5 ways to attain taqwa

Namood-E-Seher Mahmood, Germany
How to attain taqwa

Taqwa, often translated as righteousness or God-consciousness, is a central concept in Islam, representing a state of heightened awareness of Allah and a commitment to living under His guidance. Attaining true taqwa requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses sincere worship, moral integrity, and a deep connection with the Divine.

1. Commitment to prayer and worship

Regular and sincere prayer is fundamental to developing taqwa. The Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, emphasised the importance of rising at night to pray. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa states:

“The Promised Messiahas said to rise at night and pray before Allah to achieve taqwa; he said to leave sin and weaknesses. If one does so and also prays, then Allah will bless him and he will witness a change within himself.” (“The primary objective for everyone should be attaining Taqwa”, alislam.org, 15 September 2019)

This practice, known as tahajjud [pre-dawn voluntary prayer], fosters a profound connection with Allah and aids in spiritual purification.

2. Adherence to high moral standards

Taqwa also means developing good character and staying away from sin. The Promised Messiahas stated:

“Taqwa is made up of many components and to abstain from vanity, selfishness, unlawful wealth and to refrain from all kinds of immoral behaviour is part of Taqwa [righteousness].” (Malfuzat [English], Vol. 1, p. 77)

Thus, by practising qualities like honesty, humility, and kindness, a person follows the teachings of taqwa and stays on the right path in life.

3. Engaging in self-reflection and repentance

Regular self-assessment and seeking forgiveness are also crucial steps towards attaining taqwa. Quoting the Promised Messiahas, Huzooraa said, “one should seek forgiveness before Allah’s punishment is manifested. For this, one should become constant in tahajjud, anger should be shunned and giving to the poor and needy should increase.” (“The primary objective for everyone should be attaining Taqwa”, alislam.org, 15 September 2019)

Thinking about yourself and your actions helps you grow as a person.

4. Following the example of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa

Following the example of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa serves as a practical guide to achieving taqwa. The Promised Messiahas noted:

“With regards to the Holy Prophetsa, Allah the Exalted has said that: ‘And thou dost surely possess high moral excellences.’ In every aspect of life, the Holy Prophetsa demonstrated the highest example of his moral qualities, which is obligatory for a believer to follow according to his capacity and capability.” (Friday Sermon 9 June 2017)

By trying to follow the Holy Prophet’ssa actions and choices, believers can live a life filled with taqwa.

5. Prioritising the love and obedience of Allah

Certainly, the Promised Messiahas emphasised that true devotion to Allah should stem from genuine love and not merely from the anticipation of reward or the fear of punishment. He stated:

“A true Muslim loves God by proclaiming and believing that He is the Beloved, the Master, the Creator, the Benevolent. This is why he places his head at the threshold of God.  Even if a true Muslim is told that they would receive no reward for their good actions – neither paradise, nor hell, neither comfort, nor pleasure –they would never, ever be able to abandon their good deeds and forsake their love of God.” (Malfuzat [English], Vol. 4, pp. 251-252)

Thus, true taqwa is characterised by a natural love for Allah that surpasses all other attachments. It involves obeying His commands not merely out of fear or hope for reward but out of genuine devotion. This deep love makes a person naturally want to do good and seek Allah’s approval in everything they do.

In conclusion, attaining true taqwa is a comprehensive journey that requires dedicated worship, moral excellence, continuous self-improvement, adherence to prophetic examples, and an unwavering love for Allah. By embracing these principles, individuals can aspire to achieve a state of true righteousness and closeness to the Divine.

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