Naimatullah Basharat, Denmark Correspondent
Humanity First Denmark arranged a “Family Fun Event” at The Hviding Asylum Centre at Ribe, Denmark on 10 October 2021.
Ribe is one of the oldest towns of Denmark located in the south-western part of the Jutland peninsula. It is located at a distance of around 300 kilometers from Copenhagen where Nusrat Jahan Mosque is located.
One of our Jamaat members, Kamran Ahmad Sahib who lived with his family in this asylum centre, sought permission to hold this event.
With the guidance of Muhammad Zakaria Khan Sahib, Amir and Missionary-in-charge Denmark, Umair Ahmad Nasir Sahib organised the event, with the help of the presidents of auxiliary organisations. Waqar-e-amal was done by the members of the Jamaat during the week leading up to the event.
Posters were placed at prominent places in the centre a few days before the planned event.
On 10 October, Khuddam, Ansar and Lajna members, gathered at the Nusrat Jahan Mosque at 6 am. Travel started to the centre after silent prayer at around 7 am and after about three hours members reached Ribe.
Two tents, one for food and another for gifts were set up as well as a tabligh stall.
Lajna members interacted with the female members of families at the asylum centre and presented refreshments to children and ladies.
Khuddam and Ansar played cricket with the male members which they thoroughly enjoyed, and expressed their delight as they had been deprived of such activities for a long time. Everyone at the centre was also served food. The management of the centre which consisted of some Danish individuals, equally liked the food.

Congregational Zuhr and Asr prayers were offered inside the hall.
Gift items were distributed among the families present which consisted of T-shirts which had Humanity First’s logo and the slogan “Love for All, Hatred for None”, masks, chocolates and scarves.
A tabligh stall was also organised in which pamphlets were displayed. Some organisers of the event took a lot of interest in the pamphlets and the background and activities of the Jamaat. The purpose and charitable activities of the Jamaat – including the charity work of Humanity First International – were explained to them in detail which the Danish individuals were fascinated to hear about. They were surprised to know that Humanity First has an association with Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya. The various charitable activities of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Denmark were presented to them which greatly interested them.
The event was highly appreciated by the families and the management of the asylum centre and they expressed their gratitude and hope that such events are repeated in the future.
A few members of the management got their views about the event recorded in the form of a video.
A journalist from a magazine, UgeAvis Esbjerg contacted us after four days and expressed his interest in the event and asked the Jamaat to arrange a similar event in Esbjerg and contact the magazine a few days before the date of the event so they could cover the event in more detail. This magazine is based in Esbjerg which is the fifth-largest city in Denmark, and the largest in West Jutland.