Wasim Ahmad Zafar, National President, Jamaat Brazil

Coronavirus is spreading very fast across the world, especially in Brazil, where the number of cases is increasing rapidly. Moreover, the mayor of Petropolis advised citizens to wear masks whenever they leave their houses.
During this challenging time, Humanity First Brazil set up a 5-day camp in Petropolis to help its fellow citizens.
Wasim Ahmad Zafar Sahib, President and Missionary-in-Charge Brazil started this camp with prayer. Humanity First team members (men, women and children) stood for hours distributing face masks and providing hand sanitisers. Some bottles of sanitisers were also distributed to the needy.

Thousands of people benefited from sanitisers and masks. They expressed their gratitude and expressed their happiness, saying that this was a true manifestation of the moto, “Love for all, hatred for none.”
Humanity first team members served people of this city with great zeal and loyalty and worked for hours to serve humanity. The city mayor and health secretary thanked Nadeem Ahmad Tahir Sahib, President Humanity First Brazil, for this effort.

A councillor admitted that Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya is always seen at the front line to serve humanity. Two local newspapers reported the services rendered by Humanity First Brazil.
By the grace of Allah the Almighty, the programme was very successful and Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Brazil is planning to continue it. May Allah the Almighty reward all team members for their efforts. Amin