On Saturday, 22 February 2025, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa met with 49 members of the Hifazat-e-Khaas team from Germany at Islamabad, Tilford, UK.
As Huzooraa entered, he greeted the attendees and first addressed Mohtamim Umumi Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Germany, Jarry Ullah Sahib, asking about the group and the purpose of their visit.
Mohtamim Sahib briefly introduced the group, stating that they were 49 members of the Hifazat-e-Khaas team from Germany and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to meet Huzooraa. He added that they had come to benefit from this blessed meeting and to offer prayers behind Huzooraa. Huzooraa also enquired about the team’s arrival details and their accommodation arrangements.
Purpose and significance of Hifazat-e-Khaas
Huzooraa then explained the significance and purpose of Hifazat-e-Khaas, emphasising that its role extends beyond general security. He stated that the duty of khuddam assigned to Hifazat-e-Khaas is to strengthen their connection with Khilafat and support its mission. While providing security is an aspect of their work, another fundamental responsibility is to safeguard the institution of Khilafat itself. This, he said, is not only the duty of those officially serving in Hifazat-e-Khaas but also a responsibility upon every khadim.
He advised the team that their service should be undertaken with the mindset of devotion to Allah. He cautioned against performing this duty for worldly recognition, merely the desire to be physically close to the Khalifa of the Time, or to make it known that they had dedicated time to the Jamaat. None of this, he said, was necessary.
Instead, Huzooraa reminded them that if their service was purely for the sake of Allah, it would be blessed, rewarded and accepted by Him. He encouraged them to always perform their duties with this sincerity and purpose in mind.
Huzooraa then asked if anyone from the group wished to say anything. In response, one khadim stood up and recited some Urdu couplets that he had composed last year upon learning that Huzooraa would not be attending Jalsa Salana Germany 2024.
Next, a khadim asked Huzooraa if he had any specific instructions or guidance for the Hifazat-e-Khaas team in Germany. In response, Huzooraa simply stated that he had already given the necessary guidance and that their duty should be carried out purely for the sake of Allah the Exalted:
جو کام کرنا ہے اللہ تعالی کی رضا کے لیے کریں۔
“Whatever work you do, do it for the sake of Allah the Almighty’s pleasure ,” Huzooraa reiterated.
The true duty of those serving in Hifazat-e-Khaas
Next, a khadim asked Huzooraa how one can serve selflessly, without arrogance.
Huzooraa emphasised again that their work should not be for display, ostentation or recognition but solely for the pleasure of Allah. He explained that whether one is serving as a guard for the Khalifa of the Time, fulfilling any other duty assigned by him, or carrying out any Jamaat service, every task should be undertaken purely for the sake of Allah’s pleasure.
Huzooraa then mentioned a saying of the Holy Prophetsa in which he stated that Allah bestows rewards and blessings upon those who love one another or express mutual affection for His sake, granting them acceptance in His sight. (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith 22030)
He stressed that seeking Allah’s pleasure must remain foremost in their minds. However, this is only possible if a person remains conscious that Allah is watching and hearing everything – every action taken and every word spoken. For this reason, he advised them to always follow Allah’s commandments.
Huzooraa reminded them that merely serving in Hifazat-e-Khaas does not guarantee forgiveness, nor does any Jamaat service, if performed superficially, automatically bring nearness to Allah. Instead, a person’s foremost duty is to fulfil the very purpose for which they were created. Whether one serves in Hifazat-e-Khaas or any other Jamaat department, one must fulfil the right of worship owed to Allah the Almighty.
He urged all those on duty to reflect on whether they were safeguarding their five daily prayers. He explained that if someone is not safeguarding their five daily prayers, how can they truly safeguard anything else? The foremost form of hifazat-e-khaas, or special safeguarding, is that of Allah’s commandments and once that foundation is secured, everything else follows naturally.
Huzooraa said:
“All those on duty should examine themselves and ask whether they are safeguarding their five daily prayers. If someone is not protecting his five daily prayers, what other form of protection or ‘hifazat-e-khaas’ can he truly offer? The foremost hifazat-e-khaas is of the commandments of Allah the Exalted. Guard that and everything else follows on its own.”
Huzooraa further explained that when Allah’s pleasure is with a person and they are fulfilling His due, then all their efforts are blessed. Otherwise, human endeavours, no matter how great, can sometimes go to waste if they lack divine blessing. However, when something is done purely for the sake of Allah, it becomes infused with blessings.
He concluded by reminding them that true protection begins with one’s own soul. Only after safeguarding one’s own faith and connection with Allah can one effectively serve in the protection of others. And strengthening one’s bond with Allah and fulfilling the demands of His worship is the key to true protection of one’s soul.
Overcoming restlessness in worship
A khadim asked Huzooraa what one should do when, despite offering the five daily prayers and regularly attending the mosque, the heart still feels restless and one does not feel satisfied with their own level of righteousness.
Huzooraa advised that in such situations, one should recite istighfar frequently, say لاَ حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللَّهِ [There is no might or power save with Allah] and recite durood sharif. He also encouraged offering nafl prayers in private, sincerely beseeching Allah for help. Engaging in the remembrance of Allah would enable a person to offer prayers that are accepted and remove any unease within the heart.
