeted the Jamaat members. Children were reciting choral poems and all members were jubilant on the return of their beloved Imam.

اللهم ايد امامنا بروح القدس و بارك لنا في عمره و امره
Masha-Allah Mubarak sadd Mubarak
Masha Allah. Alhamdolillah our beloved Khalifatul Masih back Home.
Alhamdulillah pyare Huzoor (aa) hifazat ke sath Islamabad pohanch gaye. Allah pyare Huzoor (aa) ko apne hifz-o-amaan me rakhe. Aameen summa Aameen