Huzooraa further explained that sometimes a person may become conscious of their own actions, fearing that they are praying for show when in the presence of others. In such cases, he advised finding a secluded place, a quiet corner to pray and supplicate with sincerity. Keeping oneself occupied in the remembrance of Allah, he said, would ultimately dispel restlessness and bring peace to the heart.
The future of oppressive Israeli rule and divine decree
Another khadim asked Huzooraa about certain ahadith stating that the Israelites would be given three opportunities to reform themselves yet would still fail to do so. He enquired about the consequences they would face and when such events might occur.
Huzooraa explained that scriptures state that they were given opportunities to reform, yet each time they failed to obey God’s command, their lands were taken away from them. Then, after some time, they were given another chance, but they again failed to uphold His commandments, resulting in their land being taken away once more. The first instance of this occurred in the time of Nebuchadnezzar and then, over different eras, similar events took place. Now, Allah the Almighty has granted them a third opportunity.
He stated that if even now they do not abide by God’s commandments and fail to uphold justice in their rule, then their rule may continue for some time. But if they persist in oppression, God will ultimately create circumstances that will lead to their downfall.
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra has elaborated on this in great detail, particularly in the opening verses of Surah Bani Isra’il and in his commentary on Surah Al-Anbiya. Huzooraa advised the khadim to study these chapters, where everything has been laid out clearly. For those unable to read Urdu, he mentioned that a brief explanation of this matter could also be found in the Five-Volume Commentary. He encouraged reading it for further insight.
Huzooraa then explained that if oppression continues – and it is indeed happening – only Allah knows how and when He will bring about their downfall. However, he also pointed out that the ultimate resolution will not come through war, but rather through prayer and Allah’s special help.
He referenced a hadith of the Holy Prophetsa, which states that even the trees and stones will testify against them, calling out that one of them is hiding behind and should be confronted. Huzooraa clarified that this does not mean literal speech from trees and stones, but rather that circumstances will arise where the entire environment will turn against them, exposing their wrongdoing and oppression.
Huzooraa pointed out that today’s governments stand firmly in their support, and they currently oppose Muslims. However, if Muslims conduct themselves correctly, seek Allah’s pleasure and develop righteousness, change will come. He noted that some individuals and even certain governments have already begun to speak out against the oppression. Not long ago, such criticism was rare due to fear of being labelled anti-Semitic, but now, voices of protest have started emerging: Huzooraa explained that these “stones and trees,” lifeless in a spiritual sense, have begun witnessing oppression and testifying against it. Over time, a wider movement against oppression will arise. While it may not happen immediately, whether in two years or ten, history shows that such changes take time. When exactly it will happen, only Allah knows. However, what is decreed will surely come to pass.
Guidance for officeholders facing criticism
A khadim asked Huzooraa what an elected officeholder should do if, despite fulfilling his responsibilities with dedication and ability, members of the Jamaat remain displeased with his work.
Huzooraa responded that if an officeholder is carrying out his duties correctly, then his superiors will be satisfied with him. However, it is also essential for such a person to maintain a high standard of righteousness. He reiterated that any officeholder, in any position, must fulfil their responsibilities solely for the sake of Allah the Exalted.
He emphasised that pleasing Allah is the foremost priority and everything else comes afterward. If Allah is not pleased, nothing else holds value. He explained that attempting to please people through flattery is not the right approach. Instead, if Allah is pleased, then all is well. Ultimately, Allah knows everything and is the One who grants true reward.
Huzooraa said:
“Pleasing Allah is foremost – then everything else comes afterwards. If Allah is not pleased, nothing else matters. You cannot please people if you have not pleased Allah the Exalted, nor can you please them merely by trying to curry favour. […] If Allah the Almighty is pleased, then all is well.”
Huzooraa advised that an officeholder should continue performing his duties with sincerity, prayers and charity, ensuring that he remains within the prescribed rules of the Jamaat. However, if a superior officer instructs him to act against Jamaat principles or teachings, he should report the matter to that officer’s superior. If that is not possible, he should write to the Markaz or the Khalifa of the Time, depending on the appropriate channel for the issue. If those in authority see the need for correction, they will take action accordingly.
Ultimately, righteousness is what truly matters. Without righteousness, nothing is of real benefit. He explained that the Jamaat’s foundation must be built on righteousness; otherwise, there is no distinction between Ahmadis and non-Ahmadi Muslims, who also claim belief in the Oneness of Allah, offer prayers, recite the kalimah and claim to love the Holy Prophetsa, yet their actions do not always reflect their words. If Ahmadis were to act in the same way, there would be no difference between them.
Huzooraa advised that an officeholder should first focus on reforming himself. If he finds that matters have reached a critical point and must be addressed, he should inform his superior, stating:
“My officer above me speaks in a manner that I believe to be against Jamaat tradition and teaching.”
If local Jamaat officials do not listen, or if the national level does not address the issue, then the Markaz is there to oversee matters. He instructed that once an individual writes to the Markaz, they have fulfilled their responsibility. After that, those who receive the complaint are accountable before Allah. If someone is guilty, it will be those officers who heard the complaint but failed to act upon it or correct the issue.
At the end of the mulaqat, the khuddam requested a group photo, which Huzooraa graciously granted. Following this, Huzooraa gifted pens to all attendees as a token of appreciation. With that, Huzooraa took leave, and the mulaqat came to an end.
(Summary prepared by Al Hakam)